Protect yourself at the Astral Level in the Present, Past and Future
Link with Pakal's power to achieve your goals
Timeless Astral Protection, Linker with the 3 Powers of Pakal
Approximate height: 30 cm
King Pakal, the Astronaut of Palenque
Surely you have heard about Pakal, the mythical "Maya astronaut".
On June 13, 1952, the tomb of K'inich Janaa'b Pakal I, ruler of Palenque from 615 to 683 A.D. was discovered inside the Temple of the Inscriptions under a staircase of 45 steps.

In the lower part, an area filled with stones and lime was found, which when cleaned revealed a spectacular crypt with a gigantic tombstone covering the sarcophagus. It is one of the most imposing funerary tombs of the Mayan royalty and the Temple of the Inscriptions is considered the most important funerary monument of Mesoamerica.

The tombstone is one of the masterpieces of Maya sculpture. It reflects the entire Mayan cosmogony, representing the king as the center of the universe, ascending the trunk of the Tree of Life, reborn and reaffirming his eternity; we can also see King Pakal in a spaceship with details such as a device that helps the traveler to breathe, pedals and seat belt; Additionally, on the far right of the image, fire seems to emerge from the vehicle and NASA scientists identified that 16 points of the alleged controls of the ship are identical to a modern spacecraft, which is why it is popularly known as "the astronaut of Palenque".

Perhaps he was a time traveler, a man with the technology to go back and forth to the time he wanted and who, for some reason, stayed to live among the Maya.
In its interior was found a lavish offering with more than three thousand pieces of jade, among them the incredible mask that covered his face, a headdress, necklaces, bracelets, rings, a pectoral and diverse figurines; in addition to diverse vessels and two heads modeled in stucco, in fact, the most impressive that have been discovered to date.

The body also presents several unknowns, since according to the deciphered hieroglyphs the Maya King died at the age of 80, after 68 years of reign and the remains that appear in the sarcophagus correspond anatomically to a robust male of about 40 or 50 years of age. In addition, he is well above the average size of the Mayas of that time.
Another mystery of the tomb is the glyph known as T514, which has been studied for decades by the Center for Maya Studies (CEM), the inscription on the lower part of the tombstone means "The House of the Nine Sharp Spears is the name of the tomb of K'inich Janaahb' Pakal, which alludes to the nine warriors represented on the walls of the burial chamber.
According to some Mayan legends, Palenque was built by Votán himself, another of the names of the mythical Quetzalcoatl or Kukulcán.
With this absolutely dazzling jade face, Pakal appeared in the underworld. With these ornaments he confronted the lords of death and was reborn as the god of corn.
Power of Pakal

The Power of Pakal is a special ability given by the God of War Ek Chuah to the Mayan emperor Pakal "The Great". This power prevails hidden in the mask of Pakal, it can be transferred to other people, through this energetic device, you will receive this power.
The Power of Pakal is divided into three special strengths, each one of them worthy of a military and emperor so that he can rule with total plenitude and sovereignty, these powers are: Strength, Conquest and Glory: Strength, Conquest and Glory.
Physical Strength. This power was given to Pakal to impose himself before the weak.
A mental power, this ability can bend obstacles with a single wish. This power also gives the user the ability of persecution.
The strongest power of the three and the most important. This ability offers the user the ability to never lose. No matter what is attempted or done, it will always win physically or mentally. The user must be sufficiently prepared to use this power, otherwise it could automatically nullify his ability.

Pakal was a ruler highly esteemed and respected by his people. He was seen as a god and, in addition, his funerary temple is the only known temple in this part of America in which a crypt with mortal remains has been found. The Maya never built temples as funerary monuments. Supposedly, according to official theories, Pakal died at the age of 80, after 68 years of reign. Therefore, one would expect to have found skeletal remains that fit the description of an old man.
On the contrary, the remains found in the royal sarcophagus after the discovery of Dr. Alberto Ruz correspond anatomically to a person of about 40 or 50 years of age, who also has a height well above the average of the Maya. Anthropologists have also emphasized that the remains of the deceased Pakal correspond to a robust and well-proportioned male. Of course, nothing to do with an octogenarian Mayan elder.

The age of the tomb can also be questioned, since at the time of its opening the crypt was covered with stalactites and stalagmites. The process of formation of these geological elements is extremely slow, just a few millimeters every 1,000 years, so this crypt is much older than 1,300 years.
In addition, the height that Pakal had was not natural for the Mayas, since, according to the funerary remains collected, he had a height of 1.70 meters and this differs completely with the physical characteristics of the men of the Mayan people, who are people who measure around 1.50 meters. This makes us think that Pakal was not Mayan.
Pakal possessed an advanced astronomical knowledge, he knew the orbits of Mars, the movements of the Earth and could predict lunar eclipses.

Everything seems to indicate that he was not Mayan, perhaps he was a visitor from another land or another world and perhaps from another era.
According to Mayan mythology, the gods came down from the heavens and taught them about mathematics, architecture, agriculture and technology.
Could they have taught man to build machines to fly and perhaps travel through space?

- Rudraksha seeds:
1.- Improves mental activity and provides calmness:
Among the studies it has been shown that this seed improves the activity of neurotransmitters (biomolecules that allow the transmission of information from one neuron to another), and helps to balance the levels of serotonin and dopamine, two very important substances for brain function.)
2.- Protects from negative energy
Rudraksha creates a state of energetic protection in the one who carries the seed.
3.- Allows adaptation to the energy of new environments
In ancient times it was used by sadhus and sanyasis to settle in new places. Rudraksha seed helps to sleep or eat in unfamiliar places, so they are useful for those who are continuously traveling.
4.- Helps the cardiovascular system
The miracle seed and its electromagnetic properties influence the functioning of the heart and help control blood pressure.
5.- Balances the Chakras
Rudraksha acts powerfully on the energy points that we call chakras. The seed is used in therapies related to this subtle energy system.
6.- Relieves joint pain
Rudraksha seed powder mixed with mustard oil, applied on the skin, is used to relieve joint pain.
7.- Reduces stress and promotes relaxation
Rudraksha is a seed used in Hinduism and Buddhism for sense control, meditation and healing.
- Copper coil: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts.
- 12-pointed star: (Reflection of Bethlehem) is the one that represents the time lived in harmony. Therefore it is one of the most complete stars, since it attracts abundance, favors spiritual well-being, attracts love and strengthens health.
- Citrine: A stone that is attributed with the properties of the sun. Many people consider that this quartz has the energy of the sun and this gives it the color. It is used in rituals where a great amount of energy is needed.
Handmade (with lots of LOVE).