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Free Subliminal Booster: Unlock Fast Manifestation Hack
Free Subliminal Booster: Unlock Fast Manifestation Hack $88.00 $99.00
Do you dream of a radical change? Do you imagine waking up in a new reality where your biggest dreams are already true? In gratitude for trusting us and as firm believers that abundance is available to all, we want to invite you to the 21 Day Transformation Challenge. This is not just a gift, it's your ticket to a life of limitless abundance. With our subliminal audio specially designed, clients just like you have manifested extraordinary changes in record time: Impressive Sales: Imagine finally selling that property you've had on the market for months, or even years, in just three weeks! Financial Abundance: Users report exponential increases in income, from receiving unexpected inheritances to closing deals that seemed impossible. Luxury Acquisitions: A new car? A dream trip? Our users are crossing things off their wish lists faster than they ever imagined. How does it work? You just need to listen to the subliminal audio every day, letting its frequencies work to unlock your manifestation potential. This challenge is designed to propel you to: Eliminate Limiting Beliefs: Break down the barriers that have kept you from achieving prosperity and success. Align with Your Greatest Dreams: Tune your energy to the frequency of your greatest aspirations. Guaranteed Success Commitment: We challenge you to use this audio and see the results for yourself. If you actively participate and share your success stories, be prepared to be a living inspiration to our community. Your Testimonial Matters! We are excited to hear every wish and testimonial from our clients. Share your accomplishments, whether they are big sales, new purchases, or any other spectacular success. Your journey will motivate others and demonstrate the power of positive transformation. Are you ready to see your life transform in ways you've only dreamed of? Join the challenge today and start living the life you deserve.
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Guru Rinpoche Crop Circle | Spiritual Protection | Metayantra Obstacle Destroyer Guru Rinpoche Crop Circle - Metayantra WorldWide
Obstacle Destroyer Guru Rinpoche Crop Circle from $88.88
Destroys All Obstacles Extremely powerful. Padmasambhava 'The Lotus-Born' was a wise guru from Oḍḍiyāna who transmitted Vajrayana Buddhism to Bhutan and to Tibet and neighboring countries in the 8th century. In those lands he is better known as Guru Rinpoche ("Precious Guru") or Lopon Rinpoche, or in Tibet simply Padum, where followers of the Nyingma school consider him the second Buddha. Contains: Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; progressively improve your self-esteem, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias. Incorporates the power of the Sun, it never needs cleaning, absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and conducts harmful energy to earth, an excellent protector of the environment. Cleanses the chakras, raises self-esteem, enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind by amplifying the power of thoughts and fostering vital joy. Copper Biomagnetic Coil: Protection element, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and it has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts. Estrella Energética de 24 Puntas: It is related to emotional maturity, the deep understanding of the emotional side of life. Double Quantum Resonance Plate.  Handmade (With lots of LOVE).
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-45% sale
Personalized Subliminal and Binaural Beats Designed by Úrsula Mendoza
Personalized Subliminal and Binaural Beats Designed by Úrsula Mendoza $55.00 $99.00
🌟 Custom Subliminal Messages - Transform Your Mind While You Sleep 🌙 Discover the power of personalization with our Custom Subliminal Messages! We understand that everyone is unique, which is why we offer subliminal audios tailored perfectly to your personal goals and desires. What Will You Get? Fully Personalized: Choose your own messages and goals. Whether you're looking to boost your confidence, lose weight, or enhance your focus, our experts will design the perfect audio for you. Easy to Use: Simply play the audio while you relax or even while you sleep. Our subliminal messages are designed to be effortlessly absorbed by your subconscious. Cutting-Edge Technology: We use the latest technology in binaural sound and masking techniques to ensure that the subliminal messages are effective and safe. Guaranteed Privacy: Your privacy is our top priority. All information and personalized messages are treated with the utmost confidentiality. Key Benefits Improved Mental Wellbeing: Our customers report feeling more positive, motivated, and at peace after using our products. Lasting Results: By repeating the personalized messages, your subconscious will begin to adopt these affirmations as its own, creating lasting changes. Dedicated Support: Our support team is here to help you every step of the way. You are not alone on this journey to personal change. Real Testimonials See What Our Customers Are Saying! Visit our YouTube channel to watch real testimonials from people who have experienced incredible transformations thanks to our Custom Subliminal Messages. Why Choose Us? High Quality: Committed to excellence, all our audios are created by professionals. Verified Safety: We comply with all safety and ethical standards. Satisfaction Guaranteed: We offer a money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied. Transform your life today with Custom Subliminal Messages from Ursula Mendoza. Take the first step towards a more powerful mind and a fuller life now! 🔥🔥🔥 Once your purchase is completed, send us the intention of the audio to: 📬 ⌛️CREATE THE CHANGES YOU WANT ON YOUR LIFE NOW!⌛️ 💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟
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The Patrick Flanagan Sensor Projector for Elevated Energy Spaces | Sacred Harmony | Metayantra Cosmic Sensor Space MEGA Harmonizer and Resonator 20 x 20 cms - Metayantra WorldWide
The Patrick Flanagan Sensor Projector for Elevated Energy Spaces | Sa... $88.00
Harmonize Your Space with the Patrick Flanagan Sensor Projector 🔮🌟 Elevate Energy and Harmony with our 20cm Sacred Geometry Astral Projector! Size: 20cm x 20cm 🔍 Meticulous Craftsmanship: Delve into the art of sacred geometry. Our precision laser-engraved copper projector, boasting 0.001mm accuracy, offers a profoundly unique and impactful experience. 📐✨ 🪶 Energize Your Surroundings: Envision holographically imprinted energy in your space. Embrace our engraved copper piece and bring this vision to life. 🌌✨ 🌟 Key Features: 5D geometry harmonizing with our 3D reality 🌐🔷 Polymer coating for resonant enhancement 💎🌀 Projects energy throughout every holographic corner 📽️🎆 💡 Exclusive Advantages: Beyond its aesthetic, this design works as a shield against change and a catalyst for innovation. Celebrate your 52nd year with a gift aligned to your 52-year life cycle. 🎁🌈 Seize the opportunity to amplify your energy and space with the Sacred Geometry Astral Projector! 🌌🔮 Elevate your existence through sacred geometry, and undergo an energy transformation today! ✨🚀 About the Cosmic Sensor Geometry on this model: Benefits: Delay aging in your space. Recharge energy reserves, promoting dynamism and mental well-being. The Mega Sensor neutralizes harmful emissions from electronic devices. 📺📱 Mitigate discomfort and elevate overall well-being. Car placement offers continuous protection and benefits. Prevent citrus oxidation and enhance meditation. Elevate vibrational frequency and harmonize surroundings. Use as a base for food/beverage to energize, purify, and harmonize. Experiments: Conduct a food/beverage experiment: Place two identical items, one on the Sensor plate for 15 mins. Keep the other item over 50 meters away from the Sensor. Notice the substantial difference when you try both items. Scientifically Proven Cosmic Sensor: Elevate vibrational frequency effortlessly. Induces tranquility, relaxation, and peace while neutralizing negativity. 🌠🧘‍♂️ Discovered by Gillis Patrick Flanagan, a prominent American nuclear mathematical physicist. Dr. Flanagan's research unveils a generator harnessing solar system, auric, and thought field energies. Built on the mathematical Fibonacci progression, resonating like an evolved pyramid. Elevate your energy with the Patrick Flanagan Sensor Projector. Experience the synergy of science and harmony, transforming your space into an oasis of tranquility and well-being. ✨🌟 Dimensions: 20cm x 20cm | Limited Stock Available | Free Shipping Worldwide
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Kostenloser subliminaler Booster: Schneller Manifestations-Hack freischalten (GERMAN)
Kostenloser subliminaler Booster: Schneller Manifestations-Hack freis... $88.00 $99.00
Träumst du von einer radikalen Veränderung? Stell dir vor, du wachst in einer neuen Realität auf, in der deine größten Träume bereits wahr sind. In Dankbarkeit für dein Vertrauen und als überzeugte Glaubende daran, dass Fülle für alle verfügbar ist, möchten wir dich zur 21-tägigen Transformationsherausforderung einladen. Dies ist nicht nur ein Geschenk, es ist dein Ticket zu einem Leben voller unbegrenzter Fülle. Mit unserem speziell gestalteten subliminalen Audio haben Kunden wie du außergewöhnliche Veränderungen in Rekordzeit manifestiert: Impressive Sales: Stell dir vor, du verkaufst endlich die Immobilie, die du seit Monaten oder sogar Jahren auf dem Markt hast, in nur drei Wochen! Finanzielle Fülle: Nutzer berichten von exponentiellen Einkommenssteigerungen, von unerwarteten Erbschaften bis hin zu Geschäften, die unmöglich schienen. Luxusanschaffungen: Ein neues Auto? Eine Traumreise? Unsere Nutzer streichen Dinge von ihren Wunschlisten schneller ab, als sie je gedacht hätten. Wie funktioniert es? Du musst nur jeden Tag das subliminale Audio anhören und seine Frequenzen wirken lassen, um dein Manifestationspotenzial freizuschalten. Diese Herausforderung ist darauf ausgelegt, dich zu unterstützen, um: Einschränkende Überzeugungen abzubauen: Zerbrich die Barrieren, die dich davon abgehalten haben, Wohlstand und Erfolg zu erreichen. Mit deinen größten Träumen in Einklang zu kommen: Stimme deine Energie auf die Frequenz deiner größten Bestrebungen ein. Garantierte Erfolgsgarantie: Wir fordern dich heraus, dieses Audio zu nutzen und die Ergebnisse selbst zu sehen. Wenn du aktiv teilnimmst und deine Erfolgsgeschichten teilst, bereite dich darauf vor, eine lebendige Inspiration für unsere Gemeinschaft zu sein. Dein Erfahrungsbericht zählt! Wir freuen uns über jeden Wunsch und Erfahrungsbericht unserer Kunden. Teile deine Erfolge, sei es ein großer Verkauf, neue Anschaffungen oder ein anderer spektakulärer Erfolg. Deine Reise wird andere motivieren und die Kraft positiver Transformation demonstrieren. Bist du bereit, dein Leben auf eine Weise zu transformieren, von der du nur geträumt hast? Nimm noch heute an der Herausforderung teil und beginne, das Leben zu leben, das du verdienst.
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Booster Subliminal Gratuit : Débloquez un Hack de Manifestation Rapide (FRANÇAIS)
Booster Subliminal Gratuit : Débloquez un Hack de Manifestation Rapid... $88.00 $99.00
Rêvez-vous d'un changement radical ? Vous imaginez-vous vous réveiller dans une nouvelle réalité où vos plus grands rêves sont déjà réalisés ? En remerciement pour votre confiance et en tant que fervents croyants que l'abondance est accessible à tous, nous souhaitons vous inviter au Défi de Transformation de 21 Jours. Ce n'est pas seulement un cadeau, c'est votre billet pour une vie d'abondance illimitée. Grâce à notre audio subliminal spécialement conçu, des clients comme vous ont manifesté des changements extraordinaires en un temps record : Ventes Impressionnantes : Imaginez enfin vendre cette propriété que vous avez mise sur le marché depuis des mois, voire des années, en seulement trois semaines ! Abondance Financière : Les utilisateurs signalent des augmentations exponentielles de revenus, allant de l'héritage inattendu à la conclusion d'accords qui semblaient impossibles. Acquisitions de Luxe : Une nouvelle voiture ? Un voyage de rêve ? Nos utilisateurs raturent des choses sur leur liste de souhaits plus rapidement qu'ils ne l'auraient jamais imaginé. Comment ça fonctionne ? Vous devez simplement écouter l'audio subliminal chaque jour, laissant ses fréquences travailler pour déverrouiller votre potentiel de manifestation. Ce défi est conçu pour vous propulser à : Éliminer les Croyances Limitées : Brisez les barrières qui vous empêchent d'atteindre la prospérité et le succès. S'Aligner avec Vos Plus Grands Rêves : Accordez votre énergie à la fréquence de vos plus grandes aspirations. Engagement de Réussite Garantie : Nous vous mettons au défi d'utiliser cet audio et de voir les résultats par vous-même. Si vous participez activement et partagez vos histoires de succès, préparez-vous à être une inspiration vivante pour notre communauté. Votre Témoignage Compte ! Nous sommes impatients d'entendre chaque souhait et témoignage de nos clients. Partagez vos réalisations, qu'il s'agisse de grandes ventes, de nouveaux achats ou de tout autre succès spectaculaire. Votre parcours motivera les autres et démontrera le pouvoir de la transformation positive. Êtes-vous prêt à voir votre vie se transformer de manière que vous n'avez jamais rêvée ? Rejoignez le défi dès aujourd'hui et commencez à vivre la vie que vous méritez.
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-38% sale
Wind Chimes For Protection | Windchime Kabalah Tree | Metayantra Windchime Kabalah Tree of Life Sephirot Astral Protector - Metayantra Consciencia
Windchime Kabalah Tree of Life Sephirot Astral Protector $499.00 $799.00
Brings Protection for your home, for any evil spirit or energy, contains the secrets of the Tree of Life from the Kabalah Approximate diameter: The windchime has 50 cms tall. This special windchime contains 3 great Metayantra Pranic Devices as the greatest orgone energy generators from EMF Transmutated Field. The one on the top, has a modified 8 Vortex Crop Circle Enlightment with 8 large citrine quartz as a purfying energy and ascention of consciousness helper device. These crop circles are present, in part, to activate the cosmic and soul DNA as well as the physical DNA and expand the brain’s neurosynapses. This happens when they are viewed through the iris and connected to the brain. This expansion includes the clearing of old negative thought patterns, activating your soul DNA (just as your genetic body has a DNA, your soul has a DNA) and expanding your consciousness beyond what you as a third-dimensional being of light conceived possible during this long dark age of the human soul. The ancient prophecies speak of the return to oneness; the age of enlightenment is upon us. Crop circles are geometric fractal patterns and mathematical formulas. Everything that exists is a fractal of a geometric pattern – the crop circles are those geometric patterns. The star glyphs are a star language of light and codes for these activations. Linking these two images optimizes the activation of the DNA. Allow yourself to take this information in on a cellular level. Do not expect yourself to understand all the aspects and mysteries contained in this transmission. Experience it, emanate it, vibrate with it and ingest it – by doing so, you will serve humanity immeasurably.  The second is a double sided 8 Vortex EMF Transmuter, it uses the energy from the EMF contamination, and transmutates this energy into low frequency biomagnetic fields, using the vibration of the pipes from the windchime, emanating all the energy to your place, harmonizing it from electromagnetic and spirit contamination. The third DPM on the bottom is a special Tree of life from the Kabalah (Sephirot)   DESCRIPTION The Tree of life is considered to be a map of the universe and the psyche, the order of the creation of the cosmos, and a path to spiritual illumination.  The ten spheres represent the ten archetypal numbers of the Pythagorian system. The Crown ('Kether' in Hebrew): the Creator Himself. Wisdom ('Chokhmah'): Divine reality/revelation; the power of Wisdom. Understanding ('Binah'): repentance/reason; the power of Love. Mercy ('Chesed'): grace/intention to emulate God; the power of vision.  Strength ('Gevurah'): judgment/determination; the power of Intention. Beauty ('Tiferet'): symmetry/compassion; the power of Creativity. Victory ('Netzach'): contemplation/initiative/persistence; the power of the Eternal Now. Splendour ('Hod'): surrender/sincerity/steadfastness; the power of Observation. Yesod ('Foundation'): remembering/knowing; the power of Manifesting. Kingdom ('Malkuth'): physical presence/vision and illusion; the power of Healing.   Protection Wind chimes were, and still are, used to scare away evil spirits and hung in doorways and windows to dissuade bad luck from entering a home. The warning aspect of wind chimes is translated into modern culture through the movies. A common film motif is the ringing of wind chimes to signal imminent danger. For example, sounds of urgently ringing wind chimes are heard at tense moments in Martin Scorsese's 1991 version of "Cape Fear."  Farmers use wind chimes to frighten away birds and other pests. Farmers in Bali place bamboo wind chimes throughout rice fields to scare pests and bring the farmer good fortune and healthy crops. Hanging wind chimes near a bird feeder is counter-productive since few birds will brave ringing chimes to get a snack.   Health Benefits The sound of wind chimes blowing in the wind has the ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation and calmness. Their sounds are considered to have a healing effect on body and mind. They relieve fatigue and encourage listening, creativity and upbeat feelings.  The tones that reverberate through the wind chimes are believed to unblock emotional stress and bring a feeling of inner peace and conscious awareness. Listening to wind chimes also creates a sense of balance in one's life.  There is nothing more calming than to listen to the sound of the birds, the sea and the wind chimes while relaxing at the verandah of your beach chalet.  Windchimes are common practice and used to maximize the flow of chi, pranic energy, orgone energy or life's energy. The Chi energy flow reflects our state of mind, how we feel, how we think, and breathe. Conversely, negative thoughts can block the Chi flow, just as positive thoughts can build Chi. A Chi blockage affects our stress, the way we eat food, and how it gets digested. Chi connects everything. Wind Chimes are the best source of producing vibrant energies, helping one to focus and concentrate on the inner soul by soothing melodious sound created in the atmosphere. It is also used in 3’M’s which I have come across in my life – Melody, Meditation & Mindfulness. Contains: 3 Metayantra Pranic Devices: First on the top Crop Circle Enlightment Device Diameter: 8 cms. 8 Vortex Star: Represents rebirth, renewal and spiritual regeneration The octagon, which is the geometric figure that we obtain from the eight-pointed Star, represents the union between the Earth and the sphere, that is, the spiritual, the sacred world and the supreme order. Copper Wire: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; Improve your self-esteem progressively, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias. Crop Circle Energy in Color.        2. Double 12 Star Vortex Diameter: 5.5 cms 12 Vortex Star: (Reflection of Bethlehem) is the one that represents the time lived in harmony. Therefore it is one of the most complete stars, since it attracts abundance, favors spiritual well-being, attracts love and strengthens health. Copper Wire: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; Improve your self-esteem progressively, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias.        3. Kabalah Tree of Life Red Jasper: Provides willpower, provides courage to perform unpleasant tasks. Carnelian: provides energy stability and allows you to raise levels of vitality and motivation. Citrine: Provides the power of the Sun, Strengthens the Aura, protects your emotions, raises self-esteem, relieves digestive problems, helps against depression. Green Aventurine: Induces relaxation, stability and inner peace, calming the mind, spirit and body. Sodalite: It is useful in conflicts with the ego, strengthens the lymphatic system and metabolism, dispels fantasy, reduces tension and anxiety. Amethyst: Increases paranormal capacity and the power of meditation, Calms passions, reduces fears and neutralizes negativity. White Quartz: It helps us purify our energies, which means that it can undo old globs of more dense or negative energy. Tree of Life coil in copper: Innovative design of the Sephirot paths in copper for better energy transmission. Aproximate size: 8x5 cms. 8 Nickel Tubes of: it is a light metal associated with willpower and intellectual humility. Tubes Longitude: 28,28,26,26, 24,22,20,18 cms  Handmade (With lots of LOVE).
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MEGA Cellular Regenerator Dodecahedral Matrix 20 x 20 - Metayantra WorldWide MEGA Cellular Regenerator Dodecahedral Matrix 20 x 20 - Metayantra WorldWide
Icosahedron Mega Cellular Regenerator Dodecahedral Matrix 20 x 20 – M... $88.00
Prevents Aging, Accelerates Cellular Regeneration Giant MEGA Resonator The icosahedron/dodecahedron, by containing the golden ratio, allows the toroids and eddies necessary for the intercommunication of the Universal system to emerge. Its patterns allow the distribution of waves. Plato described the Earth as having a dodecahedral lattice around it. Grids are fractal and holographic. Each particle possesses within itself the totality: the Universe. The networks are not only on Earth but in the physical universe. Grids are expressions of energy and consciousness that follow proportions defined by the principles of Sacred Geometry and that expand throughout the entire multidimensional universe. It is the Matrix of individual, collective, and planetary elevated consciousness. It represents an aspect of the 12 dimensions of the earthly plane: the 12 constellations of the zodiac, the 12 months of the year, the 24 hours of earthly time, the 12 apostles, the 12 DNA strands and the Identity of the evolved human. What occurs initially is a balance and a restoration of the energy centers; and an elevation and recoding of DNA.-Benefits plants by improving all their processes of germination and development.-Favors cell regeneration and immunological capacity. Increases levels of general vitality and optimism... They manage to block the physical aging code of our DNA. As our aging process stops, our hair regains its elasticity, our wrinkles disappear, as well as our excess weight, without dangerous chemicals or additives. The potential to maintain a youthful body and indestructible health is locked in our cells and the key to unlocking this treasure is found in our spirit, in the fact that we consider ourselves as creators of our own reality. Size 20cms X 20cms  Proposed Experiments: Choose a Food or Beverage. Get 2 of the same food or beverage. Place one of them on the Sensor plate for 15 minutes. Leave the other one more than 50 meters away from the Sensor. Try both foods or beverages. YOU WILL NOTICE A BIG DIFFERENCE The Cosmic Sensor is scientifically proven to raise the vibrational frequency, without rituals or acts of faith. Just have it as a picture or framed anywhere in the house.The sensor produces a feeling of tranquility, relaxation and peace in the area, neutralizes negative energy.Discovered by Gillis Patrick Flanagan, an American nuclear mathematical physicist.Dr. Flanagan's research has resulted in a generator that handles subtle biocosmic energies from the solar system, auric and thought fields.It is based on the mathematical Fibonacci progression and, if we observe it carefully, we see that its development is an evolved pyramid. Therefore, the energy field it emits is exactly the same as the one generated by the pyramid, harmonic and harmless, as it integrates at the same time the Section or Golden Point.The Sensor Vortex energy plate is a unique energetic tool designed to balance energy systems, relieve stress, normalize the nervous system and enhance feelings of joy, peace, vitality and promote well-being. Laser Engraving Concerned about the precision in our tools, now you can acquire this engraved plate with a precision of 0.01 millimeters, without errors and perfectly traced in copper. Copper is the best conductor after silver, so this sensor is unbeatable, its energy will be reflected throughout your home. It has a range of 50 meters.  Contains: Quantum Resonance Plate with Laser Accuracy. Handmade (with lots of LOVE).
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MEGA Flower of Life Intensifier 20 x 20 MEGA Flower of Life Intensifier 20 x 20
MEGA Flower of Life Intensifier 20 x 20 $199.00
Grand Inventory ClearanceSpecial Price While Stocks last Promotes Concentration, Will Orientation and Personal Intention. The Flower of Life is used when practicing mindfulness or meditation, in the reading of the Akashic Records and in energetic healing processes. When meditating or practicing mindfulness, the brain waves slow down, and in that state of deep relaxation, it is easy to enhance that state with the Flower of Life. By using visualization or concentration on the geometric pattern of the Flower of Life we promote concentration, orientation of the will and personal intention, balance, coherence between our mind and our heart, tranquility, positive energy, gratitude and even healing. Size 20cms X 20cms Proposed Experiments: Choose a Food or Beverage. Get 2 of the same food or beverage Place one of them on the Sensor plate for 15 minutes. Leave the other one more than 50 meters away from the Sensor Try both foods or beverages. YOU WILL NOTICE A BIG DIFFERENCE  Laser Engraving Concerned about the precision in our tools, now you can acquire this engraved plate with a precision of 0.01 millimeters, without errors and perfectly traced in copper. Copper is the best conductor after silver, so this sensor is unbeatable, its energy will be reflected throughout your home. It has a range of 50 meters.   Contains: Quantum Resonance Plate with Laser Accuracy Handmade (with lots of LOVE).WARRANTY:We check the quality of performance before shipping to make sure you are getting the best product. We guarantee your purchase for any manufacturing defect.We do not cover damage caused by accidents. NOTE: The materials are volatile, they can be arranged in random ways, the COLOR MAY VARY DUE TO THESE REASONS, the arrangement of the micro metal particles cannot be controlled. This product is handmade, therefore we try to ensure that your product is as similar as possible to the one shown in the pictures, but it will also come with its own uniqueness making it a unique piece.All of our orgone products contain special technology that protects living beings against harmful 5G damage.Handling and manufacturing time is approximately 1 week, always starting on Mondays, we also ship on Mondays, shipping time will depend on the chosen method and can take from 10 to 30 working days, depending on the traffic of the volume of packages and the chosen company.  
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Mega Cell Vitality Regenerator with Georges Lakhovsky's Technology: Quantum Resonance Copper Plate
Mega Cell Vitality Regenerator with Georges Lakhovsky's Technology: Q... $180.00
Revolutionary Discovery by Scientist Georges Lakhovsky: The science behind cellular health has been greatly advanced by the studies and discoveries of renowned scientist and inventor Georges Lakhovsky. His research revealed that all living cells emit and receive electromagnetic radiation. Altering their natural vibration can result in loss of vitality and malfunction. To address this problem, Lakhovsky developed the Multi-Wave Oscillator (MWO), a technology that restores the harmonic vibration of cells, ensuring their maximum physical performance and well-being. Quantum Resonance Copper Plate: Designed based on the precise geometry and golden proportions outlined by Dr. Lakhovsky, this quantum resonance plate is laser engraved on a 20 cm x 20 cm copper surface. Copper, known for its excellent conductive properties, amplifies harmonic resonance, facilitating optimal interaction with cells. Main features: Quantum Resonator: Designed according to the principles of Dr. Georges Lakhovsky, this resonator facilitates optimal harmonic resonance. The precise geometric structure ensures that the natural vibration of the cells is maintained at its ideal frequency. Precision Laser Engraving: We use high-precision laser engraving technology to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the geometric design, maximising the efficiency of the plate. Polymer Resin Coating: The plate is coated with a special polymer resin that protects the engraving and amplifies the resonance of the Lakhovsky multi-wave resonator structure. Benefits and Results: Keep your Cells Healthy: Place this plate in your room to maintain the health and vitality of your cells. The projected harmonic resonance helps to preserve the natural vibration of cells, preventing wear and tear and loss of vitality. Vibrational Healing Therapies: Use the plate in vibrational healing therapies to improve physical and emotional well-being. Quantum resonance can aid in cellular regeneration, increasing energy and vitality. Improved Physical Performance: By restoring the harmonic vibration of cells, the plate contributes to improved physical performance, helping the body to function more efficiently and healthily. Applications: This plate is ideal for use at home or in vibrational healing therapy centres. Its compact and sleek design allows for easy integration into any environment, providing consistent benefits for cellular health. Incorporate Georges Lakhovsky's technology into your daily life with this innovative copper quantum resonance plate. Experience the benefits of keeping your cells at their ideal frequency, improving your overall health and well-being.
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-70% sale
Proyector Astral de los 72 Nombres de Dios ¡Activa el Poder Cósmico en tu Hogar! - Metayantra México Proyector Astral de los 72 Nombres de Dios ¡Activa el Poder Cósmico en tu Hogar! - Metayantra México
72 Names of God Astral Projector: Unleash Cosmic Power in Your Home! $122.00 $399.00
"MEGA Quantum Resonator – Amplify Your Energy with the 72 Names of God"   ✨ Unlock Cosmic Energy in Your Home Experience the transformative power of the 72 Names of God, revered in Kabbalah as spiritual codes for divine connection, personal transformation, and manifestation. Why Choose This Resonator? Massive Size: 20cm x 20cm – covers an energetic range of 50 meters! High-Precision Design: Laser-engraved on copper for unmatched accuracy (0.01 mm precision) and optimal energy conduction. Handcrafted with Love: Every detail is carefully made to ensure maximum energetic impact. What Can This Resonator Do? Elevate Your Space: Create a harmonious and high-vibration environment, perfect for meditation, spiritual growth, and energy work. Personal Transformation: Use the 72 Names of God to purify your soul, attract healing, protection, and prosperity. Energy Amplification: Enhance your thoughts and intentions, influencing your physical and spiritual reality. Spiritual Shield: Acts as a powerful protector, keeping negative energies away and uplifting your surroundings. How to Use It Meditation Enhancement: Project the sequences of the 72 Names of God in your home, focusing on specific energies (healing, abundance, protection). Daily Energy Boost: Place objects, food, or drinks on the resonator for 15 minutes and experience noticeable energetic differences. Guided Practice: Use alongside visualization techniques or meditative focus for deeper spiritual experiences. Special Features Laser Precision Engraving: Ensures every detail is flawless for maximum energy output. Perfect Conductor: Made of copper, the second-best conductor after silver, to amplify and reflect energy. Your Resonator Includes Quantum resonance plate with laser precision engraving. Comprehensive meditation guide and PDF download of the 72 Names of God – FREE! Handcrafted design filled with intention and love. Ready to Manifest Your Desires?Elevate your spiritual practice with the MEGA Resonator and harness the divine power of the 72 Names of God. 🌟 Start Your Transformation Today!
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Spiritual Energy Pyramid | Flower of Life Pyramid | Metayantra Flower of Life Pyramid with Quantum Resonance - Metayantra Consciencia
Flower of Life Pyramid with Quantum Resonance $199.99 $249.00
Connection with The Creative Source Approximate measurements: Height 10 cm, Sides of The Base 8 cm, Edge 9 cm. Sacred geometry studies the relationships between proportions and forms contained in the microcosm and in the macrocosm, in order to understand their creative union of life. Connecting with the flower of life allows, according to specialists in the field, to generate currents of energy that allow you to ascend spiritually and connect with other dimensions. The fact that the flower of life is represented not only on planet earth but also on other planets and in the entire Universe, means that this goes beyond our conception and reality.In fact, the very shape of the flower of life, allows us to see what the events of our path or life are like, because everything we do has a result, and how each of them are linked and intertwined, over and over again. Our life is engulfed in one. Within this symbol itself, there are others integrated, such as the fruit of life, from which the Metatron is born in the shape of the Star of David.Contains: Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; Improve your self-esteem progressively, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias. Quantum Resonance Plate with Sacred geometry. Copper Biomagnetic Coil Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Handmade (With lots of LOVE).
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Tibetan Bell for Energetic Cleansing and Meditation - Metayantra WorldWide Tibetan Bell for Energetic Cleansing and Meditation - Metayantra WorldWide
Tibetan Bell for Energetic Cleansing and Meditation $77.77
Magic Weapon of Protection Tibetan Bell of Protection in the 3 Realms The Tibetan Bell is a tool used for thousands of years by Tibetan monks and composed like the bowls by the alloy of seven metals.It is a magical weapon of esoteric Buddhism and has a special function.It has been used for a long time, to protect the Dharma. It can calm the Sanctuary and represent the God Vajra.The bell can stop disasters, love, increase profits, underdue, etc.It symbolizes victory over the three realms. It also symbolizes the most important senses: three rooms, three poisons, three realms, three seasons and the tip of the flame in the center of the three veins symbolizes the inner fire of wisdom that penetrates from the middle vein. In religious ceremonies of Buddhist character, the Dalai Lama or Buddhist master holds in his right hand this Dorje and in his left hand the Tibetan Bell thus creating the "duality of being." Representing the feminine principle as the 'perfection of wisdom', it is always accompanied by its partner, the Dorje, the masculine or compassion.   WHEN TO USE IT? Before starting prayer and concentration to attract positive energies during your meditations.To harmonize and balance the Yin and Yang energies of your spaces before your daily work.On your work equipment: laptop, phones and computers.   HOW TO USE IT? Passing an incense over the Bell drawing three times the figure of infinity or eight.With the wooden stick, gently tapping and sliding the wooden stick along the outer edge of the Bell in one direction only. You will obtain a continuous vibration, which you will pass through the whole space. You can do it every day, preferably with the energy of the Sun, avoid using it at night.   WHERE TO HAVE IT? The Tibetan Bell can be placed on your altar, sacred table or prayer corner. Preferably outside the room and to the NORTHWEST of your living room, dining room or study, as the energy of this space is metal. You can accompany it with other sacred symbols. This instrument is personal so avoid lending it or having children play with it. Ringing or "singing" a Tibetan bell in a room transmits energetic tonalities that purify and harmonize it, giving a sense of peace and harmony. The size of the bell is not determinant, use it with intention. Create a space of balance, harmony and peace!
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Mega Astral Projector Tetragrammaton: Power Your Energy and Spiritual Protection Mega Astral Projector Tetragrammaton: Power Your Energy and Spiritual Protection
Mega Astral Projector Tetragrammaton: Power Your Energy and Spiritual... $99.99 $180.00
Discover the Virtues of the Tetragrammaton: Protection, Wisdom and Spiritual Harmony The Tetragrammaton Astral Projector is an exceptionally crafted piece that combines ancient hermetic wisdom with the precision of modern technology to offer an object of unparalleled power. This copper plate, laser engraved with an astonishing precision of 0.03mm, ensures perfect performance, projecting positive energy and vibrations in any space where it is placed. The Tetragrammaton Symbol The Tetragrammaton, also known as Penta Alpha due to the five points of the pentagram it contains, is one of the oldest and most powerful talismans in the esoteric tradition. This symbol, which dates back to antiquity, has been used by magicians and alchemists throughout the centuries for its protective properties and its ability to attract positive energy. In its beginnings, the Tetragrammaton was used to protect new constructions, being engraved on walls to keep out negativity and bad energies. Over time, its use was extended to jewelry and personal amulets, allowing those who wore it to be protected at all times against dark energies. What is the Tetragrammaton for? The Tetragrammaton is highly effective as a spiritual protection tool. It acts against negative energies, the evil eye, envy and evil entities. In addition, it grants spiritual dominion over the natural elements (Earth, Water, Fire and Air) and guides towards inner wisdom, promoting spiritual evolution and personal empowerment. For these reasons, the silver Tetragrammaton pendant is one of the most demanded amulets, not only among individuals, but also among professionals such as tarot readers, psychologists and psychologists seeking to connect and protect themselves from various energies. Symbology and Properties of the Tetragrammaton The Tetragrammaton is composed of a rich symbology that encompasses diverse esoteric, religious and mystical traditions. The following is a breakdown of its main symbolic elements: 1. The Pentagram and the Circle of Protection Pentagram: The pentagram represents balance when its point is up, symbolizing a person with their feet on the ground and their head in the sky, reflecting harmony and protection. When the point is downward, it symbolizes imbalance and chaos. Five Points of the Pentagram: Each point of the pentagram is associated with one of the four elements (water, fire, earth and air) and the fifth element, spirit, which governs them. Circle: The circle surrounding the pentagram represents divinity and acts as a circle of protection, creating a sacred and safe space within. 2. Texts and Numbers Word Tetragrammaton: Arranged along the circle, the word “Tetragrammaton” means “the four letters” in Greek, referring to the Hebrew letters יהוה (YHWH), the sacred name of God in Jewish tradition. Numbers 1 and 2: Under the word “Te”, the number 1 represents the masculine divinity and the number 2 the feminine divinity, symbolizing the unity of the diverse and its creative power. Numbers 1, 2, 3: Under the word “Tra”, they represent the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the Christian tradition, or Father, Mother and Son in other esoteric interpretations. 3. Other Esoteric Symbols Holy Grail: It represents the cup used by Christ at the Last Supper and symbolizes the spiritual quest and divine connection. Scepter of the Patriarchs: Symbolizes spiritual guidance and leadership. Flaming Sword: Represents justice and divine protection. Seal of Solomon: Grants wisdom, balance and spiritual power. Ouroboros: A snake that bites its own tail, symbolizing the eternal cycle of life and renewal. Alpha and Omega: They represent the beginning and the end, the totality of divine existence. Eye of Horus: A symbol of protection, royal power and good health. Caduceus of Mercury: Symbolizes alchemy, healing and spiritual balance. The Microcosm of the Tetragrammaton The Tetragrammaton is, in itself, a microcosm that synthesizes the immensity of the sacred and the universal. In its tiny proportions, it contains a large number of symbols of the main Abrahamic religions, of the classical Greek and Roman world, and of its pagan substratum. Outstanding Features High Precision Laser Engraving: The copper plate is engraved with state-of-the-art laser technology, ensuring an accuracy of 0.03mm. This not only guarantees perfection in the details of the Tetragrammaton symbol, but also optimizes its ability to project energy. Polymer Resin Coating: The plate is coated with a special polymer resin that fractalizes and amplifies the emitted energy. This coating not only protects the plate, but also enhances its ability to project energy evenly into the environment. High Quality Materials: Made of pure copper, known for its energy conductive properties, this plate is designed to last and maintain its energy efficiency over time. Multiple Benefits and Uses Meditation Spaces: Place the Tetragrammaton Astral Projector in your meditation space to create an environment of peace and harmony. The projected energy helps you reach a deeper state of meditation and connect with your inner self. Offices and Business: Enhances the atmosphere of your workplace, promoting mental clarity, creativity and a cooperative environment. Ideal for placement in offices, meeting rooms and common areas. Masonic Meeting Rooms: Perfect for Masonic meeting rooms, known as lodges. This projector amplifies the spiritual energy of the environment, favoring concentration and communion among members. Homes: It brings a sense of tranquility and protection to your home. Place it in the living room, bedroom or any place where you wish to balance the energy of the space. Creation Process Each Tetragrammaton Astral Projector is created with a handcrafted approach, combining traditional techniques with technological innovations. The symbol is laser engraved in high quality copper, ensuring that every detail is accurately captured. The plate is then coated with polymer resin to protect and amplify its energetic capacity. Conclusion The Tetragrammaton Astral Projector is not just an ornament, but a powerful tool to transform any space into a sanctuary of positive energy. Its precise design and special coating ensure that the projected energy is constant and effective. Whether in your home, office, business, or Masonic lodge, this projector will help you create an environment of harmony, protection, and spiritual clarity. Get Yours Today Transform your environment with the Tetragrammaton Astral Projector and discover the benefits of positive energy in your daily life. Make every space a sacred place of peace and prosperity.

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