7 Chakra Black Sun Orgone Generator Kit

$125.00 USD $300.00 -59% OFF

7 Chakra Black Sun Orgone Generator Kit

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Product description

Ideal For Complicated Energy Therapies

Enhanced by Black Sun Orgone Mixture

  • 5.5 cm.

It contains a base of 90% fine crushed quartz crystals, brass and black iron oxide, left in the sun with a Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 hz. This device was created from Wilhelm Reich's research. It transforms the harmful energies resulting from the electromagnetic emissions of electrical equipment (DOR), such as fluorescent lights. The device is used in TV screens, computer monitors, high voltage cables, cell phones, but most of the repeaters for telecommunications, clean orgone energy (POR) and regeneration balancing the energy field. Contributes to balancing the climate, thanks to its ability to suck large amounts of DOR from the atmosphere, convert POR, allowing a rebalancing of the surrounding environment.
Ideal for raising awareness and disabling mind control frequencies.

*Muladhara: adrenal glands, circulatory system, bone system, teeth, nails, anus, colon, legs and feet. Spiritual Development and Materialization.

  • Red Jasper: Provides willpower, gives courage to perform unpleasant tasks.
  • 12 Pointed Energy Star: Represents time lived in harmony.
  • Biomagnetic Brass Coil: Associates music, energetic resonance and secrets.
  • Biomagnetic Copper Coil: Protective element, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts.

*Svadhisthana: Kidneys, intestines, bladder, reproductive organs. It provides harmony and acceptance of change.

  • Carnelian: Provides stability of energy and allows you to raise the levels of vitality and motivation.
  • 12 Pointed Energy Star: Represents time lived in harmony.
  • Biomagnetic Nickel Coil: is a light metal associated with willpower and intellectual humility.
  • Biomagnetic Copper Coil: A protective element, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts.

*Manipura: Solar Plexus, Digestive System, Liver, Pancreas, Diabetes. Spiritual and Material Abundance.

  • Citrine: Provides the power of the Sun, Strengthens the Aura, , protects your emotions, raises self-esteem, relieves digestive problems, helps against depression. It has a great capacity to transmit the spiritual energy, besides the power to amplify the thoughts; to improve your self-esteem progressively, power the individuality and the self-esteem, you will surpass states of depression, fears and phobias. It cleans the chakras, it elevates the self-esteem, it promotes the concentration and it revitalizes the mind amplifying the power of the thoughts and it foments the vital joy.
  • 12 Pointed Star: Represents time lived in harmony.
  • Biomagnetic Nickel Coil: is a light metal associated with will power and intellectual humility.
  • Biomagnetic Copper Coil: A protective element, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts.

*Anahata: Heart, Emotional Center It brings joy and heals emotions.

  • Green Aventurine: Induces relaxation, stability and inner peace, calming the mind, spirit and body.
  • 12 Pointed Energy Star: Represents time lived in harmony.
  • Biomagnetic Nickel Coil: Is a light metal associated with willpower and intellectual humility.

*Vishuddha: Tonsils, tongue, teeth, gums, cervicals, larynx, lungs, esophagus, vocal cords, bronchi. Harmonizing Emotions with Thoughts.

  • Sodalite: Is useful in conflicts with the ego, strengthens the lymphatic system and metabolism, dispels fantasy, decreases tension and anxiety
  • 12 Pointed Energy Star: Represents time lived in harmony.
  • Biomagnetic Nickel Coil: is a light metal associated with will power and intellectual humility.
  • Biomagnetic Brass Coil: It is associated with music, energetic resonance and secrets.

*Ajna: Eyes, ears, nose, cerebellum, central nervous system, pituitary gland. Development of the Pineal Gland (Third Eye)

  • Amethyst: Increases paranormal capacity and the faculty of meditation, calms passions, reduces fears and neutralizes negativity.
  • 12 Pointed Energy Star: Represents time lived in harmony.
  • Biomagnetic Nickel Coil: Is a light metal associated with will, power and intellectual humility.

Sahasrara: Brain and auric field. Development of Higher Consciousness.

  • White Quartz: Helps us purify our energies, which means it can undo old clumps of denser or negative energy
  • 21-pointed Energy Star: changes in our lives, positive stimuli, travel, home improvements and undertaking new activities.
  • Biomagnetic Nickel Coil: Is a light metal associated with will, power and intellectual humility. 

Handmade (With lots of LOVE).

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