Pyramid with 14K Gold for Protection against Black Magic Kalachakra
Become a Buddha.
Harness your full potential and help others.
Provides protection against negative energies and promotes prosperity and peace.
"Kalachakra is the Chief God Of Tibet".KalachakraThe word Kalachakra means "Wheel of Time", and is the name of the primary deity residing in the Kalachakra mandala. In Buddhist teachings, Kalachakra is time itself.He is described as having black skin, four faces (one black, one white, one yellow and one red), twelve arms and twenty-four hands. He is represented by a vajra (or "thunderbolt"), drawn in blue sand in the center of the mandala.
The palace contains five floors, each divided into four quadrants by compass direction. Each quadrant is colored to represent the elements within the human body; East corresponds with black, North corresponds with white, West with yellow and South with red.The 5 Stories
Enlightened Body.
the Enlightened Speech..
Enlightened Mind.
Enlightened Wisdom.
the Great Enlightened Bliss.
Below the palace are four elemental rings and two outer rings From the inside out, they represent earth, water, fire, wind, space and wisdom.
ย What is kalachakra?Kalachakra is a Sanskrit word composed of two terms; kala means "time" and chakra means "wheel", literally translated into English as "Wheel of time". But what does it really mean? To answer this question, we will need to look at the Kalachakra from multiple dimensions or levels of understanding.What does your Mandala look like?
Mandalas are a variety of planes that have the main function of guiding all its practitioners to the path of enlightenment. It is elaborated with neatness and methods using different materials and colors forming mandalas with schemes and symbols entangled and difficult to realize).To elaborate the mandalas more than 40,000 people congregate annually in a distant valley of India known as the Himalayas, their religious beliefs make them travel for several days through areas with cliffs at more than 5,500 meters high, crossing rivers, dirt roads, rocks and sands that run for hundreds of kilometers. Their main objective is to fulfill the most sacred rites of Tibetan Buddhism or Vajrayฤna Buddhism.This celebration is known as Kalachakra. During this time a group of religious people work hard during the nights and days to elaborate them, and finally obtain the awaited Kalachakra Mandala.
The monks are involved in the elaboration of the mandalas with sand that they color with different and striking colors, one of its main peculiarities is that these mandalas are not kept for a long time; for its elaboration is very wise the support of Dalai-Lama, who is the person responsible for initiating the process by placing the first five atoms of sand in the center, then the other monks continue meditating on his message.
This mandala personifies the Buddha and absolute knowledge. As Kalachakra refers to time and is under his authority he knows everything. Also incorporated in this Kalachakra mandala is the five-level palace representing Compassion and Wisdom.To understand and decipher the rich symbolism included in the mandalas is like reading all the scriptures of the Kalachara that gather great wisdoms of the cosmos and the science of psychology. To interpret a Kalachakra mandala is done on three levels: external, internal and alternative or secret.At the center of the mandala is the deity Kalachakra, and his reign is built by our own personal mandalas such as: the physical body, speech, mind and enlightenment. It can be observed that in the internal square of the mandala is formed by four triangles, which originate when delineating the diagonals, these quadrants contain walls, doors and centers, and their colors are related to the following characteristics.Blue or black: west - down = represents the air.Red: south - left = represents fireYellow or orange: east - up = represents earthWhite: north - right = represents water
The square palace contains 722 deities representing the earth, the other circles figure the elements: water, fire and air and they are amplified on the outside of the palace walls.The outer circles represent the universe, like the birth of Tibetan astrology. In these outer circles are ten deities that function as defenders. It is important to emphasize that the objective of the Kalachakra mandala is to watch over the peace and physical balance of the individual and the world that surrounds him, as well as in those non-human forms, animals, vegetation and its flora, neutral forms and the Sanskrit words that gather the mandala.
To conclude, the monks themselves who participated in the elaboration of the Kalachakra mandala ceremony come to destroy it, the first to intervene in the process of dismantling this mandala is the religious Dalai Lama. The dismantling of this mandala represents the detachment from the material world and to show that everything continues in the cycle of time. The colorfully painted sand is collected, piled up and placed inside a vessel-shaped container, wrapped in different robes and walked to the river bank, to the rhythm of rituals with prayers and chants, and then the sand is thrown into the river so that the flow of water perpetuates its march.
ย The External RealityAt the most superficial level, Kalachakra is the nature of everything. There is nothing that exists outside of this constant nexus of changing cycles. If we look out into the universe with its galaxies and solar systems, we can see endless cycles of change unfolding in the past, present and future. Thus, everything is contained within the Outer Kalachakra. It refers to the physical aspect, to nature, the cosmos, the laws governing time and space, which is interrelated with astronomy, astrology and mathematical laws.
ย The Inner RealityMoving from the macro to the micro, kalachakra represents the subtle structures of a person's body and mind. This is known as the Inner Kalachakra. It refers to the elements, the organization, the physical and psychic properties related to the energy of the human body.
ย The Illuminated Reality
At this last level, we speak of the immutable cycles of time, which are the union of immutable bliss and empty form.These two are, in fact, of one essence, representing our own absolute nature. Our ego is the combination of our outer universe and our inner self. Our true self, however, is this deeper absolute level, our sacred truth. It refers to the result of the practice of yoga that achieves a state of concentration, light and purification of the internal and external chakras, where the discipline, the path and the goal of a divinity through meditation, the mandala and its kingdom are involved.
How is Kalachakra different from other traditions?
The Kalachakra system offers profound methods for transforming perceptions and experiences, and revealing our deepest reality. Within the context of Buddhist Tantra, there are many systems that provide methods for achieving enlightenment. However, Kalachakra Tantra has a number of unique characteristics that make it particularly important for this moment.
Integral in scope
Kalachakra Tantra is known as the "King of Tantras" because of its broad and comprehensive presentation. Within a single system, you can find detailed instructions for understanding a wide variety of scientific knowledge such as cosmology, astrology, medicine, psychology and philosophy. While comprehensive in scope, it presents this information in a very clear and straightforward manner.This is in stark contrast to other esoteric systems that are expressed in an occult symbolic language.
Powerful yoga methods
It also presents a comprehensive selection of yogic practices designed to break through illusion and actualize direct knowledge of the nature of reality. These extremely effective and powerful methods enable even non-academic practitioners to develop the most profound realizations in the course of a single lifetime.
How to practice Kalachakra
Practicing Kalachakra is the most constructive and favorable way to reveal our own sacred truth, and is a profound method that can enable a serious practitioner to attain the perfect state of Buddhahood in a single lifetime.Although some Tibetan traditions offer Kalachakra Tantra, the Jonang tradition is the only tradition that has preserved the entire Kalachakra system of practice. This includes all the extensive practices from the fundamental preliminaries to the completion process containing the six yogas.This tradition has been practiced for centuries in remote parts of Tibet, untouched by politics or modernization. The recent emergence of Tibet brings with it an authenticity and purity that is almost impossible to find today.
Becoming a Buddha
Becoming a buddha, one who is fully awakened, means overcoming all shortcomings and developing all potentials to benefit others. The Kalachakra initiation offers an opportunity to encounter such methods. The Tibetan word for initiation, wang, means power, and an initiation is, more precisely, an empowerment. It confers the power and ability to engage in certain meditative practices to attain enlightenment, and thus become a Buddha to benefit others as much as possible.
Training the imagination
Tantric practice utilizes the imagination, a powerful tool we all possess. Repeatedly imagining that we will achieve an accomplishment is a persuasive method to achieve it more quickly. This is because we maintain a positive attitude towards our situation. With a negative attitude, we lack self-confidence. Success or failure in life depends on our self-image, and in tantra we work to improve it through the Buddha-figures. Imagining that we are already a Buddha provides us with a powerful self-image to counteract negative habits and feelings of inadequacy.
Using visualization to expand our capabilities
Buddhas need to keep the full range of their realizations and qualities simultaneously active in mind, in order to use them effectively to help others. In addition, buddhas need to be aware of the myriad personal details of those they are helping, in order to always do what is appropriate.We already hold many things in our minds simultaneously. If we drive a car, for example, we are aware of our speed, the distance we need to stop or pass another vehicle, the speed and position of the cars around us, the rules of driving, the purpose and goal of our journey, the traffic signs, and so on. At the same time, we coordinate our eyes, hands and feet, we are alert to extraneous engine sounds, and we can even hear music and carry on a conversation. Tantric visualizations help to expand this capacity, which is why driving is a tantric activity in itself.
Kalachara Pyramid
This kalachakra Pyramid is used in Feng Shui, to annul the negative energies (Shar chi), which can break into the home in a fortuitous way.Contains:
A snail representing Androgyny, Consciousness, Change, Consciousness, Cycles, Defense, Dreams, Evolution, Expansion, Fertility, Foundation, Healing, Humor, Mobility, Observation, Patience, Phases, Progress, Self-reliance, Self-sufficiency, Sensitivity, Time
14k gold wire, copper magnet wire, bronze filing (micrometal), 8 pieces of lapis lazuli, 4 pieces of 100% certified moldavite, green tourmaline and fire agate.
The "Starship Coil" of 8 vortexes works by potentiating through magnetic induction of energy fields, copper and 14 karat gold together increase up to 400% the powers and properties of the quartz crystals included.
Moldavite: (4 pieces) The prevailing theory is that Moldavite arose as a result of a meteorite impact approximately 15 million years ago, the force of the object impacting the earth and the heat and pressure it exerted fused with terrestrial minerals, exploding into the air and falling back to earth by gravity as a green tektite crystal. It is the only extraterrestrial substance that has a gem quality, it is perhaps the scarcest gem on earth.
Fire Agate: Fire agate has a deep connection with the earth and its energy is calming, bringing security. It has great power to solve problems and gives support in difficult times, it performs an intense protective function, especially against evil intentions. By building a protective shield around the body, it returns aggression to its source so that it can understand the harm it is doing.ย
Lapis Lazuli: It is considered the "cure-all". The ancient pharmacopoeia attributed to Lapis Lazuli numerous qualities; it cured anemia, epilepsy, skin and blood diseases. It awakens the mind to a higher consciousness, being fabulous for working on our inner voice. It enhances dream work and psychic abilities, stimulating personal and spiritual power. It protects from psychic attacks, blocking them and returning that energy to the source that launched it. Attracts fortune and fame. It marks the path to enlightenment, sharpens the ability to visualize and clairvoyance. It is considered as a protective stone, increases the power of the third eye and communication with the higher self and spirit guides.
Green Tourmaline: It covers within its energetic amplification range, from the highest spiritual planes to the lowest physical manifestations. It is recommended for use in matters related to money matters, as it provides the most accurate decisions. Eliminates mental and emotional toxins. It attracts possibility. It is a gem endowed with protective vibrations.
Handmade (with lots of LOVE).
For Feng Shui masters, the kalachakra pyramid is a reflection of the home of the beneficent deities (the celestial palace of time), making it an effective element to offer protection.The protective effect of the kalachakra pyramid is not restricted to counteracting negative energies (shar chi), but encompasses the prosperity of the receiving family, protecting them from debts and theft.
Use the kalachakra pyramid to nullify the effects of the 5-pointed star in its negative intention, from its vibrations depend on serious illnesses, deaths, family breakups, and economic bankruptcies.Another favorable space to place it is in front of the front door of the home, so that it can receive the good chi (positive energy), every time the door is opened. This Kalachakra Pyramid provides us with perfect harmony.It has the power to cancel and eliminate all those damned energies that may penetrate in some unforeseen way into our lives and homes disturbing tranquility and peace.The favorable action that radiates from this Kalachakra Pyramid is not limited to neutralize the bad vibrations known as shar chi, but it also includes the welfare, peace and union of the members of the family that receives it, as well as protecting them from financial commitments and frauds.
ย Kalchakra Pyramid Meditation
Kalachakra meditation seeks to take absolute control of influences that may occur internal or external, such as astrological cycles, biological calendar. With the implementation without limitations, it has the ability to reach the highest level for the benefit of the practitioner.In the same way, it intervenes in the human species since its arrival to the world, during the development of its life, in the way of breathing and using the ethereal energy of the human body, which approves it to obtain illumination and clarity, and finally culminates with death. These cycles have been reiterated since the initiation of the continuous time of the resurrection of the cosmos and its different cycles of existence and that the wheel or space of time has neither opening nor end).There are great masters of the Buddhist religion who affirm that Kalachakra is the most advanced form of Vajrayana knowledge, and that with all certainty it is one of the complicated procedures that tantric Buddhism manages, even so it continues to be a very challenging practice. However, with the proper motivation, disposition and permanent effort, the state of enlightenment that human beings need for the benefit of harmony and peace can be achieved.
The Kalachakra mantra
In Buddhist mythology the figure of the Kalachakra mantra is somewhat complex, yet tolerant.The kalachakra mantra points to absolute integrity and is made up of the following syllables:Om Ham Ksa Ma Ma La Va Ra (Soha).
OmSymbolized by the moon in the crescent phase, the sun, and a void, it personifies the three signs the left contiguous lunar path (lalana), the right solar path (rasana) and the central path (rahula).Ham Blue color signifying space, the Buddha Vairocana and the control of the formless.Ksa Green color is the power of representation.Ma Nuanced colors representing the power of desire.La Yellow color representing the earth and the Buddha Ratnasambhava.Va White color represents water and the Buddha Aksobhya.Ra Red color represents fire and the Buddha Amitabha.Ya Black color represents air and the Buddha Amoghasiddhi.
This mandala is respected as a universal prayer for the enhancement of peace and harmony in the cosmos.
Handmade (With lot of LOVE).
WARRANTY:We check performance quality before shipping to make sure you are receiving the best product. We guarantee your purchase against any manufacturing defect.We do not cover damage caused by accidents.NOTE: The materials are volatile, they can be arranged in random ways, the COLOR MAY VARY DUE TO THESE REASONS, the arrangement of the micro metal particles cannot be controlled.
This product is handmade, therefore we try to ensure that your product is as similar to the one that appears in the images, but it will also come with its own uniqueness as it is a unique piece.All of our orgone products contain special technology that protects living things from the harmful damage of 5G.Handling and manufacturing time is approximately 1 week, shipping time will depend on the chosen method and may take 10-30 business days depending on customs and airport traffic.
ย For better results you can use this Binaural Frequency with a Metayantra resonator: