Wicca Protector Wheel of Time

$44.00 $88.00 -50% OFF

Size - 5.5 cm

5.5 cm 6.3 cm

Color - Violet

Wicca Protector Wheel of Time

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Size - 5.5 cm

5.5 cm 6.3 cm

Color - Violet

$44.00 $88.00 -50% OFF

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Product description

Zodiacal Protection

Protection Against Inevitable Changes

  • IMBOLC: dedicated to fire, represents the moment of awakening, an illumination of the way to new hopes.
  • OSTARA: The earth wakes up from its sleep, day and night are the same, but the light is winning life is gaining momentum.
  • BELTANE: "bright fire" Fire symbolizes heat, life, transformation.
  • LITHA: represents compliance time, however there is also change
  • LUGHNASADH: The union of God and Goddess gave birth to the bounty of the earth.
  • MABON: Time of delicate balance between light and darkness.
  • SAMHAIN: Begins, the season of darkness, is the festival of death, and therefore of the eternal cycle, since without death, there can be no rebirth.
  • YULE: The return of the sun and the light that confirms the renewal.


  • Black Tourmaline: 5G Protection. It is considered a reference stone for cleansing, protection and transformation. It absorbs the dense energies and directs them towards the earth to be transmuted. ... Whatever the ailment of the physical body, tourmaline helps to regenerate and balance it at the energy level.
  • Red Jasper: Gives support in times of tension, providing tranquility and fullness. Remind people to help each other. Align the chakras, balance the ying and yang. Grounds the energies and rectifies unfair situations, brings problems to light and helps to understand difficult situations.
  • Rose Quartz: Comprehension, practicality and strength.
  • Eye of the Tiger: Confidence, self-esteem.
  • Venturine: Crystal of prosperity, with great devic connection, reinforces leadership qualities, dilutes negative thoughts and situations, promotes compassion. Comforts, heals and protects the heart, pure harmonizer.
  • Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; progressively improve your self-esteem, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias. Incorporates the power of the Sun, it never needs cleaning, absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and conducts harmful energy to earth, excellent protector of the environment.
  • Carnelian: brings confidence and firmness. It positively influences sexuality in relation to Svadisthana. And it brings you determination, as well as empowerment.
  • Agata: Promotes the search for justice and truth, as well as an environment of harmony and peace.
  • Malachite: amplifies positive energies, causing spiritual energies to reach the planet. Develop your Instincts and Intuition.
  • Sodalite: Unites logic with intuition and opens spiritual perception. Deepen meditation, instill a desire for truth and an idealistic drive. Clean electromagnetic radiation. Very useful for group work, eliminates mental confusion, encourages rational thinking, objectivity and truth.
  • Obsidian: Provides Optimism, and brings strength of Decision.
  • Turquoise: Understanding of emotions.
  • Amethyst: Unites logic with intuition and opens spiritual perception. Deepen meditation, instill a desire for truth and an idealistic drive. Clean electromagnetic radiation. Very useful for group work, eliminates mental confusion, encourages rational thinking, objectivity and truth.
  • Biomagnetic Brass Triple Coil: Energetic Resonance, associated with music and the heart.
  • Biomagnetic Copper Coil: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts.
  • Biomagnetic Nickel Coil: Associated with willpower and intellectual humility.
  • 12 Pointed Energy Star: (Reflection of Belen) is the one that represents time lived in harmony. Therefore it is one of the most complete stars, since it attracts abundance, favors spiritual well-being, attracts love and strengthens health.
  • 36-pointed Energy Star: It is related to balance and cosmic forces. That is why many people believe that those who are connected with this number, or even those people who come to dream of this number, are destined to have a balanced life in all aspects. 

Handmade (With lot of LOVE).

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