Orgonite: all you need to know.

What's Orgonite®?

Orgonite -registered trademark- or Orgoniti are famous terms coined to refer to devices commonly handmade combining polyester resin, quartz, and metal (usually aluminum, copper, and bronze shavings). These devices may also be called Orgone Devices or Orgone Energy Devices.

The purpose of the devices is to generate Positive Orgone Energy (POR), also known as Life energy, Vital energy, Chi, Ki, or Prana.

What does Orgonite® do?

If the three materials (resin, quartz, and metal) are applied correctly in the design of the Orgone Device, it will collect and transform harmful energy from the environment. For example, Electromagnetic radiation. It converts it into harmonized energy that will be beneficial for the biology of all living organisms but also for the mind and spirit of human beings.

Orgonite Crystals or Orgonite Stone?

You may use the description that resonates with you the most when referring to these devices. However, strictly speaking, orgonite is not a crystal but contains it, although it is reasonable for people to call it orgonitecrystal due to its most common crystal-clear aspect.

It is not a stone either because it is made of synthetic resin. In nature, there is no such mineral named orgonite.

Real Orgonite®

We could say genuine Orgonite® is the one that truly generates Positive Orgone Energy. One way to confirm this is to check the Orgone device with an Air Ion Detector. If the detector shows the presence of anions (negative ions) – which are the most beneficial for living beings – then it confirms the orgonite healing properties are activated. The device is achieving the generation of the desired orgone energy.

From our point of view, it comes down to there being only two types of orgonite in general:

1. That which authentically results in Positive Orgonic Energy.

2. That which only works as a colorful piece of art (Just for looks, no transmutation power).

Natural Orgonite®

There is a common misconception that pure orgonite comes directly from nature. But as explained before, an essential part of the mixture to craft an orgone device is the resin, an artificial synthesized high molecular polymer. However, just because orgonite is not made of natural elements only, it doesn't mean that it is less beneficial to life.

A high quality orgonite should be rated by its effectiveness to generate Positive Orgone Energy.

Orgonite® Use

If crafted correctly:

  • You may use an Orgone Device as a tool to improve health due to the generation of negative ions.
  • It also helps to purify the air.
  • It can clear harmful energy and fill space with harmonious frequencies.
  • It can protect living beings (humans and pets) from the poisonous radiation of Electromagnetism / 5g.
  • It enhances spiritual and mental well-being.
  • It can help plants to grow better.
  • Depending on the combination of quartz, metals, and even sacred geometry or symbols, it can help harmonize moods, balance character, cleanse & align chakras, support manifestation processes, and cancel receptiveness to bad intentions from others.
  • Orgone Devices should be made of a durable resin, if so, you could get 2 in 1: a device that heals and protects you all around as well as an artistic eye-catching wearable -in the case of Pendants, Bracelets, Earrings, Rings, and Keychains- or -Pyramids, Figurines, Cloudbusters, Wall Clocks, and Wind Chimes- as a decorative element.

    Your creativity is the limit because at METAYANTRA you can order Customized Orgone Devices, totally tailor-made to your liking and desires!

Matayantra's Radionic Orgone Energy Wall Clock with Black Tourmaline & Citrine Quartz

Radionic Orgone Energy Clock | Unlock SynchroDestiny | Metayantra
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock: Unlock Your Path to SynchroDestiny
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock Black Tourmaline Citrine Quartz - Metayantra Consciencia
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock Black Tourmaline Citrine Quartz - Metayantra Consciencia
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock Black Tourmaline Citrine Quartz - Metayantra Consciencia
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock Black Tourmaline Citrine Quartz - Metayantra Consciencia
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock Black Tourmaline Citrine Quartz - Metayantra Consciencia
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock Black Tourmaline Citrine Quartz - Metayantra Consciencia
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock Black Tourmaline Citrine Quartz - Metayantra Consciencia
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock | Unlock SynchroDestiny | Metayantra
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock: Unlock Your Path to SynchroDestiny
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock Black Tourmaline Citrine Quartz - Metayantra Consciencia
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock Black Tourmaline Citrine Quartz - Metayantra Consciencia
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock Black Tourmaline Citrine Quartz - Metayantra Consciencia
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock Black Tourmaline Citrine Quartz - Metayantra Consciencia
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock Black Tourmaline Citrine Quartz - Metayantra Consciencia
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock Black Tourmaline Citrine Quartz - Metayantra Consciencia
Radionic Orgone Energy Clock Black Tourmaline Citrine Quartz - Metayantra Consciencia

All of our devices are artfully handmade. We are constantly generating very creative and beautiful new models with a wide variety of purposes and intentions of light.

We are pioneers in developing the most powerful Orgone devices that you can find. They are a NEW GENERATION OF ORGONE DEVICES.

Orgonite® Effects

The specific effects of Orgone devices vary from person to person, but people consistently report beneficial effects only.

Some of the most commonly reported effects are:

- Improvement of physical and psychological health.

- Stress reduction.

- Greater mental clarity and self-awareness.

- Improvement in the quality of sleep and rest.

- Increased levels of vigor and motivation.

- The deep feeling of a harmonized environment.

- A more balanced emotional state.

- A continuous feeling of well-being all around.

Orgone and Orgonite

While Orgonite® is a word to refer to the device itself, Orgone is the concept that refers to a life force present in the Universe.

Also, the word Orgonite® and other close variations became trademarks registered by Karl Hans Welz (20 September 1944 – 20 December 2021). He claimed that his 50/50 mix of polyester resin and metal shavings was the one & only formula to generate Orgone energy, but he didn't present solid and impartial evidence to back up this claim. 

In the opinion of many – including ours - the scientist that researched and truly developed the knowledge of Orgone energy for the benefit of humankind was Dr. Wilhelm Reich. He presented his Orgone Energy Theory and invented the Orgone Accumulator and Cloudbuster between the 1930s and the 1950s.

At Metayantra we have created a New Generation of Devices that scientifically support the authenticity of Positive Orgone Energy

Play this video to learn more

Metayantra Pranic Devices

We have developed a new generation of piezoelectric orgonite devices named Metayantra Pranic Devices (MPDs). We call them Pranic Devices because Orgone Energy is also known as Prana in Hinduism. This way, we honor one of the cultures that have promoted this concept from ancient times.

We implemented improvements on our Orgone (Pranic) devices based on well-known and accepted scientific principles. You can play the video above to check out all the scientific principles we are applying. We even run a scientific test to prove negative ions appear around a Mentayantra Pranic Device.

These improvements make our MPDs some of the most powerful Orgone devices you can find.

Even the famous scientist Ph.D. Patrick Flanagan - author of the Book: Pyramid Power and inventor of The Cosmic Sensor (The flat-pyramid)- analyzed one of our MPDs. He discovered that our combination of his Cosmic Sensor plate and the metal coil we had implemented prevented his Cosmic Sensor plate from wearing out. So, when using the configuration Metayantra had come up with, there would not be the need of getting a new plate every 3 years as Dr. Flanagan himself recommended when having the Cosmic Sensor copper plate by itself. He congratulated us on what we had achieved.

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