Guide for your soul, Elevate your prayers to the divine realm.
Mediator between heaven and earth, matter and spirit.
Bond of union of the human being with the creative energy.
Content: 10 Incense Sticks
Copal is the Mexican incense par excellence and is full of medicinal and spiritual properties.
It is an aromatic resin of peculiar odor, produced by trees belonging to the genus Burseraceae, endemic to Mexico and considered by our ancestors as "sacred".
It is burned to cure the "airs" and in energetic cleansings.
The copal tree is called copalquáhuitl, the odorous resin copalli, which means incense. It is highly valued for its therapeutic properties and religious use. It is also known as iztacteteo which means "white god".

Medicinal properties of copal
• Relieve headaches.
- Linked to fertility and water.
- Relief of respiratory diseases.
- Stress relief
- general analgesic
- helps in the treatment of bone pains
- uterine discomfort
- toothache
- stomach ailments
- burns
- Used in temazcales to alleviate various diseases or illnesses.
- It has analgesic, expectorant, antispasmodic and disinfectant potentials.
- When rubbed it gives relief to bone pains.
- As an infusion, when aspirated, it relieves respiratory diseases and colds.
- Rubbed firmly on the head, it relieves migraine.
- Smeared on scorpion bites, burns, and skin fungus helps cure them.
- Relieves stomach and toothaches
- Cures strangulation of the uterus
- Poultices are applied on fractures.
- It is used for the elaboration of oils in aromatherapy for its relaxing effect.
- As incense, it helps inner peace, improves mood, and increases concentration, inspiration, and relaxation.
However, its main use is as a purifier and as medicine for spiritual illnesses, which, according to the indigenous cosmovision, can manifest themselves in physical illnesses.
HWe have received from our pre-Hispanic ancestors a very important legacy that lasts until today, the use of "Copal".
The smoke of the copal represents the: mediator between heaven and earth, between matter and spirit, between the living and the dead, the bond of union of the human being with the father-mother creator, the element that transports prayers to the divine realm, is the function of the copal.
Copal grows in warm and dry regions, such as the Alto Balsas of Guerrero and the Mixteca of Oaxaca and Puebla; entire families of copal growers migrate to the mountains at harvest time to select the trees suitable for harvesting.
Other Important Rituals
Festivities of the twentiesThe festivals held in each of the twenty of the Mesoamerican solar calendar are dedicated to the gods of rain, war and everything created. The aquatic gods are worshipped: Tlaloc, the tlaloque (water gods), Chicomecóatl, Chalchiuhtlicue, in certain rituals of the agricultural almanac with precious offerings of sacrifices, copal, rubber, paper, food, drink, prayers, songs and dances.
Colonial offerings in the hillsThe findings of remains of copal, flowers, candles and cotton threads and small cloths on the tops of the hills, in piles of stone (teolocholli) and in the springs, show the places of worship, where offerings were made to the divinity, for long life, maintenance and children.
Other colonial rituals: hunting, fishing, and extraction of natural resources.For successful hunting, hunters used copal to smoke their work tools and cast incantations.
In the region of Oaxaca, it is said that the day of the god of the dead was propitious to hunt deer; then they smoked with copal the head and nostrils of the prey or put a piece of copal in its snout and on the mountain they offered candles, copal, and turkey to the god of death, thus assuring the deer hunt in the following days.
Likewise, fishermen and people from the neighborhoods gathered candles and copal, and before starting their activity, they used copal to smoke the Lady of the River for the good success of their work.
Colonial healing ritualsAccording to Nahua thought, health affections (spiritual and some physical illnesses) derived from the anger of the gods of the clouds (angels), mountains, rivers, fire, earth, or winds.
Social and civil events
Any episode of the development of life in society (birth, marriage, death) was celebrated with rituals, offering of copal, and other materials to the deities.
Purchase your Copal Wands
Ritualized and Intentionalized through ancestral techniques for your best energetic performance.
You can use it to
Light a copal wand, You will prevent lack of concentration, and the contamination of foreign energies to your inner work allowing your soul a deeper introspection.
If you are a therapist burn a copal wand every 3 days to neutralize and clean residual energies of therapies performed that are suspended in the environment, morbid energies.
If you give therapies with your patients lying down, light it before your session so that the copal cleanses and harmonizes the energies.
In Your Home:
If you wish to use them to cleanse your home of harmful energies burn some copal before going to sleep to facilitate your rest. Light a wand whenever you feel the environment is energetically charged..
Work Space:
Copal cleanses the environment so that you can build everything you desire without blockages. You should leave a wand of copal every 3 days in the center of your workplace, to cleanse the energetic structure of it.
For students it is advisable to leave a wand burning while studying, as it will facilitate concentration.
Finally, if you have an altar, it is advisable to use it on it.