Icosahedron Mega Cellular Regenerator Dodecahedral Matrix 20 x 20 – Metayantra

$88.00 USD

Icosahedron Mega Cellular Regenerator Dodecahedral Matrix 20 x 20 – Metayantra

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$88.00 USD

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Product description

Prevents Aging, Accelerates Cellular Regeneration

Giant MEGA Resonator

The icosahedron/dodecahedron, by containing the golden ratio, allows the toroids and eddies necessary for the intercommunication of the Universal system to emerge. Its patterns allow the distribution of waves. Plato described the Earth as having a dodecahedral lattice around it. Grids are fractal and holographic. Each particle possesses within itself the totality: the Universe. The networks are not only on Earth but in the physical universe. Grids are expressions of energy and consciousness that follow proportions defined by the principles of Sacred Geometry and that expand throughout the entire multidimensional universe. It is the Matrix of individual, collective, and planetary elevated consciousness. It represents an aspect of the 12 dimensions of the earthly plane: the 12 constellations of the zodiac, the 12 months of the year, the 24 hours of earthly time, the 12 apostles, the 12 DNA strands and the Identity of the evolved human. What occurs initially is a balance and a restoration of the energy centers; and an elevation and recoding of DNA.-Benefits plants by improving all their processes of germination and development.-Favors cell regeneration and immunological capacity. Increases levels of general vitality and optimism... They manage to block the physical aging code of our DNA. As our aging process stops, our hair regains its elasticity, our wrinkles disappear, as well as our excess weight, without dangerous chemicals or additives. The potential to maintain a youthful body and indestructible health is locked in our cells and the key to unlocking this treasure is found in our spirit, in the fact that we consider ourselves as creators of our own reality.

    Size 20cms X 20cms 

    Proposed Experiments:

    1. Choose a Food or Beverage.
    2. Get 2 of the same food or beverage.
    3. Place one of them on the Sensor plate for 15 minutes.
    4. Leave the other one more than 50 meters away from the Sensor.
    5. Try both foods or beverages.


    The Cosmic Sensor is scientifically proven to raise the vibrational frequency, without rituals or acts of faith. Just have it as a picture or framed anywhere in the house.
    The sensor produces a feeling of tranquility, relaxation and peace in the area, neutralizes negative energy.
    Discovered by Gillis Patrick Flanagan, an American nuclear mathematical physicist.
    Dr. Flanagan's research has resulted in a generator that handles subtle biocosmic energies from the solar system, auric and thought fields.
    It is based on the mathematical Fibonacci progression and, if we observe it carefully, we see that its development is an evolved pyramid. Therefore, the energy field it emits is exactly the same as the one generated by the pyramid, harmonic and harmless, as it integrates at the same time the Section or Golden Point.

    The Sensor Vortex energy plate is a unique energetic tool designed to balance energy systems, relieve stress, normalize the nervous system and enhance feelings of joy, peace, vitality and promote well-being.

    Laser Engraving

    Concerned about the precision in our tools, now you can acquire this engraved plate with a precision of 0.01 millimeters, without errors and perfectly traced in copper. Copper is the best conductor after silver, so this sensor is unbeatable, its energy will be reflected throughout your home.

    It has a range of 50 meters.


    • Quantum Resonance Plate with Laser Accuracy.

    Handmade (with lots of LOVE).

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