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Bhaishajyaguru Medicine Buddha Medicine Healer - Metayantra Consciencia Bhaishajyaguru Medicine Buddha Medicine Healer - Metayantra Consciencia
Bhaishajyaguru Medicine Buddha Medicine Healer $69.33
Increases Healing Power for Oneself and Others.Decreases Physical and Mental Illness and Suffering Mantra: Tayata Om Bekandze Bekandze Maha Bekandze Radza Samudgate Soha Meditating on the Medicine Buddha is a very powerful method to heal oneself and others, as well as to eliminate suffering and disease of the soul: attachment, hatred and ignorance. Eliminate disease and awaken the innate wisdom of healing.Initiation implants seeds of potentialities and positive tendencies in the mind, which guarantee the future success of the practice and serve to strengthen the altruistic motivation of the practitioner.   Contains: Brass coil: Music, energy resonance and secrets are associated Copper Coil: Protection element, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts. 24-Pointed Star: Related to emotional maturity, deep understanding of the emotional side of life. Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; progressively improve your self-esteem, enhance individuality and self-esteem, overcome states of depression, media and phobias. Incorporates the power of the Sun, never needs cleaning, absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and leads to earth the harmful energy, excellent protector of the environment. It cleanses the chakras, increases self-esteem, enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind, amplifying the power of thoughts and promoting vital joy.   Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 5.5 cm.WARRANTY:We check performance quality before shipping to make sure you are receiving the best product. We guarantee your purchase against any manufacturing defect.We do not cover damage caused by accidents.NOTE: The materials are volatile, they can be arranged in random ways, the COLOR MAY VARY DUE TO THESE REASONS, the arrangement of the micro metal particles cannot be controlled. This product is handmade, therefore we try to ensure that your product is as similar to the one that appears in the images, but it will also come with its own uniqueness as it is a unique piece.All of our orgone products contain special technology that protects living things from the harmful damage of 5G.Handling and manufacturing time is approximately 1 week, shipping time will depend on the chosen method and may take 10-30 business days depending on customs and airport traffic.  
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5G Healing Necklace: Biomagnetism & Quartz Protection 5G Healing Necklace: Biomagnetism & Quartz Protection
5G Healing Necklace: Biomagnetism & Quartz Protection from $33.00
Physical and Spiritual Healing Necklace: Biomagnetism and Quartz Explore the transformative power of our exclusive Healing Necklace, a masterpiece designed to promote comprehensive healing. Crafted with principles of biomagnetism and quartz healing, this necklace is not just a piece of jewelry, but a powerful ally for your well-being. This unique accessory is imbued with the energy of sacred geometry, specifically through a healing hexagram and a harvest circle, designed to harmonize physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Nickel Biomagnetic Coil: Incorporates biomagnetism therapy to balance the body, providing willpower and intellectual humility. Healing Crop Circle: Its design brings a special energy that promotes healing and well-being. 6-Pointed Energy Star: Symbolizes divine union, promoting idealism, love, and family harmony. Black Tourmaline: Offers protection against negative and electromagnetic energies, transforming them into positive ones. Citrine Quartz: Improves self-esteem and spiritual energy, fighting depression and fears. Obsidian: Turns pessimism into optimism, fostering determination. White Quartz: Purifies the environment's energy, promoting a space of serenity. Red Jasper: Stimulates action and defends justice, providing protection and righteousness. Aventurine: Comforts and protects the heart, providing well-being and emotional balance. Moreover, the necklace can include the revolutionary COVFEFE Anti5g blend, an alloy of Cobalt, Iron, and Vanadium, designed to neutralize 5G impurities and protect against electromagnetic radiation. Select it on our variant options Each necklace is handmade with love, focused on offering exceptional protection against 5G radiation and promoting deep and lasting healing. Discover how this necklace, combining biomagnetism and quartz healing, can be a significant change in your life. Learn more about COVFEFE and its 5G protection
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-59% sale
7 Chakra Black Sun Orgone Generator Kit 7 Chakra Black Sun Orgone Generator Kit - Metayantra Consciencia
7 Chakra Black Sun Orgone Generator Kit $125.00 $300.00
Ideal For Complicated Energy Therapies Enhanced by Black Sun Orgone Mixture 5.5 cm. It contains a base of 90% fine crushed quartz crystals, brass and black iron oxide, left in the sun with a Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 hz. This device was created from Wilhelm Reich's research. It transforms the harmful energies resulting from the electromagnetic emissions of electrical equipment (DOR), such as fluorescent lights. The device is used in TV screens, computer monitors, high voltage cables, cell phones, but most of the repeaters for telecommunications, clean orgone energy (POR) and regeneration balancing the energy field. Contributes to balancing the climate, thanks to its ability to suck large amounts of DOR from the atmosphere, convert POR, allowing a rebalancing of the surrounding environment.Ideal for raising awareness and disabling mind control frequencies.*Muladhara: adrenal glands, circulatory system, bone system, teeth, nails, anus, colon, legs and feet. Spiritual Development and Materialization. Red Jasper: Provides willpower, gives courage to perform unpleasant tasks. 12 Pointed Energy Star: Represents time lived in harmony. Biomagnetic Brass Coil: Associates music, energetic resonance and secrets. Biomagnetic Copper Coil: Protective element, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. *Svadhisthana: Kidneys, intestines, bladder, reproductive organs. It provides harmony and acceptance of change. Carnelian: Provides stability of energy and allows you to raise the levels of vitality and motivation. 12 Pointed Energy Star: Represents time lived in harmony. Biomagnetic Nickel Coil: is a light metal associated with willpower and intellectual humility. Biomagnetic Copper Coil: A protective element, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. *Manipura: Solar Plexus, Digestive System, Liver, Pancreas, Diabetes. Spiritual and Material Abundance. Citrine: Provides the power of the Sun, Strengthens the Aura, , protects your emotions, raises self-esteem, relieves digestive problems, helps against depression. It has a great capacity to transmit the spiritual energy, besides the power to amplify the thoughts; to improve your self-esteem progressively, power the individuality and the self-esteem, you will surpass states of depression, fears and phobias. It cleans the chakras, it elevates the self-esteem, it promotes the concentration and it revitalizes the mind amplifying the power of the thoughts and it foments the vital joy. 12 Pointed Star: Represents time lived in harmony. Biomagnetic Nickel Coil: is a light metal associated with will power and intellectual humility. Biomagnetic Copper Coil: A protective element, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. *Anahata: Heart, Emotional Center It brings joy and heals emotions. Green Aventurine: Induces relaxation, stability and inner peace, calming the mind, spirit and body. 12 Pointed Energy Star: Represents time lived in harmony. Biomagnetic Nickel Coil: Is a light metal associated with willpower and intellectual humility. *Vishuddha: Tonsils, tongue, teeth, gums, cervicals, larynx, lungs, esophagus, vocal cords, bronchi. Harmonizing Emotions with Thoughts. Sodalite: Is useful in conflicts with the ego, strengthens the lymphatic system and metabolism, dispels fantasy, decreases tension and anxiety 12 Pointed Energy Star: Represents time lived in harmony. Biomagnetic Nickel Coil: is a light metal associated with will power and intellectual humility. Biomagnetic Brass Coil: It is associated with music, energetic resonance and secrets. *Ajna: Eyes, ears, nose, cerebellum, central nervous system, pituitary gland. Development of the Pineal Gland (Third Eye) Amethyst: Increases paranormal capacity and the faculty of meditation, calms passions, reduces fears and neutralizes negativity. 12 Pointed Energy Star: Represents time lived in harmony. Biomagnetic Nickel Coil: Is a light metal associated with will, power and intellectual humility. Sahasrara: Brain and auric field. Development of Higher Consciousness. White Quartz: Helps us purify our energies, which means it can undo old clumps of denser or negative energy 21-pointed Energy Star: changes in our lives, positive stimuli, travel, home improvements and undertaking new activities. Biomagnetic Nickel Coil: Is a light metal associated with will, power and intellectual humility.  Handmade (With lots of LOVE).
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-45% sale
7 Chakra Healing Specialized Kit - Metayantra Consciencia 7 Chakra Healing Specialized Kit - Metayantra Consciencia
7 Chakra Healing Specialized Kit $111.11 $199.99
Ideal for Energy Therapies 4.3 cm. Muladhara: adrenal glands, circulatory system, bone system, teeth, nails, anus, colon, legs and feet. Spiritual Development and Materialization. Red Jasper: Provides willpower, provides courage to perform unpleasant tasks. Svadhisthana: Kidneys, intestines, bladder, reproductive organs.Provides Harmony and Acceptance to Changes. Carnelian: provides energy stability and allows you to raise levels of vitality and motivation. Manipura: Solar Plexus, Digestive System, Liver, Pancreas, Diabetes. Spiritual and Material Abundance. Citrine: Provides the power of the Sun, Strengthens the Aura, protects your emotions, raises self-esteem, relieves digestive problems, helps against depression. Anahata: Heart, Emotional Center. Provides joy and heals emotions. Green Aventurine: Induces relaxation, stability and inner peace, calming the mind, spirit and body. Vishuddha: Tonsils, tongue, teeth, gums, cervicals, larynx, lungs, esophagus, vocal cords, bronchi. Harmonize Emotions with Thoughts. Sodalite: It is useful in conflicts with the ego, strengthens the lymphatic system and metabolism, dispels fantasy, reduces tension and anxiety. Ajna: Eyes, ears, nose, cerebellum, central nervous system, pituitary gland. Development of the Pineal Gland (Third Eye). Amethyst: Increases paranormal capacity and the power of meditation, Calms passions, reduces fears and neutralizes negativity. Sahasrara: Brain and Auric Field. Development of Higher Consciousness. White Quartz: It helps us purify our energies, which means that it can undo old globs of more dense or negative energy. Handmade (With lots of LOVE).
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-45% sale
Mega Astral Projector Tetragrammaton: Power Your Energy and Spiritual Protection Mega Astral Projector Tetragrammaton: Power Your Energy and Spiritual Protection
Mega Astral Projector Tetragrammaton: Power Your Energy and Spiritual... $99.99 $180.00
Discover the Virtues of the Tetragrammaton: Protection, Wisdom and Spiritual Harmony The Tetragrammaton Astral Projector is an exceptionally crafted piece that combines ancient hermetic wisdom with the precision of modern technology to offer an object of unparalleled power. This copper plate, laser engraved with an astonishing precision of 0.03mm, ensures perfect performance, projecting positive energy and vibrations in any space where it is placed. The Tetragrammaton Symbol The Tetragrammaton, also known as Penta Alpha due to the five points of the pentagram it contains, is one of the oldest and most powerful talismans in the esoteric tradition. This symbol, which dates back to antiquity, has been used by magicians and alchemists throughout the centuries for its protective properties and its ability to attract positive energy. In its beginnings, the Tetragrammaton was used to protect new constructions, being engraved on walls to keep out negativity and bad energies. Over time, its use was extended to jewelry and personal amulets, allowing those who wore it to be protected at all times against dark energies. What is the Tetragrammaton for? The Tetragrammaton is highly effective as a spiritual protection tool. It acts against negative energies, the evil eye, envy and evil entities. In addition, it grants spiritual dominion over the natural elements (Earth, Water, Fire and Air) and guides towards inner wisdom, promoting spiritual evolution and personal empowerment. For these reasons, the silver Tetragrammaton pendant is one of the most demanded amulets, not only among individuals, but also among professionals such as tarot readers, psychologists and psychologists seeking to connect and protect themselves from various energies. Symbology and Properties of the Tetragrammaton The Tetragrammaton is composed of a rich symbology that encompasses diverse esoteric, religious and mystical traditions. The following is a breakdown of its main symbolic elements: 1. The Pentagram and the Circle of Protection Pentagram: The pentagram represents balance when its point is up, symbolizing a person with their feet on the ground and their head in the sky, reflecting harmony and protection. When the point is downward, it symbolizes imbalance and chaos. Five Points of the Pentagram: Each point of the pentagram is associated with one of the four elements (water, fire, earth and air) and the fifth element, spirit, which governs them. Circle: The circle surrounding the pentagram represents divinity and acts as a circle of protection, creating a sacred and safe space within. 2. Texts and Numbers Word Tetragrammaton: Arranged along the circle, the word “Tetragrammaton” means “the four letters” in Greek, referring to the Hebrew letters יהוה (YHWH), the sacred name of God in Jewish tradition. Numbers 1 and 2: Under the word “Te”, the number 1 represents the masculine divinity and the number 2 the feminine divinity, symbolizing the unity of the diverse and its creative power. Numbers 1, 2, 3: Under the word “Tra”, they represent the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the Christian tradition, or Father, Mother and Son in other esoteric interpretations. 3. Other Esoteric Symbols Holy Grail: It represents the cup used by Christ at the Last Supper and symbolizes the spiritual quest and divine connection. Scepter of the Patriarchs: Symbolizes spiritual guidance and leadership. Flaming Sword: Represents justice and divine protection. Seal of Solomon: Grants wisdom, balance and spiritual power. Ouroboros: A snake that bites its own tail, symbolizing the eternal cycle of life and renewal. Alpha and Omega: They represent the beginning and the end, the totality of divine existence. Eye of Horus: A symbol of protection, royal power and good health. Caduceus of Mercury: Symbolizes alchemy, healing and spiritual balance. The Microcosm of the Tetragrammaton The Tetragrammaton is, in itself, a microcosm that synthesizes the immensity of the sacred and the universal. In its tiny proportions, it contains a large number of symbols of the main Abrahamic religions, of the classical Greek and Roman world, and of its pagan substratum. Outstanding Features High Precision Laser Engraving: The copper plate is engraved with state-of-the-art laser technology, ensuring an accuracy of 0.03mm. This not only guarantees perfection in the details of the Tetragrammaton symbol, but also optimizes its ability to project energy. Polymer Resin Coating: The plate is coated with a special polymer resin that fractalizes and amplifies the emitted energy. This coating not only protects the plate, but also enhances its ability to project energy evenly into the environment. High Quality Materials: Made of pure copper, known for its energy conductive properties, this plate is designed to last and maintain its energy efficiency over time. Multiple Benefits and Uses Meditation Spaces: Place the Tetragrammaton Astral Projector in your meditation space to create an environment of peace and harmony. The projected energy helps you reach a deeper state of meditation and connect with your inner self. Offices and Business: Enhances the atmosphere of your workplace, promoting mental clarity, creativity and a cooperative environment. Ideal for placement in offices, meeting rooms and common areas. Masonic Meeting Rooms: Perfect for Masonic meeting rooms, known as lodges. This projector amplifies the spiritual energy of the environment, favoring concentration and communion among members. Homes: It brings a sense of tranquility and protection to your home. Place it in the living room, bedroom or any place where you wish to balance the energy of the space. Creation Process Each Tetragrammaton Astral Projector is created with a handcrafted approach, combining traditional techniques with technological innovations. The symbol is laser engraved in high quality copper, ensuring that every detail is accurately captured. The plate is then coated with polymer resin to protect and amplify its energetic capacity. Conclusion The Tetragrammaton Astral Projector is not just an ornament, but a powerful tool to transform any space into a sanctuary of positive energy. Its precise design and special coating ensure that the projected energy is constant and effective. Whether in your home, office, business, or Masonic lodge, this projector will help you create an environment of harmony, protection, and spiritual clarity. Get Yours Today Transform your environment with the Tetragrammaton Astral Projector and discover the benefits of positive energy in your daily life. Make every space a sacred place of peace and prosperity.
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-40% sale
Unleash Your Inner Power: 3-Month Mental Reprogramming Program with Personalized Subliminals.
Unleash Your Inner Power: 3-Month Mental Reprogramming Program with P... $532.80 $888.00
Unlock Your True Potential: 3-Month Mental Reprogramming with Personalized Subliminals Transform your life today! Discover how you can effectively and discreetly program your mind through our selection of powerful subliminals. Subliminal Messages are an incredibly effective tool that can influence your mind in a profound and positive way.Imagine the impact this technology has had even on trained soldiers, making them surrender without a fight. Now think about what it can do for you, helping you create a winning mindset and achieve your goals.Here are some advantages of our mind programming program:🔮 You can use it at any time of the day, adapting it to your routine.🔮 The subliminals are virtually inaudible, allowing you to listen to them for long periods without getting bored or overwhelmed.🔮 You can use it anywhere, even at home to benefit your family.🔮 Take it with you everywhere and use it to positively influence other people.Most importantly, you don't need to believe in this technology for it to work. You just need to use it, and in a few weeks, you will start seeing amazing results in your life.It's time to reprogram yourself! As perfect and complete beings, you have the power to train your brain to achieve and accomplish all your goals.Here are some tips to get the most out of the program:📍 Dedicate at least one hour a day to listen to the audios, preferably when you go to sleep and when you wake up.📍 It is recommended to listen to the subliminals for a minimum of 90 days, but the optimum is 180 days to experience strong and tangible positive effects.📍 Listen to one or two subliminals every day, with a maximum of 3 different themes, to avoid saturating your mind. Remember not to listen to subliminals while driving.📍 Stay well hydrated during the times you listen to subliminals.Our personalized mind programming program allows you to harness the power of your subconscious to transform your beliefs and, consequently, your decisions, behaviors and reality. As Dr. Bruce Lipton stated, "beliefs can manipulate genes and DNA".For personalized mental reprogramming, contact us at in mind the following:🛑‼️ IMPORTANT NOTE ‼️🛑 During the first few days of listening to subliminals, you may experience the effects of brain reprogramming and neurostimulation. Neuroplasticity will be in full action and you might experience slight headaches, dizziness, nausea or tinnitus. Don't worry, this is completely normal and similar to the aches and pains after working out at the gym. Go ahead and don't be intimidated by these temporary effects. Open the doors to abundance and fulfillment. Turn your dreams into reality and start your journey of mental transformation today!OUR CHANNELS
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Binaural Beats for Anxiety & PTSD | Overcome Stress | Metayantra
Binaural Beats for Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) $11.11
💥MIRACULOUS💥🧠 Overcoming Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD)🎧 💊 Amazing 🎧🔛 ContainsBinaural Frequency Ascending from 0.2Hz to 10HzActivates Unconscious Memories of Post Traumatic Events for Assimilation, Acceptance and Understanding1052Hz Carrier FrequencyFrequency Associated with the highest point of the head brings feelings of Release, connects with your Spirit, and helps to Transcend Negative memories.IMPORTANT:🎧Indispensable to Use Headphones with the Binaural Tones.📍 The minimum time to listen to the audios is one hour a day (preferably when sleeping and waking up).It is recommended to listen for a minimum of 90 days, 180 days is optimal to see the strong and tangible positive effects (since in only 21 days you make a new brain synapse).How Do They Work? Learn More? How Do I Use Them?Click Here🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 are extremely POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE.⌛ GENERATE THE CHANGES YOU WANT NOW⌛.
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Binaural Beats for Pain Relief and Wound Healing
Binaural Beats for Pain Relief and Wound Healing $11.11
💥ASTONISHING💥🧠 PAIN RELIEF AND WOUND REGENERATION🎧 💊 Remarkable results! 🎧🔛 ContainsBinaural Frequency Ascending from 0.5Hz to 1.5HzPain relief; generates endorphins, promotes better hypnosis111Hz Carrier FrequencyGenerates Beta endorphins and promotes cell regeneration. IMPORTANT:🎧Indispensable to Use Headphones with the Binaural Tones.📍 The minimum time to listen to the audios is one hour a day (preferably when sleeping and waking up).It is recommended to listen for a minimum of 90 days, 180 days is optimal to see the strong and tangible positive effects (since in only 21 days you make a new brain synapse).How Do They Work? Learn More? How Do I Use Them?Click Here🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 are extremely POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE.⌛ GENERATE THE CHANGES YOU WANT NOW⌛.
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-47% sale
Patrick Flanagan Neurophone | Neo Metayantra Neurophone | Metayantra Patrick Flanagan Neurophone | Neo Metayantra Neurophone | Metayantra
Patrick Flanagan's NF3 Neurophone Metayantra Generation $699.00 $1,299.00
What is the Neurophone? It is a device that allows any audio information to travel through the nervous system in the form of electrical impulses and be recorded in the brain directly, bypassing the normal mechanisms of hearing. The Neurophone allows you to listen with your ancestral ears. Promoting rapid learning and allowing you to listen to music on another level of consciousness. Turns your brain into that of an Expert and Disciplined Meditator. While its gentle ultrasonic waves soothe and regenerate your tired brain. Creates coherence between the right and left hemispheres of the brain Increases your IQ Strengthening and balancing the physical energy level, simply through a permanent background noise (possibly not consciously perceived). Harmonization within oneself with a considerable impact on the aura. Harmonization between people in a closed circuit, starting with the contact of the signal transducers and the closing of the circuit by holding hands. Decrease the time needed to store knowledge and/or access it. Improvement of coordinative movement. General relaxation in case of stressful experiences. Acquisition of desired attitudes and habits of life, as well as of coordination processes in a much shorter time than without the Neurophone.   Created by renowned scientist and researcher Dr. Patrick Flanagan. Now manufactured and improved by Metayantra, taking advantage of the energy of the unique 777 portal. Why is the Metayantra Neurophone special? Hear it from the voice of its creator Dr Patrick Flanagan was named one of America's most promising young scientists by LIFE MAGAZINE. Emits gentle ultrasonic waves into the brain. The ultrasonic waves relax the blood vessels in the brain and help the right and left hemispheres to have greater phase coherence. Generates deep relaxation ideal for meditation. It can give an IQ boost. Dr. Flanagan™ says this is due to increased blood flow to the brain resulting from ultrasonic relaxation of the blood vessels. A similar effect to the IQ boost can be experienced when exercising. May help improve concentration for school and work. Allows the user to listen to music and audio learning by activating an ancient ear called the saccule. This allows the user to achieve some learning while sleeping. Note that the sound is quite faint and may not be perceptible to some people. Effects and benefits will vary from user to user. Contains: 1 pair of transducers 1 Coupon to download specially created audios for your use directly from our website 1 Online User Manual 18V power supply. 3.5 mm auxiliary cable to send the audio you want. Elastic band to hold the transducers. Plastic case for protection and transportation   The use of the Neurophone is strictly for improving meditation, enhancing learning and listening to music ultrasonically. If you are sensitive to ultrasonic waves in any way, please discontinue use immediately.   WARRANTY: The Neurophone is warranted for parts and labor from any manufacturing defects for 90 days from delivery. Metayantra will not be responsible for damage due to dropping the device or improper use. RETURNS: The Neurophone cannot be returned for any reason. However, if it is not for you, it is very easy to resell it on the secondary market given its popularity and scarcity.
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MEGA Cellular Regenerator Dodecahedral Matrix 20 x 20 - Metayantra WorldWide MEGA Cellular Regenerator Dodecahedral Matrix 20 x 20 - Metayantra WorldWide
Icosahedron Mega Cellular Regenerator Dodecahedral Matrix 20 x 20 – M... $88.00
Prevents Aging, Accelerates Cellular Regeneration Giant MEGA Resonator The icosahedron/dodecahedron, by containing the golden ratio, allows the toroids and eddies necessary for the intercommunication of the Universal system to emerge. Its patterns allow the distribution of waves. Plato described the Earth as having a dodecahedral lattice around it. Grids are fractal and holographic. Each particle possesses within itself the totality: the Universe. The networks are not only on Earth but in the physical universe. Grids are expressions of energy and consciousness that follow proportions defined by the principles of Sacred Geometry and that expand throughout the entire multidimensional universe. It is the Matrix of individual, collective, and planetary elevated consciousness. It represents an aspect of the 12 dimensions of the earthly plane: the 12 constellations of the zodiac, the 12 months of the year, the 24 hours of earthly time, the 12 apostles, the 12 DNA strands and the Identity of the evolved human. What occurs initially is a balance and a restoration of the energy centers; and an elevation and recoding of DNA.-Benefits plants by improving all their processes of germination and development.-Favors cell regeneration and immunological capacity. Increases levels of general vitality and optimism... They manage to block the physical aging code of our DNA. As our aging process stops, our hair regains its elasticity, our wrinkles disappear, as well as our excess weight, without dangerous chemicals or additives. The potential to maintain a youthful body and indestructible health is locked in our cells and the key to unlocking this treasure is found in our spirit, in the fact that we consider ourselves as creators of our own reality. Size 20cms X 20cms  Proposed Experiments: Choose a Food or Beverage. Get 2 of the same food or beverage. Place one of them on the Sensor plate for 15 minutes. Leave the other one more than 50 meters away from the Sensor. Try both foods or beverages. YOU WILL NOTICE A BIG DIFFERENCE The Cosmic Sensor is scientifically proven to raise the vibrational frequency, without rituals or acts of faith. Just have it as a picture or framed anywhere in the house.The sensor produces a feeling of tranquility, relaxation and peace in the area, neutralizes negative energy.Discovered by Gillis Patrick Flanagan, an American nuclear mathematical physicist.Dr. Flanagan's research has resulted in a generator that handles subtle biocosmic energies from the solar system, auric and thought fields.It is based on the mathematical Fibonacci progression and, if we observe it carefully, we see that its development is an evolved pyramid. Therefore, the energy field it emits is exactly the same as the one generated by the pyramid, harmonic and harmless, as it integrates at the same time the Section or Golden Point.The Sensor Vortex energy plate is a unique energetic tool designed to balance energy systems, relieve stress, normalize the nervous system and enhance feelings of joy, peace, vitality and promote well-being. Laser Engraving Concerned about the precision in our tools, now you can acquire this engraved plate with a precision of 0.01 millimeters, without errors and perfectly traced in copper. Copper is the best conductor after silver, so this sensor is unbeatable, its energy will be reflected throughout your home. It has a range of 50 meters.  Contains: Quantum Resonance Plate with Laser Accuracy. Handmade (with lots of LOVE).
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Vibrational Tone of the Kabalah Yesod (Gabriel)
Vibrational Tone of the Kabalah Yesod (Gabriel) $11.11
💥 MIRACULOUS💥🧠 Vibrational Tone of the Kabalah Yesod (Gabriel) ✡️ Amazing Results! 🎧 🔛 The Kingdom of Personality and Pattern Changes    Physically Involves: Crotch. Kidneys Brain. Liver. Blood. Muscles Skin. Belly button. Description: Sefira Yesod. Number 9. 320 Hz Power or Foundation. Note Bb4. Yesod (in Hebrew: יסוד) It is associated with the moon and with the sexual organs, because it is here where the high spheres connect to the earth. In the Central Pillar of the Tree of Life is the Pillar of Consciousness. Neither life nor any changing situation can exist in human life without the presence of one or more of the Sefirot of that pillar. Yesod or experience, governs our wakefulness and sleep, the realm of personality and changes in interaction patterns. This vibration can rejuvenate and repair DNA, and it also slows down aging. Yesod with Tiferet and Netsaj will help in the relationship with the children. Helps the solar plexus and the back. Gives purified intelligence.   How to use:• Do not use earphones.• Works optimally when used with one of our Frequency Emitters: Click Here to Get Yours• Use with speakers. 📍📍📍 What happens if I use it with headphones? 📍📍📍It can be annoying as it is a continuous sinusoidal tone, however this does not happen to everyone. The most important thing is that they are mechanical vibrations, the tone is like a song, on the physical side about healing, the important thing is that vibration reaches the affected organ or part of the body, it is not a tone that the brain has to interpret Like binaurals, therefore if you use headphones it would be useless because the vibration is only reaching your eardrum and then the brain interprets it as a simple noise, and the body is left without being exposed to said vibration. Unlike binaurals they seek is that the brain tries to identify the sound coming from the hearing aids. OUR FREQUENCIES:The Frequencies we sell here are in FLAC format(Free Lossless Audio Codec) -1000 kbpsFLAC is one of the formats that best preserves the quality of your audio and its compression algorithm is excellent!It is open source, it does not generate quality losses and the size of the file because it is compressed is much better.The frequencies that we offer for free here by YouTube come with a maximum quality of 128kbps in videos.For Better Audio Definition at 1000kbps Quality in FLAC Accelerate Results!CLICK IT TO BUY THE BEST FREQUENCY RESONANCE!
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Binaural Tone For Thyroid | Frequency For Thyroids | Metayantra
Frequency For Thyroids $11.11
 🔥POWERFUL🔥🧠 FREQUENCY FOR THYROIDS🧬 Healing and Treatment 🙏¡Amazing Results!🎧🔛   12Hz Binaural Tone at 493.8Hz12 HzExit gate to all other frequencies, earth resonance frequency, Mental stability, transition point, time seems faster; To stimulate mental clarity; Associated with the throat Vishuddha chakra (Color = Blue) (Body Parts = Thyroid, Lungs, Vocal Chords. Effects = Expression / Self in Society.492.8HzFrequency associated with adrenal (Note = B); Associated with adrenal, thyroid and parathyroid.   📌 Listening necessarily with headphones, during 21 days or more (particularly I use them 2 months), at least once a day (you can use them as many times as you want), it is recommended to use them when sleeping, and it is much better if you fall asleep with it 📌   ABOUT OUR FREQUENCIES:The frequencies we sell here are all in FLAC format (Free Lossless Audio Codec) at 1000kbps. FLAC is one of the formats that best preserves the quality of your audio and its compression algorithm is excellent! This means that it doesn’t generate any losses in the quality of your audio as well as the size of the file which is due to better compression methods.We offer a free version of these frequencies on YouTube which is limited at a maximum quality of 128kbps. This is a huge difference from an optimal sound quality of 1000kbps. For Better Audio Definition you can purchase these great quality FLAC audios from us at 1000kbps to help Accelerate Your Results!CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE YOUR OPTIMAL FREQUENCY RESONANCES!
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Binaural Beats For Heart Health | For Optimal Health | Metayantra
Binaural Beats With Subliminals For Optimal Health $11.11
🔥 PERSUASIVE🔥 🎧 🧠 SUBLIMINALS FOR INSTANT HEALING AND OPTIMAL HEALTH - MENTAL PROGRAMMING Our brain produces a phenomenon of low frequency pulsations when we hear two tones of slightly different frequencies.One of the two tones goes through each ear (using earphones) so that each ear hears only the sound that corresponds to it.General Benefits of Listening to Subliminals:• Face your fears of speaking in public.• Break deep-seated habits that prevent weight loss or smoking cessation.• Develop profound changes in personality such as being more sociable.• ETC.REMEMBER TO:• Use earphones when listening.• Listen daily for 21 days consecutively.• Boost results by listening while you sleep.AFFIRMATIONS :👩‍⚕️I am optimal health and complete well-being👩‍⚕️My mind and my body are in perfect harmony👩‍⚕️I embrace my health promoting habits👩‍⚕️I am well-being and perfect health👩‍⚕️My body is a sacred temple👩‍⚕️I enjoy taking care of my body👩‍⚕️I love and accept my beautiful body👩‍⚕️I love myself and take very good care of myself For best results use any of our Frequency transmitters (click here)   ABOUT OUR FREQUENCIES:The frequencies we sell here are all in FLAC format (Free Lossless Audio Codec) at 1000kbps. FLAC is one of the formats that best preserves the quality of your audio and its compression algorithm is excellent! This means that it doesn’t generate any losses in the quality of your audio as well as the size of the file which is due to better compression methods.We offer a free version of these frequencies on YouTube which is limited at a maximum quality of 128kbps. This is a huge difference from an optimal sound quality of 1000kbps. For Better Audio Definition you can purchase these great quality FLAC audios from us at 1000kbps to help Accelerate Your Results!CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE YOUR OPTIMAL FREQUENCY RESONANCES!
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Orgonite Cellular Regenerator Necklace with Crop Circle and Dodecahedral Matrix with 5G PROTECTION Orgonite Cellular Regenerator Necklace with Crop Circle and Dodecahedral Matrix with 5G PROTECTION
Orgonite Cellular Regenerator Necklace with Crop Circle and Dodecahed... from $120.00
Prevents Aging, Accelerates Cellular Regeneration The icosahedron / dodecahedron, by containing the golden ratio, allows the toroids and eddies necessary for the intercommunication of the Universal system to arise. Its patterns allow the distribution of waves. Plato described that the Earth had a dodecahedral network around it. The networks are fractal and holographic. Each particle has the totality within itself: the Universe. Networks are not only on Earth but in the physical universe. Networks are expressions of energy and consciousness that follow proportions defined by the principles of Sacred Geometry and that spread throughout the multidimensional universe. It is the Matrix of individual, collective and planetary higher consciousness. It represents an aspect of the 12 dimensions of the earth plane: the 12 constellations of the zodiac, the 12 months of the year, the 24 hours of earth time, the 12 apostles, the 12 strands of DNA and the Identity of the evolved human. What happens initially is a balance and a restoration of the energy centers; and an elevation and recoding of DNA. -It benefits plants by improving all their germination and development processes. -It favors cell regeneration and immune capacity.-Increases the levels of general vitality and optimism ... They manage to block the physical aging code of our DNA. As our aging process stops, our hair recovers its elasticity, our wrinkles disappear, as well as our excess weight, without dangerous chemicals or additives. The potential for maintaining a young body and indestructible health is locked in our cells and the key to opening this treasure lies in our spirit, in the fact of considering ourselves as creators of our own reality. Contains: Copper Plate with Quantum Resonance from Crop Circle and the Multidimensional Icosahedron. Biomagnetic Copper Coil: Another element of protection, excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts. 12 Pointed Energy Star: (Reflection of Belen) is the one that represents the time lived in harmony. Therefore it is one of the most complete stars, since it attracts abundance, favors spiritual well-being, attracts love and strengthens health. Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; progressively improve your self-esteem, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias. Incorporates the power of the Sun, it never needs cleaning, absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and conducts harmful energy to earth, an excellent protector of the environment. Cleanses the chakras, raises self-esteem, enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind by amplifying the power of thoughts and fostering vital joy. 5G Radiation Shielding: COVFEFE is an alloy of 3 elements, COBALT (Co), IRON (Fe) and VANADUUM (V) hence the name of this technology COVEFE. CoVeFe is already used in TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES, and also in DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS and other MILITARY DEVICES using electromagnetic radiation. They form a soft magnetic alloy with the highest flux density, making it ideal for use in magnetic cores. The magnets clean impurities from the 5G by working at the ionic level. This prevents oxygen depletion, rendering high-frequency radio waves harmless.   Handmade (With lots of LOVE).
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-12% sale
Free Subliminal Booster: Unlock Fast Manifestation Hack
Free Subliminal Booster: Unlock Fast Manifestation Hack $88.00 $99.00
Do you dream of a radical change? Do you imagine waking up in a new reality where your biggest dreams are already true? In gratitude for trusting us and as firm believers that abundance is available to all, we want to invite you to the 21 Day Transformation Challenge. This is not just a gift, it's your ticket to a life of limitless abundance. With our subliminal audio specially designed, clients just like you have manifested extraordinary changes in record time: Impressive Sales: Imagine finally selling that property you've had on the market for months, or even years, in just three weeks! Financial Abundance: Users report exponential increases in income, from receiving unexpected inheritances to closing deals that seemed impossible. Luxury Acquisitions: A new car? A dream trip? Our users are crossing things off their wish lists faster than they ever imagined. How does it work? You just need to listen to the subliminal audio every day, letting its frequencies work to unlock your manifestation potential. This challenge is designed to propel you to: Eliminate Limiting Beliefs: Break down the barriers that have kept you from achieving prosperity and success. Align with Your Greatest Dreams: Tune your energy to the frequency of your greatest aspirations. Guaranteed Success Commitment: We challenge you to use this audio and see the results for yourself. If you actively participate and share your success stories, be prepared to be a living inspiration to our community. Your Testimonial Matters! We are excited to hear every wish and testimonial from our clients. Share your accomplishments, whether they are big sales, new purchases, or any other spectacular success. Your journey will motivate others and demonstrate the power of positive transformation. Are you ready to see your life transform in ways you've only dreamed of? Join the challenge today and start living the life you deserve.
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-12% sale
Booster Subliminal Gratuit : Débloquez un Hack de Manifestation Rapide (FRANÇAIS)
Booster Subliminal Gratuit : Débloquez un Hack de Manifestation Rapid... $88.00 $99.00
Rêvez-vous d'un changement radical ? Vous imaginez-vous vous réveiller dans une nouvelle réalité où vos plus grands rêves sont déjà réalisés ? En remerciement pour votre confiance et en tant que fervents croyants que l'abondance est accessible à tous, nous souhaitons vous inviter au Défi de Transformation de 21 Jours. Ce n'est pas seulement un cadeau, c'est votre billet pour une vie d'abondance illimitée. Grâce à notre audio subliminal spécialement conçu, des clients comme vous ont manifesté des changements extraordinaires en un temps record : Ventes Impressionnantes : Imaginez enfin vendre cette propriété que vous avez mise sur le marché depuis des mois, voire des années, en seulement trois semaines ! Abondance Financière : Les utilisateurs signalent des augmentations exponentielles de revenus, allant de l'héritage inattendu à la conclusion d'accords qui semblaient impossibles. Acquisitions de Luxe : Une nouvelle voiture ? Un voyage de rêve ? Nos utilisateurs raturent des choses sur leur liste de souhaits plus rapidement qu'ils ne l'auraient jamais imaginé. Comment ça fonctionne ? Vous devez simplement écouter l'audio subliminal chaque jour, laissant ses fréquences travailler pour déverrouiller votre potentiel de manifestation. Ce défi est conçu pour vous propulser à : Éliminer les Croyances Limitées : Brisez les barrières qui vous empêchent d'atteindre la prospérité et le succès. S'Aligner avec Vos Plus Grands Rêves : Accordez votre énergie à la fréquence de vos plus grandes aspirations. Engagement de Réussite Garantie : Nous vous mettons au défi d'utiliser cet audio et de voir les résultats par vous-même. Si vous participez activement et partagez vos histoires de succès, préparez-vous à être une inspiration vivante pour notre communauté. Votre Témoignage Compte ! Nous sommes impatients d'entendre chaque souhait et témoignage de nos clients. Partagez vos réalisations, qu'il s'agisse de grandes ventes, de nouveaux achats ou de tout autre succès spectaculaire. Votre parcours motivera les autres et démontrera le pouvoir de la transformation positive. Êtes-vous prêt à voir votre vie se transformer de manière que vous n'avez jamais rêvée ? Rejoignez le défi dès aujourd'hui et commencez à vivre la vie que vous méritez.
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-19% sale
Oracle For Protection | Projective Oracle + Necklace | Metayantra Presale: Projective Oracle + Supraconscious Channeling Necklace by Miguel García
Presale: Projective Oracle + Supraconscious Channeling Necklace by Mi... $199.00 $245.00
Official Launch: February 23, 2025 Get ready for a deep journey into the expansion of your consciousness with the Projective Oracle, a tool designed to unlock your mind's full potential and transform your life experience. This oracle is not a divination tarot; it is a gateway to understanding your superconscious through the subconscious, offering you the keys to reframe past events and empower yourself with a new perspective of freedom. What Makes This Oracle Unique? Not a Traditional Tarot: The Projective Oracle is based on years of deep study of the mind, emotions, and consciousness. It blends neuroscience with advanced spiritual experiences, including the use of sacred plants such as Salvia Divinorum and Ayahuasca—powerful tools that guide you to a higher understanding of your mind and vibration. The Universe Is Mental: Throughout your experience with this oracle, you'll learn to see how everything around you is a manifestation of your consciousness. Nothing is outside of you; your reality is a direct reflection of your vibration. This oracle helps you reprogram your subconscious and align your vibration with your true purpose. A Guide to Freedom and Responsibility: The oracle’s focus is to free your mind from imposed limitations and take responsibility for your experiences. There is nothing stagnant or negative—only experiences to reframe so you can take control of your destiny. Superconscious Channeling Necklace: This set includes an exclusive necklace, a powerful channeling tool that strengthens your connection with the superconscious during readings. This necklace will not be sold separately and is unique to this edition of the oracle. It amplifies your ability to understand and decode energies, enabling clearer and more precise readings. Experience Transformation: This oracle invites you to explore your true self, discover how your subconscious is linked to your physical reality, and, through taking responsibility and reframing your past, transcend any situation you are facing. The Projective Oracle is designed to help you connect with your deepest freedom and fullest expression of power. Free Trial on YouTube: To experience the power of this oracle before its release, I invite you to follow my free readings on YouTube. There, you'll see how liberating and transformative this tool can be, and how it can help you redesign your life with clarity and purpose. Now Available for Pre-Sale: This is a limited-edition product. If you’re seeking a path toward a conscious, free life connected to your superconscious, this is the oracle you’ve been waiting for. Reserve your Projective Oracle along with the superconscious channeling necklace before the official launch. Launch Date: February 23, 2025. Start your journey today and prepare to discover your true potential.
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-67% sale
Crystal For Spiritual Awakening | Moldavite Pyramid | Metayantra Pirámide con Moldavita para la Conexión con Planos Superiores – Activa tu ADN y Expande tu Conciencia - Metayantra México
Moldavite Pyramid: Activate Your Cosmic DNA and Ascend to Higher Dime... $333.00 $999.00
🌟 Activate Your Cosmic DNA: Moldavite Pyramid for Connection and Ascension 🌟 This Moldavite Pyramid is far more than just an energetic tool—it's a multidimensional bridge designed to help you connect with your higher self, activate your psychic abilities, and expand your consciousness. Created in harmony with both cosmic and earthly energies, its power is aligned with sacred geometry and crop circle formations like the Cley Hill Crop Circle of 2017, encoding fractal light formulas for spiritual activation and expansion. Moldavite: A Stone of Extraterrestrial Origin Moldavite is a tectite, a rare stone formed from the fusion of Earth and space energies when a meteorite impacted the planet over 15 million years ago. This cosmic fusion has given Moldavite unique properties that make it a perfect channel for spiritual evolution. For centuries, Moldavite has been used to connect with the higher self and unlock elevated psychic and spiritual abilities. Key Properties of Moldavite: Psychic Protection Shield: Moldavite creates an energetic field that allows only positive, light-filled energies to enter while blocking negative influences. Connection with the Higher Self: This stone acts as a catalyst to activate higher capacities, enabling direct communication with spiritual guides. Stone of the Starseeds: Moldavite is said to have a particularly powerful effect on those whose souls originate beyond Earth, here to assist humanity’s ascension into higher dimensions. Metayantra Quantum Resonator and the Power of the Hexagon Metayantra’s Quantum Resonator doesn’t just incorporate Moldavite—it’s also designed on the foundation of the hexagon, a key shape in the Flower of Life and the geometric structure that upholds all existence. This design resonates deeply with the energy of Archangel Metatron, the guardian of cosmic wisdom and sacred geometry. Through this connection with Metatron, the pyramid provides an energetic shield that not only protects you from negative influences but also opens the channels to communicate with higher intelligences and your own internal guides. Crop Circle Influence and the Active Merkabah The design of this pyramid is also inspired by a crop circle formation, embedding an active Merkabah field. The Merkabah, a light body formed by two interlocking tetrahedrons, is a spiritual vehicle that allows for dimensional travel and ascension. By activating this light field, the pyramid helps you resonate with your higher self, enhancing mental and emotional well-being. Electromagnetic Copper Vortex As with all Metayantra devices, this pyramid features a copper electromagnetic coil that generates an energy vortex. This vortex functions as a dimensional gateway, filtering out negative energies and ensuring that only positive, uplifting forces enter your auric field. The energetic flow not only balances your aura but also connects you with higher dimensions, enabling the integration of cosmic knowledge into your everyday life. Conclusion: Elevate Your Energy and Ascend The Moldavite Pyramid for Higher Dimensional Connection is a sacred tool designed to raise your vibration, activate both your cosmic and physical DNA, and support your spiritual ascension. With its powerful blend of sacred geometry, electromagnetic vortices, and the ancient energy of Moldavite, this pyramid is your guide to new realms of consciousness and personal evolution. Connect with your higher self, release old limiting beliefs, and expand your awareness into new frontiers with this unique creation from Metayantra. Unlock the secrets of the universe, awaken your true potential, and ascend to new heights!
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-70% sale
Proyector Astral de los 72 Nombres de Dios ¡Activa el Poder Cósmico en tu Hogar! - Metayantra México Proyector Astral de los 72 Nombres de Dios ¡Activa el Poder Cósmico en tu Hogar! - Metayantra México
72 Names of God Astral Projector: Unleash Cosmic Power in Your Home! $122.00 $399.00
"MEGA Quantum Resonator – Amplify Your Energy with the 72 Names of God"   ✨ Unlock Cosmic Energy in Your Home Experience the transformative power of the 72 Names of God, revered in Kabbalah as spiritual codes for divine connection, personal transformation, and manifestation. Why Choose This Resonator? Massive Size: 20cm x 20cm – covers an energetic range of 50 meters! High-Precision Design: Laser-engraved on copper for unmatched accuracy (0.01 mm precision) and optimal energy conduction. Handcrafted with Love: Every detail is carefully made to ensure maximum energetic impact. What Can This Resonator Do? Elevate Your Space: Create a harmonious and high-vibration environment, perfect for meditation, spiritual growth, and energy work. Personal Transformation: Use the 72 Names of God to purify your soul, attract healing, protection, and prosperity. Energy Amplification: Enhance your thoughts and intentions, influencing your physical and spiritual reality. Spiritual Shield: Acts as a powerful protector, keeping negative energies away and uplifting your surroundings. How to Use It Meditation Enhancement: Project the sequences of the 72 Names of God in your home, focusing on specific energies (healing, abundance, protection). Daily Energy Boost: Place objects, food, or drinks on the resonator for 15 minutes and experience noticeable energetic differences. Guided Practice: Use alongside visualization techniques or meditative focus for deeper spiritual experiences. Special Features Laser Precision Engraving: Ensures every detail is flawless for maximum energy output. Perfect Conductor: Made of copper, the second-best conductor after silver, to amplify and reflect energy. Your Resonator Includes Quantum resonance plate with laser precision engraving. Comprehensive meditation guide and PDF download of the 72 Names of God – FREE! Handcrafted design filled with intention and love. Ready to Manifest Your Desires?Elevate your spiritual practice with the MEGA Resonator and harness the divine power of the 72 Names of God. 🌟 Start Your Transformation Today!

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