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Namgyalma Mantra Necklace | Purify Karma | Metayantra Namgyalma Mantra Necklace: Purify Karma and Protect Against Disasters
Namgyalma Mantra Necklace: Purify Karma and Protect Against Disasters $111.00 $199.00
Ready to Free Yourself from Past Karmas and Avoid the Disasters Coming Your Way? Discover the Power of the Most Potent Mantra. Approximate diameter: 5.5 cm. The Namgyalma mantra, precisely laser-engraved on this powerful necklace, is one of the most ancient and revered mantras in Tibetan Buddhism. For centuries, this mantra has been celebrated for its unique ability to purify negative karma, prolong life, and liberate sentient beings from the lower realms, including animals and those burdened with extreme negative karma. According to Buddhist scriptures, Namgyalma is a female bodhisattva of infinite compassion and protection, often depicted with three faces and eight arms, each representing the elimination of disasters, longevity, and the defeat of demons. This necklace, with an approximate diameter of 5.5 cm, is not just a spiritual accessory but a quantum resonator charged with the power of the Namgyalma mantra. Wearing this mantra is believed to be equivalent to being wrapped in a shield of blessings, purification, and divine protection. The mantra not only protects you but also purifies every being that comes into contact with the necklace, freeing them from lower-realm rebirths and protecting them from misfortune and disease. Benefits of the Namgyalma Mantra: Purification of negative karma: The mantra releases accumulated karma and facilitates entry into higher realms after death. Life extension: It shields against illnesses and mortal dangers, extending the lifespan of the wearer. Total protection: Anyone or any being who comes into contact with the necklace will experience karma purification. Spiritual liberation: It assists those near death or recently deceased in avoiding reincarnation in the lower realms, ensuring a peaceful transition to the next life. Blessing of spaces: Hanging the mantra in your home or even in a vehicle purifies the environment, freeing everyone near it from negative karma. This powerful mantra has proven, according to Buddhist teachings, that even insects, animals, and beings with extremely negative karma are freed from the lower realms upon contact with its energy. Legend has it that any being who hears this mantra will never again be reborn in realms of suffering. Imagine carrying this protection with you daily, always ready to free you and shield you from the invisible disasters that may loom! Features of the Namgyalma Necklace: Quantum Resonator Plate with Namgyalma Mantra: Amplifies the mantra’s vibration and energy, allowing the necklace’s purifying power to transcend the physical. Citrine: A powerful crystal that boosts self-esteem, transmutes negative energy, and enhances vital joy. It never requires cleaning, making it an excellent energetic protector for your surroundings. Copper Biomagnetic Coil: A conductor of energy that enhances spiritual vibrations and the protective energies of the mantra. 21-Point Energy Star: Symbolizes the power of transformation in your life, helping you manifest new beginnings and positive changes. This necklace is more than just a piece of jewelry; it’s a profound spiritual transformation tool. Place it in your home, wear it, or use it during meditation to connect with Namgyalma’s protective blessings and avoid the disasters that negative karma may bring. To fully harness its power, you can recite the mantra or listen to it in the following video
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Crop Circle Empowerment Device - Metayantra Consciencia Crop Circle Empowerment Device - Metayantra Consciencia
Crop Circle Empowerment Device $22.00 $44.00
Helps to Connect with Your Essence and Unleash Your Maximum Potential  Personal empowerment, the ability to obtain greater potential, first requires deactivating everything that makes you drain energy, that series of thoughts, emotions and feelings that saturate with useless or inappropriate information , even wrong. But changing your thoughts is not enough. It is about creating, not attracting. It may seem the same, however to create what does not exist you will have to reprogram your mind in a particular way. When you connect with your authentic essence, you abandon the fight and unleash your creative capacity and your entire environment receives the flashes of that brightness, you find the ways to improve your relationships from respect for difference and love.  Contains: Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; progressively improve your self-esteem, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias. Incorporates the power of the Sun, it never needs cleaning, absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and conducts harmful energy to earth, an excellent protector of the environment. Cleanses the chakras, raises self-esteem, enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind by amplifying the power of thoughts and fostering vital joy. Biomagnetic Brass Coil: Music, energy resonance and secrets are associated. Biomagnetic Copper Coil: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. 12 Pointed Energy Star: (Reflection of Bethlehem) is the one that represents time lived in harmony. Therefore it is one of the most complete stars, since it attracts abundance, favors spiritual well-being, attracts love and strengthens health.  4.3 cm. Handmade (With lots of LOVE).
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-38% sale
Wind Chimes For Protection | Windchime Kabalah Tree | Metayantra Windchime Kabalah Tree of Life Sephirot Astral Protector - Metayantra Consciencia
Windchime Kabalah Tree of Life Sephirot Astral Protector $499.00 $799.00
Brings Protection for your home, for any evil spirit or energy, contains the secrets of the Tree of Life from the Kabalah Approximate diameter: The windchime has 50 cms tall. This special windchime contains 3 great Metayantra Pranic Devices as the greatest orgone energy generators from EMF Transmutated Field. The one on the top, has a modified 8 Vortex Crop Circle Enlightment with 8 large citrine quartz as a purfying energy and ascention of consciousness helper device. These crop circles are present, in part, to activate the cosmic and soul DNA as well as the physical DNA and expand the brain’s neurosynapses. This happens when they are viewed through the iris and connected to the brain. This expansion includes the clearing of old negative thought patterns, activating your soul DNA (just as your genetic body has a DNA, your soul has a DNA) and expanding your consciousness beyond what you as a third-dimensional being of light conceived possible during this long dark age of the human soul. The ancient prophecies speak of the return to oneness; the age of enlightenment is upon us. Crop circles are geometric fractal patterns and mathematical formulas. Everything that exists is a fractal of a geometric pattern – the crop circles are those geometric patterns. The star glyphs are a star language of light and codes for these activations. Linking these two images optimizes the activation of the DNA. Allow yourself to take this information in on a cellular level. Do not expect yourself to understand all the aspects and mysteries contained in this transmission. Experience it, emanate it, vibrate with it and ingest it – by doing so, you will serve humanity immeasurably.  The second is a double sided 8 Vortex EMF Transmuter, it uses the energy from the EMF contamination, and transmutates this energy into low frequency biomagnetic fields, using the vibration of the pipes from the windchime, emanating all the energy to your place, harmonizing it from electromagnetic and spirit contamination. The third DPM on the bottom is a special Tree of life from the Kabalah (Sephirot)   DESCRIPTION The Tree of life is considered to be a map of the universe and the psyche, the order of the creation of the cosmos, and a path to spiritual illumination.  The ten spheres represent the ten archetypal numbers of the Pythagorian system. The Crown ('Kether' in Hebrew): the Creator Himself. Wisdom ('Chokhmah'): Divine reality/revelation; the power of Wisdom. Understanding ('Binah'): repentance/reason; the power of Love. Mercy ('Chesed'): grace/intention to emulate God; the power of vision.  Strength ('Gevurah'): judgment/determination; the power of Intention. Beauty ('Tiferet'): symmetry/compassion; the power of Creativity. Victory ('Netzach'): contemplation/initiative/persistence; the power of the Eternal Now. Splendour ('Hod'): surrender/sincerity/steadfastness; the power of Observation. Yesod ('Foundation'): remembering/knowing; the power of Manifesting. Kingdom ('Malkuth'): physical presence/vision and illusion; the power of Healing.   Protection Wind chimes were, and still are, used to scare away evil spirits and hung in doorways and windows to dissuade bad luck from entering a home. The warning aspect of wind chimes is translated into modern culture through the movies. A common film motif is the ringing of wind chimes to signal imminent danger. For example, sounds of urgently ringing wind chimes are heard at tense moments in Martin Scorsese's 1991 version of "Cape Fear."  Farmers use wind chimes to frighten away birds and other pests. Farmers in Bali place bamboo wind chimes throughout rice fields to scare pests and bring the farmer good fortune and healthy crops. Hanging wind chimes near a bird feeder is counter-productive since few birds will brave ringing chimes to get a snack.   Health Benefits The sound of wind chimes blowing in the wind has the ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation and calmness. Their sounds are considered to have a healing effect on body and mind. They relieve fatigue and encourage listening, creativity and upbeat feelings.  The tones that reverberate through the wind chimes are believed to unblock emotional stress and bring a feeling of inner peace and conscious awareness. Listening to wind chimes also creates a sense of balance in one's life.  There is nothing more calming than to listen to the sound of the birds, the sea and the wind chimes while relaxing at the verandah of your beach chalet.  Windchimes are common practice and used to maximize the flow of chi, pranic energy, orgone energy or life's energy. The Chi energy flow reflects our state of mind, how we feel, how we think, and breathe. Conversely, negative thoughts can block the Chi flow, just as positive thoughts can build Chi. A Chi blockage affects our stress, the way we eat food, and how it gets digested. Chi connects everything. Wind Chimes are the best source of producing vibrant energies, helping one to focus and concentrate on the inner soul by soothing melodious sound created in the atmosphere. It is also used in 3’M’s which I have come across in my life – Melody, Meditation & Mindfulness. Contains: 3 Metayantra Pranic Devices: First on the top Crop Circle Enlightment Device Diameter: 8 cms. 8 Vortex Star: Represents rebirth, renewal and spiritual regeneration The octagon, which is the geometric figure that we obtain from the eight-pointed Star, represents the union between the Earth and the sphere, that is, the spiritual, the sacred world and the supreme order. Copper Wire: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; Improve your self-esteem progressively, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias. Crop Circle Energy in Color.        2. Double 12 Star Vortex Diameter: 5.5 cms 12 Vortex Star: (Reflection of Bethlehem) is the one that represents the time lived in harmony. Therefore it is one of the most complete stars, since it attracts abundance, favors spiritual well-being, attracts love and strengthens health. Copper Wire: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; Improve your self-esteem progressively, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias.        3. Kabalah Tree of Life Red Jasper: Provides willpower, provides courage to perform unpleasant tasks. Carnelian: provides energy stability and allows you to raise levels of vitality and motivation. Citrine: Provides the power of the Sun, Strengthens the Aura, protects your emotions, raises self-esteem, relieves digestive problems, helps against depression. Green Aventurine: Induces relaxation, stability and inner peace, calming the mind, spirit and body. Sodalite: It is useful in conflicts with the ego, strengthens the lymphatic system and metabolism, dispels fantasy, reduces tension and anxiety. Amethyst: Increases paranormal capacity and the power of meditation, Calms passions, reduces fears and neutralizes negativity. White Quartz: It helps us purify our energies, which means that it can undo old globs of more dense or negative energy. Tree of Life coil in copper: Innovative design of the Sephirot paths in copper for better energy transmission. Aproximate size: 8x5 cms. 8 Nickel Tubes of: it is a light metal associated with willpower and intellectual humility. Tubes Longitude: 28,28,26,26, 24,22,20,18 cms  Handmade (With lots of LOVE).
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Padmasambhava SnowLand Mystical 108 Holy Incense Sticks - Metayantra Consciencia Padmasambhava SnowLand Mystical 108 Holy Incense Sticks - Metayantra Consciencia
Padmasambhava SnowLand Mystical 108 Holy Incense Sticks $77.77
Bring a relaxed environment, purifying the air, making the environment fragrant and beneficial to health, ideal for religious rituals. Padmasambhava was born in India, when he was a child brought by the king was named LotusBorn or lakebornvajra. After that, he became a monk by master barbahadi and he got lessons of Magical teaching and great sutra teachings from the eight tantric masters. He took tours in many different places and taught his doctrine to many people who were willing to convert to Buddhism. During the eighth century, he came to Tibet and built the Samye monastery. This incense was made during the completion ceremony of this monastery.   Hand Rolled Tibetan Incense Sticks Home Meditation Aromatherapy Has Aroma of Plateau Contains 6 Bundles The length of the incense stick is 26 cm and the Diameter of the stick is 4 mm, There are 6 bundles, about 108 in total, The combustion time is about 40 minutes in a natural windless environment Ingredients: sandalwood, cinnamon, Jiapian, borneol, baihuaguo, Liujia, Kangba.   The formula comes from "Sangye Temple" in Tibet. It has been passed on for years and remains unchanged for a long time. The incense stick is made of natural herbal materials, which are steamed, fermented, dried and extruded. When burning, it not only makes people feel relaxed but also has the advantages of purifying the air, making the environment fragrant and beneficial to health, which is also the choice of religious rituals.From material selection to production, they are respectful to the world. It follows the pharmacology of ancient Tibetan medicine and has the functions of preventing dizziness, hypoxia, respiratory epidemic diseases, and inhibiting seasonal bacteria. It is the practice of aromatic treatment in Tibetan medicine. Samye (Tibetan: བསམ་ཡས་, Wylie: bsam yas, Chinese: 桑耶寺), full name Samye Mighur Lhundrub Tsula Khang (Wylie: Bsam yas mi ’gyur lhun grub gtsug lag khang) and Shrine of Unchanging Spontaneous Presence is the first Tibetan Buddhist and Nyingma monastery built in Tibet, during the reign of King Trisong Deutsen. Shantarakshita began construction around 763, and Vajrayana founder Guru Padmasambhava tamed the local spirits for its completion in 779. The first Tibetan monks were ordained there. Samye was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution then rebuilt after 1988.    But, nevertheless, if there is even the slightest recognition, liberation is easy. Should you ask why this is so—it is because once the awesome, terrifying and fearful appearances arise, the awareness does not have the luxury of distraction. The awareness is one-pointedly concentrated.! "Padmasambhava"The Tibetan Book of the Dead
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Unleash Your Inner Power: 3-Month Mental Reprogramming Program with Personalized Subliminals.
Unleash Your Inner Power: 3-Month Mental Reprogramming Program with P... $532.80 $888.00
Unlock Your True Potential: 3-Month Mental Reprogramming with Personalized Subliminals Transform your life today! Discover how you can effectively and discreetly program your mind through our selection of powerful subliminals. Subliminal Messages are an incredibly effective tool that can influence your mind in a profound and positive way.Imagine the impact this technology has had even on trained soldiers, making them surrender without a fight. Now think about what it can do for you, helping you create a winning mindset and achieve your goals.Here are some advantages of our mind programming program:🔮 You can use it at any time of the day, adapting it to your routine.🔮 The subliminals are virtually inaudible, allowing you to listen to them for long periods without getting bored or overwhelmed.🔮 You can use it anywhere, even at home to benefit your family.🔮 Take it with you everywhere and use it to positively influence other people.Most importantly, you don't need to believe in this technology for it to work. You just need to use it, and in a few weeks, you will start seeing amazing results in your life.It's time to reprogram yourself! As perfect and complete beings, you have the power to train your brain to achieve and accomplish all your goals.Here are some tips to get the most out of the program:📍 Dedicate at least one hour a day to listen to the audios, preferably when you go to sleep and when you wake up.📍 It is recommended to listen to the subliminals for a minimum of 90 days, but the optimum is 180 days to experience strong and tangible positive effects.📍 Listen to one or two subliminals every day, with a maximum of 3 different themes, to avoid saturating your mind. Remember not to listen to subliminals while driving.📍 Stay well hydrated during the times you listen to subliminals.Our personalized mind programming program allows you to harness the power of your subconscious to transform your beliefs and, consequently, your decisions, behaviors and reality. As Dr. Bruce Lipton stated, "beliefs can manipulate genes and DNA".For personalized mental reprogramming, contact us at in mind the following:🛑‼️ IMPORTANT NOTE ‼️🛑 During the first few days of listening to subliminals, you may experience the effects of brain reprogramming and neurostimulation. Neuroplasticity will be in full action and you might experience slight headaches, dizziness, nausea or tinnitus. Don't worry, this is completely normal and similar to the aches and pains after working out at the gym. Go ahead and don't be intimidated by these temporary effects. Open the doors to abundance and fulfillment. Turn your dreams into reality and start your journey of mental transformation today!OUR CHANNELS
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Crystal For Spiritual Awakening | Moldavite Pyramid | Metayantra Pirámide con Moldavita para la Conexión con Planos Superiores – Activa tu ADN y Expande tu Conciencia - Metayantra México
Moldavite Pyramid: Activate Your Cosmic DNA and Ascend to Higher Dime... $333.00 $999.00
🌟 Activate Your Cosmic DNA: Moldavite Pyramid for Connection and Ascension 🌟 This Moldavite Pyramid is far more than just an energetic tool—it's a multidimensional bridge designed to help you connect with your higher self, activate your psychic abilities, and expand your consciousness. Created in harmony with both cosmic and earthly energies, its power is aligned with sacred geometry and crop circle formations like the Cley Hill Crop Circle of 2017, encoding fractal light formulas for spiritual activation and expansion. Moldavite: A Stone of Extraterrestrial Origin Moldavite is a tectite, a rare stone formed from the fusion of Earth and space energies when a meteorite impacted the planet over 15 million years ago. This cosmic fusion has given Moldavite unique properties that make it a perfect channel for spiritual evolution. For centuries, Moldavite has been used to connect with the higher self and unlock elevated psychic and spiritual abilities. Key Properties of Moldavite: Psychic Protection Shield: Moldavite creates an energetic field that allows only positive, light-filled energies to enter while blocking negative influences. Connection with the Higher Self: This stone acts as a catalyst to activate higher capacities, enabling direct communication with spiritual guides. Stone of the Starseeds: Moldavite is said to have a particularly powerful effect on those whose souls originate beyond Earth, here to assist humanity’s ascension into higher dimensions. Metayantra Quantum Resonator and the Power of the Hexagon Metayantra’s Quantum Resonator doesn’t just incorporate Moldavite—it’s also designed on the foundation of the hexagon, a key shape in the Flower of Life and the geometric structure that upholds all existence. This design resonates deeply with the energy of Archangel Metatron, the guardian of cosmic wisdom and sacred geometry. Through this connection with Metatron, the pyramid provides an energetic shield that not only protects you from negative influences but also opens the channels to communicate with higher intelligences and your own internal guides. Crop Circle Influence and the Active Merkabah The design of this pyramid is also inspired by a crop circle formation, embedding an active Merkabah field. The Merkabah, a light body formed by two interlocking tetrahedrons, is a spiritual vehicle that allows for dimensional travel and ascension. By activating this light field, the pyramid helps you resonate with your higher self, enhancing mental and emotional well-being. Electromagnetic Copper Vortex As with all Metayantra devices, this pyramid features a copper electromagnetic coil that generates an energy vortex. This vortex functions as a dimensional gateway, filtering out negative energies and ensuring that only positive, uplifting forces enter your auric field. The energetic flow not only balances your aura but also connects you with higher dimensions, enabling the integration of cosmic knowledge into your everyday life. Conclusion: Elevate Your Energy and Ascend The Moldavite Pyramid for Higher Dimensional Connection is a sacred tool designed to raise your vibration, activate both your cosmic and physical DNA, and support your spiritual ascension. With its powerful blend of sacred geometry, electromagnetic vortices, and the ancient energy of Moldavite, this pyramid is your guide to new realms of consciousness and personal evolution. Connect with your higher self, release old limiting beliefs, and expand your awareness into new frontiers with this unique creation from Metayantra. Unlock the secrets of the universe, awaken your true potential, and ascend to new heights!
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Oracle For Protection | Projective Oracle + Necklace | Metayantra Presale: Projective Oracle + Supraconscious Channeling Necklace by Miguel García
Presale: Projective Oracle + Supraconscious Channeling Necklace by Mi... $199.00 $245.00
Official Launch: February 23, 2025 Get ready for a deep journey into the expansion of your consciousness with the Projective Oracle, a tool designed to unlock your mind's full potential and transform your life experience. This oracle is not a divination tarot; it is a gateway to understanding your superconscious through the subconscious, offering you the keys to reframe past events and empower yourself with a new perspective of freedom. What Makes This Oracle Unique? Not a Traditional Tarot: The Projective Oracle is based on years of deep study of the mind, emotions, and consciousness. It blends neuroscience with advanced spiritual experiences, including the use of sacred plants such as Salvia Divinorum and Ayahuasca—powerful tools that guide you to a higher understanding of your mind and vibration. The Universe Is Mental: Throughout your experience with this oracle, you'll learn to see how everything around you is a manifestation of your consciousness. Nothing is outside of you; your reality is a direct reflection of your vibration. This oracle helps you reprogram your subconscious and align your vibration with your true purpose. A Guide to Freedom and Responsibility: The oracle’s focus is to free your mind from imposed limitations and take responsibility for your experiences. There is nothing stagnant or negative—only experiences to reframe so you can take control of your destiny. Superconscious Channeling Necklace: This set includes an exclusive necklace, a powerful channeling tool that strengthens your connection with the superconscious during readings. This necklace will not be sold separately and is unique to this edition of the oracle. It amplifies your ability to understand and decode energies, enabling clearer and more precise readings. Experience Transformation: This oracle invites you to explore your true self, discover how your subconscious is linked to your physical reality, and, through taking responsibility and reframing your past, transcend any situation you are facing. The Projective Oracle is designed to help you connect with your deepest freedom and fullest expression of power. Free Trial on YouTube: To experience the power of this oracle before its release, I invite you to follow my free readings on YouTube. There, you'll see how liberating and transformative this tool can be, and how it can help you redesign your life with clarity and purpose. Now Available for Pre-Sale: This is a limited-edition product. If you’re seeking a path toward a conscious, free life connected to your superconscious, this is the oracle you’ve been waiting for. Reserve your Projective Oracle along with the superconscious channeling necklace before the official launch. Launch Date: February 23, 2025. Start your journey today and prepare to discover your true potential.
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🛡️ Collar de Protección Espiritual y Energía Orgón con Medalla de San Benito 7 Metales Mágicos - Metayantra México 🛡️ Collar de Protección Espiritual y Energía Orgón con Medalla de San Benito 7 Metales Mágicos - Metayantra México
Orgonite Protection Necklace with Saint Benedict Medal wit the 7 Myst... from $222.00 $444.00
Welcome to a New Dimension of Protection and Spiritual Balance with the Orgon Energy Accumulator and Bioenergetic Shield Necklace This powerful necklace merges science and spirituality to offer you protection, health, and prosperity. Designed with the benefits of 7 metals and the sacred Saint Benedict Medal, precisely laser-engraved on gold-plated stainless steel, this necklace is available in two versions, each with unique properties to elevate your energy and reprogram your aura. Properties of the Biomagnetic Coils The biomagnetic coils, carefully handwoven with wires of gold, tin, nickel, silver, copper, and brass, create a magnetic field that transforms and harmonizes the energies around you. These coils capture all types of radiations, including electromagnetic ones, and generate currents that vibrate at different frequencies due to the crystalline components of the metals. This magnetic field strengthens and reconfigures your aura, providing a protective barrier against negative energies. The combination of these metals not only enhances their natural properties but also harmonizes your personal energy field with the vibrational frequencies of the cosmos. 12-Point Coils with High Vibration Metals: Gold: Gold is known not only for its beauty and value but also for its powerful esoteric properties. This precious metal has been revered since ancient times for its ability to attract prosperity, provide protection, and improve health. Associated with the Sun, gold symbolizes light and vital energy. Its golden energy is known to attract abundance and money, making it a popular talisman in wealth rituals. Additionally, it is believed to protect against negative energies, creating a shield that repels envy and bad vibes. In health, gold has been used in various cultures for its healing properties, helping to balance the body's energies and promoting overall well-being. Lastly, in love, gold symbolizes luxury and commitment, representing the purity and durability of true relationships. Wearing gold can strengthen the aura, infusing it with golden light that reflects spirituality and purity, connecting you with divine energy and promoting a deep sense of love and security. Silver: This precious metal is highly valued for both its physical and esoteric virtues. Known since antiquity, it is associated with the moon and its qualities of purification and protection. Silver helps clarify and organize thoughts, reduces fever, and calms the nerves, making it ideal for maintaining emotional calm and balance. Esoterically, silver is known for its ability to transmute negative energies into positive ones, providing a protective shield around the wearer. Additionally, it enhances the effects of crystals and is used in rituals to improve prosperity and abundance. Related to Saint Benedict, the silver in his medal not only reinforces your aura and protection against evil but also harmonizes your spiritual energy, connecting you with the serenity and inner peace that characterize this venerated saint. Copper: Copper possesses unique physical and energetic properties, making it valuable in both industrial applications and esoteric practices. With high electrical and thermal conductivity, copper promotes energy flow and removes blockages, strengthening the transmission of thoughts and emotions. Spiritually, copper is associated with Venus, symbolizing love, beauty, and harmony. Used in jewelry and amulets, it provides energetic protection and helps balance the chakras, especially the heart chakra, promoting emotional openness and compassion. In relation to Saint Benedict, copper enhances his protective capabilities and amplifies positive energies, reinforcing your aura and facilitating spiritual connection. Brass: An ancient alloy of copper and zinc, brass has specific properties essential in advancing civilizations, excelling in science, art, and spirituality. Its unique crystalline structure allows for improved electrical conductivity, corrosion resistance, malleability, and hardness, making it ideal for various industrial and artistic applications. Esoterically, brass is used to amplify spiritual energy, protect against negative energies, and foster abundance and prosperity. Its use in meditation can help clarify thoughts and emotions, and in rituals, it facilitates spiritual connection. Additionally, brass has antibacterial properties, improves blood circulation, and is associated with detoxification and metabolism stimulation. In relation to Saint Benedict, brass amplifies protective and healing energies, creating an energetic shield that strengthens your aura and promotes spiritual prosperity and well-being. Tin: Represented by the symbol Sn on the periodic table, tin is a white, malleable metal resistant to corrosion, making it ideal for coating other metals and protecting them. It is a strong electrical conductor and remains metallic and stable at temperatures above 13.2°C. Spiritually, tin is associated with the sign Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter, symbolizing good luck, prosperity, and clairvoyance. Integrated with Saint Benedict's protective energy, tin in jewelry or amulets enhances spiritual protection, abundance, and mental clarity, balancing the aura and promoting prosperity in all aspects of life. Nickel: A transition metal with the symbol Ni and atomic number 28, nickel has a rich history in mysticism and esoteric properties. In the Middle Ages, German miners attributed their failures in copper extraction to a mischievous spirit named Nickel, hence the metal's name. Spiritually, nickel is associated with protection and the transmutation of negative energies, acting as a shield against negativity. It is also believed to amplify spiritual energy and promote mental and emotional clarity. In esoteric practice, nickel is valued for its ability to balance energy flow and strengthen spiritual intuition, helping wearers connect with their higher self and the universe. Combined with Saint Benedict's protective energy, nickel enhances spiritual protection, promotes abundance, and facilitates mental clarity and prosperity in daily life. Necklace Versions 4.3 cm Version with 36-Point Star Ruby in the Center of the Saint Benedict Cross: The ruby is a deep red gemstone that has been revered for its beauty and spiritual properties throughout the centuries. Associated with Saint Benedict, this powerful stone not only enhances aesthetics but also brings profound meanings related to protection, health, wealth, and love. Protection: The ruby is renowned for its ability to protect against negative energies. In various traditions, it is believed to create a shield of positive energy around the wearer, repelling harmful influences and returning them to their source. This property is especially powerful when combined with the Saint Benedict Medal, famous for its exorcistic and divine protection qualities. Health: The ruby has a special connection with the heart chakra and the root chakra. It helps activate and balance these energy centers, which can translate into better physical and emotional health. By stimulating vitality and passion, the ruby can also enhance motivation and inner drive, supporting a more active and healthy life. Wealth: The ruby is also known for its ability to attract abundance and prosperity. This precious gemstone is said to stimulate the flow of money and opportunities, as well as encourage the desire to share and help others. Wearing a ruby can be a powerful talisman for those seeking to improve their financial situation and attract opportunities for wealth. Love: Known as the "stone of love," the ruby is ideal for those looking to deepen their romantic relationships. Its intense red energy is linked with the heart, promoting openness to new romantic experiences and strengthening bonds of trust, fidelity, and commitment. A ruby near the heart symbolizes love and passion, also offering additional spiritual protection. When combined with the spiritual protection of Saint Benedict, the ruby becomes a powerful and multifaceted amulet. Discover how this magnificent stone can transform your life, providing you with protection, health, prosperity, and love. Options and Variants Option 1: Garnet, Mica, and Pulverized Manganese Garnet: This crystal revitalizes, purifies, and balances energy. It strengthens the immune system and brings passion and energy. Mica: Enhances mental clarity and psychic vision, protects against negative energies, and promotes introspection. Pulverized Manganese: Improves concentration and mental clarity, balances body energies, and enhances spiritual communication. Option 2: Black Sun Orgone with Vanadium Black Sun Orgone: A powerful orgone energy accumulator that neutralizes negative energies and protects the auric field. Vanadium: Increases physical and mental endurance, offering properties of protection and energy balance. 3 cm Version The Total Protection Necklace with the Saint Benedict Medal and 7 Sacred Metals is also available in a more compact 3 cm version, designed to provide the same benefits in a smaller and more versatile form. This version maintains the powerful combination of metals and protective qualities, making it ideal for daily wear and continuous spiritual support. Pink Tourmaline in the Center of the Saint Benedict Cross The Saint Benedict Medal, a powerful spiritual and protective symbol, is exceptionally combined with pink tourmaline set in gold plating. This ensemble not only stands out for its aesthetic beauty but also for its profound esoteric and healing properties, making this combination a unique and powerful jewel in multiple aspects of life. Spiritual Protection The Saint Benedict Medal is renowned for its ability to provide protection against evil and negative energies. Blessed with special prayers, this medal acts as a spiritual shield, protecting its wearer from malevolent influences and adversities. The presence of pink tourmaline amplifies this protection, as this stone is known for its ability to transform dense energies into positive vibrations, creating an environment of peace and serenity. Love and Relationships Pink tourmaline, linked to the heart chakra, is a stone that promotes unconditional love, compassion, and tenderness. When combined with the Saint Benedict Medal, it not only protects relationships from negative influences but also strengthens self-love and confidence. This talisman fosters healthy, loving relationships, helping to heal emotional wounds and open the heart to new affectionate experiences. Prosperity and Wealth Gold, with its brilliance and intrinsic value, has been a symbol of wealth and prosperity for centuries. By setting the Saint Benedict Medal in gold plating and accompanying it with pink tourmaline, a powerful prosperity-attracting amulet is created. The combination of these elements not only protects finances from negative energies but also attracts opportunities for economic growth and financial stability, helping to materialize desires for abundance and success. Health and Well-being The Saint Benedict Medal, with its protective power, along with the healing properties of pink tourmaline, creates an exceptional amulet for health and well-being. Pink tourmaline is known for its ability to balance the body on an energetic level, regenerating and healing the physical and spiritual heart. This talisman can help reduce stress, promote calm, and improve overall health, acting as a balm for the body and soul. In summary, the Saint Benedict Medal in gold plating with pink tourmaline is not only a jewel of great beauty but a powerful talisman that provides spiritual protection, fosters love, attracts prosperity, and promotes health. It is a symbol of faith, love, and power, ideal for those seeking balance in their lives and a deeper connection with the divine. Options and Variants Option 1: Cobalt Blue, Pulverized Aluminum, and Mica Cobalt Blue: With calming and soothing properties, it helps reduce stress and anxiety. Pulverized Aluminum: Enhances concentration and mental sharpness, acting as a protective shield against negative energies. Mica: Facilitates clairvoyance and spiritual communication, protecting against negative influences. Option 2: Black Sun Orgone Black Sun Orgone: Essential for auric protection and neutralization of negative energies. Additional Components 12-Point Coils: Brass, copper, nickel, silver, gold, tin, and steel. Pink Tourmaline: Brings love and compassion, promoting emotional healing and protection against negative energies. Saint Benedict Medal The Saint Benedict Medal, precisely laser-engraved, is a powerful protective amulet. Here are the 7 secrets of the medal: Mysterious Origin: Protects against evil, as testified during a witchcraft trial in the 17th century. Plenary Indulgence: Grants plenary indulgence on the Feast of Saint Benedict, fulfilling the conditions of confession, communion, and prayer. Divine Protection: Saint Benedict obtained divine protection by making the sign of the cross, revealing poisons and repelling temptations. Exorcism: The medal has great exorcistic power, sanctifying various life circumstances. Sacred Symbols: Shows Saint Benedict with a cross and the book of his rules, along with a cup with a viper and a raven, symbols of protection. Powerful Inscriptions: The letters on the reverse have protective meanings, such as "PAX" (Peace) and "V.R.S." (Vade Retro Satanas). Special Blessing: Must be blessed by a priest with a special prayer invoking protection against evil and sanctification. Properties of the 7 Metals Brass: Enhances vital energy and spiritual protection. Copper: Conducts spiritual energy and improves divine communication. Nickel: Stimulates resilience and mental balance. Silver: Purifies the body and protects against negative energies. Gold: Enhances prosperity, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. Tin: Promotes flexibility and adaptability in daily life. Steel: Offers strength and resistance, helping to reinforce stability and energy protection. Our Philosophy at Metayantra At Metayantra, we are a collective dedicated to merging science and spirituality, designing tools and therapies to protect, harmonize, and elevate your spiritual energy. Our products are imbued with a deep understanding of orgone energy, known as chi, ki, or prana, fundamental in our creations. Our orgonites, one of our star products, combine organic resins, metals, and quartz to cleanse, balance, and transform negative energies into positive ones, protecting against electromagnetic pollution and promoting physical and emotional healing. Additionally, we offer high-frequency subliminal audios and binaural tones designed to expand your consciousness and promote meditation and relaxation. We also provide therapeutic tarot readings to offer clarity and direction on your personal path. We integrate the subtle connection with sacred plants, recognizing their energetic resonance for spiritual growth and healing. Our mission is to empower your life, freeing you from conditioning structures and transmitting empowerment tools. Discover more about us and how we can support you on your journey to well-being. Explore our store and follow us on our social media to stay updated with our latest products and events. Welcome to our community of positive energy and well-being! We are here to accompany you on your path to a fuller and more harmonious life.  
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-20% sale
Spiritual Energy Pyramid | Flower of Life Pyramid | Metayantra Flower of Life Pyramid with Quantum Resonance - Metayantra Consciencia
Flower of Life Pyramid with Quantum Resonance $199.99 $249.00
Connection with The Creative Source Approximate measurements: Height 10 cm, Sides of The Base 8 cm, Edge 9 cm. Sacred geometry studies the relationships between proportions and forms contained in the microcosm and in the macrocosm, in order to understand their creative union of life. Connecting with the flower of life allows, according to specialists in the field, to generate currents of energy that allow you to ascend spiritually and connect with other dimensions. The fact that the flower of life is represented not only on planet earth but also on other planets and in the entire Universe, means that this goes beyond our conception and reality.In fact, the very shape of the flower of life, allows us to see what the events of our path or life are like, because everything we do has a result, and how each of them are linked and intertwined, over and over again. Our life is engulfed in one. Within this symbol itself, there are others integrated, such as the fruit of life, from which the Metatron is born in the shape of the Star of David.Contains: Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; Improve your self-esteem progressively, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias. Quantum Resonance Plate with Sacred geometry. Copper Biomagnetic Coil Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Handmade (With lots of LOVE).
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-45% sale
Sri Yantra Quantum Pyramid for Spiritual Liberation - Metayantra WorldWide Sri Yantra Quantum Pyramid for Spiritual Liberation - Metayantra WorldWide
Sri Yantra Quantum Pyramid for Spiritual Liberation $222.00 $399.00
What is Sri Yantra? Achieve the Liberation of your Divine Essence It is considered the Mother Yantra It is composed of 2 terms: Yan = InstrumentTra = Liberation from Slavery   A Yantra is an Instrument that helps in the understanding of life, and a Metayantra is more than that. Meta = Beyond. Through abstract representations we liberate the creativity of the Subconscious and as a result the liberation of the Self in all its aspects is given. It helps us to go into the depths of our divine essence.All the Yantras are Geometric Designs, which are used in meditation and liberation of your Maximum Divine Potential.They are characterized by having a central point from which fractal geometric figures radiate.    The Sri Yantra is made up of 9 interlocking triangles radiating outward from its center. The central point is considered the union between the physical and the spiritual world (Vindu).   The Triangles: 4 Triangles pointing upward represent God Shiva, or the masculine.5 Triangles pointing downward represent Shakti, or the feminine.   Masculine and Feminine = Essential Aspects of Existence.It then represents the Feminine and Masculine energies within us and their fusion in our being.   What does Sri mean? It comes from Sanskrit and is used in India as a polite form of address, it represents Respect and Acknowledgement of divinity. It also means "Goddess of Prosperity". It represents the Innocence of Form, the duality of the masculine and feminine in us.   The triangle, in itself, represents the strength and power that gives us the Unity, the trinity Father, Mother that create life in the child. Structurally it is used in architecture as the strongest form, because any weight that is placed on it, is distributed evenly on the 3 sides.The intersection of the 9 triangles previously mentioned gives shape to 43 smaller triangles. In Numerology, the number 43 is reduced to the number 7.Number 7: Fundamental cycle that shows us the seed of life, basic concept of sacred geometry. The outer circles represent all the cycles of cosmic rhythms, achieve the understanding that time has no beginning and no end. Linear time does not exist.The petals of the lotus flower outside the circle, pointing outward, represent the development of our understanding in meditation.The square material world, in our senses shows the separation of the edges and limits of this illusory reality.The 4 T-shaped portals point inward, they are the inner spaces of life, all representing our earthly landscape, passing through the outer, material to the inner and sacred.By connecting with these sacred symbols, we can achieve tranquility and inner peace and awaken to the ancient wisdom and intelligence that we are. The Sriyantra is not exclusive of Hinduism or Buddhism, it has been used by many ancient wisdoms, it is the visual expression of OM. Thousands of years old, it is the mother of all Yantras, it is based on the golden ratio, the triangles pointing upwards symbolize consciousness and those pointing downwards symbolize the power of activation and energy, it reminds us that only when consciousness and energy are combined can we create, from movement and action.Energy without Consciousness is aimless, aimless and blind. Blind energy produces nothing, Kabalah and Quantum Mechanics have confirmed this principle.Consciousness gives content, form and action to energy, Consciousness without energy is latent power, dormant energy and by itself causes nothing.The meditation and study of SriYantra will bring you the experience of the harmonic movement of life, of the essential balanced relationship, understanding and comprehension through your body of the two energies that compose you, of your unity, with the wisdom of Tantra and connection with the Kundalini, vital energy creator of everything that connects you with the pleasure at all levels, the pleasure of living.   It allows you to clear your mind and balance your energy and life force.   It is a representation of the structure of the Universe and the Human Being, it is a replica of the cosmos.The circle represents the center of the universe, it communicates the universal harmonic information, it is a higher vision that contemplates the whole.It is very important to be aware of our own perception of reality, however, in order not to get lost it is vital to take into account these universal codes that transmit us higher information to expand our perception of the Universe. Tantra is a spiritual path that embraces life to awaken the deepest consciousness of our spiritual existence, cultivates the focus to practice in the knowledge of the life-creating energy composed of masculine and feminine energy, the more we practice it, the more we will experience the Divine Union of these feminine and masculine attributes that compose us.   There is the SriYantra Mantra if you repeat this mantra 108 times daily, worries and financial problems will disappear.   Contains: Citrine: It has a great ability to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify the thoughts, improve your self-esteem progressively, enhances individuality and self-esteem, overcome depression, fears and phobias, incorporates the power of the Sun, never needs cleaning, absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and leads to land the harmful energy, excellent protector of the environment. It cleanses the chakras, raises self-esteem, enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind by amplifying the power of thoughts and promotes vital joy. 16-pointed star: they have to do with aspects of past lives. Copper coil: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts.  Brass coil: It is associated with music, energetic resonance and secrets. Sacred geometry on copper quantum resonance plate. Quantum Resonance Plate   Handmade (with lots of LOVE). WARRANTY:We check the quality of performance before shipping to make sure you are getting the best product. We guarantee your purchase for any manufacturing defect.We do not cover damage caused by accidents.NOTE: Materials are volatile, they can be arranged in random ways, COLOR MAY VARY DUE TO THESE REASONS, the arrangement of the micro metal particles cannot be controlled.This product is handmade, therefore we try to ensure that your product is as similar as possible to the one shown in the pictures, but it will also come with its own uniqueness making it a unique piece.All of our orgone products contain special technology that protects living beings from harmful 5G damage.Handling and manufacturing time is approximately 1 week, shipping time will depend on the method chosen and can take 10 to 30 business days, depending on customs and airport traffic.
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-50% sale
MEGA Divinity Linker, Kabbalah, Tree of Life 20 x 20 - Metayantra WorldWide MEGA Divinity Linker, Kabbalah, Tree of Life 20 x 20
MEGA Divinity Linker, Kabbalah, Tree of Life 20 x 20 $125.00 $249.00
Connection with the Divine Be the recipient of Maximum Spiritual Potential What is Kabbalah?"Kabbalah" in Hebrew means "vessel," it is considered a wisdom and teaching that cannot really be learned from books as such; it is an individual and intimate learning, not generic. It seeks to know the spiritual aspects of matter and to broaden our contact with them. "Matter and spirit work in tune." Kabbalah is the map that teaches you how to navigate that world, for example it teaches you the meaning of certain commands within the Torah; what to think about when praying to strengthen your relationship with God or it talks about certain manifestations of the divinity that are expressed in basic human emotions, among many of the topics it explores.You work with emotions to become a spiritual "channel" between matter and God. Man exists to reveal that spiritual potential that exists in all things and at the same time to be a "recipient" of it and that is where his mystical part shines and where his name is fully explained. "It's a Lifestyle " Size 20cms X 20cms  Proposed Experiments: Choose a Food or Beverage. Get 2 of the same food or beverage Place one of them on the Sensor plate for 15 minutes. Leave the other one more than 50 meters away from the Sensor Try both foods or beverages. YOU WILL NOTICE A BIG DIFFERENCE  Laser Engraving Concerned about the precision in our tools, now you can acquire this engraved plate with a precision of 0.01 millimeters, without errors and perfectly traced in copper. Copper is the best conductor after silver, so this sensor is unbeatable, its energy will be reflected throughout your home. It has a range of 50 meters.   Contains: Quantum Resonance Plate with Laser Accuracy Handmade (with lots of LOVE).WARRANTY:We check the quality of performance before shipping to make sure you are getting the best product. We guarantee your purchase for any manufacturing defect.We do not cover damage caused by accidents. NOTE: Materials are volatile, they can be arranged in random ways, COLOR MAY VARY DUE TO THESE REASONS, the arrangement of the micro metal particles cannot be controlled.This product is handmade, therefore we try to ensure that your product is as similar as possible to the one shown in the pictures, but it will also come with its own uniqueness making it a unique piece.All of our orgone products contain special technology that protects living beings against harmful 5G damage.Handling and manufacturing time is approximately 1 week, always starting on Mondays, we also ship on Mondays, shipping time will depend on the chosen method and can take from 10 to 30 working days, depending on the traffic of the volume of packages and the chosen company.
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-56% sale
Consciousness and Healing TOP KIT - Enhance your inner potential Consciousness and Healing TOP KIT - Enhance your inner potential
Consciousness and Healing TOP KIT - Enhance your inner potential $1,999.00 $4,480.00
This is a Special Sale of our top Products on Consciousness Developing Everything summing up a USD 4430 Value  Pay only USD 1999 Save USD 2431 - 54% OFF Take this unique opportunity    What is Included? 1 x Cley Hill Moldavite Frequency Transmitter - USD 2550 Value 1 x 300W Audio Amplifier to increase Frequencies Transmission power - USD 200 Value 1 x Patrick Flanagan Neurophone - 999 USD Value 1 x Cosmic Sensor Pendant by Patrick Flanagan 16 Vortex Quantic Resonator - USD 95 Value 1 x Chakra Massage Spheres Kit - USD 399 Value 1 x Astral Proyector Business and Life Protector Mexica Solarium (Aztec Calendar) - $99 USD Value 1 x Cosmic Sensor Space MEGA Harmonizer and Resonator 20 x 20 cms -$88 USD Value   About each Item 1. What is the Neurophone? Hear it from the voice of its creator It is a device that allows any audio information to travel through the nervous system in the form of electrical impulses and be recorded in the brain directly, bypassing the normal mechanisms of hearing. The Neurophone allows you to listen with your ancestral ears. Promoting rapid learning and allowing you to listen to music on another level of consciousness. Turns your brain into that of an Expert and Disciplined Meditator. While its gentle ultrasonic waves soothe and regenerate your tired brain. Creates coherence between the right and left hemispheres of the brain Increases your IQ Strengthening and balancing the physical energy level, simply through a permanent background noise (possibly not consciously perceived). Harmonization within oneself with a considerable impact on the aura. Harmonization between people in a closed circuit, starting with the contact of the signal transducers and the closing of the circuit by holding hands. Decrease the time needed to store knowledge and/or access it. Improvement of coordinative movement. General relaxation in case of stressful experiences. Acquisition of desired attitudes and habits of life, as well as of coordination processes in a much shorter time than without the Neurophone. Emits gentle ultrasonic waves into the brain. The ultrasonic waves relax the blood vessels in the brain and help the right and left hemispheres to have greater phase coherence. Generates deep relaxation ideal for meditation. It can give an IQ boost. Dr. Flanagan™ says this is due to increased blood flow to the brain resulting from ultrasonic relaxation of the blood vessels. A similar effect to the IQ boost can be experienced when exercising. May help improve concentration for school and work. Allows the user to listen to music and audio learning by activating an ancient ear called the saccule. This allows the user to achieve some learning while sleeping. Note that the sound is quite faint and may not be perceptible to some people. Effects and benefits will vary from user to user. 2. Metayantra Frequency Transmitter - Tachyon Vortex - PEMF Therapy tool ? This is not just a standard PEMF Transmiter, this STATE-OF-THE-ART harmonizes your entire home and create real-time 5G protection, it produces a 100 meters diameter (10,000 square meters) Tachyon Shield that really does transform harmful EMF while producing time-reversal pulsed tachyon vortex bioelectric-magnetic therapy. Includes 100w Amplifier, 1cm Neodymium Test Magnet, Travel Hard Case. This can also named as an orgone device that transmits electromagnetic frequencies to your brain and also to your environment.   HOW DOES IT WORK? Common electrical devices such as the radio, cell phones, and wireless devices (Walkie-Talkies, Bluetooth, and Garage Door Remotes) are electrical transmitters. The Frequency Transmitter functions in a similar way as the devices mentioned above. Harmful frequencies that are emitted from a cellphone (for example) vibrate at approximately between 800,000,000Hz-1,990,000,000Hz. A healthy human being vibrates at around 7.5Hz. Simply connect the Frequency Transmitter to a cellphone, tablet, android or computer which will transmit through the wire connection the frequency that you’re playing. You may not be able to hear it but you’ll most probably feel it. Play for at least 15-45 minutes for optimal effect, but you can always play it all day if you prefer. You will feel a difference in the change in the room you’re in and also in your brain.   174Hz Eliminates Pain. 285Hz Influences your Electromagnetic Field 396Hz Liberates your Fear and Guilt. 528Hz the Frequency Scientifically proven to Repair DNA (which assists in healing and cleansing of toxins). 741Hz Awakens your Intuition.   These are only a few examples of uses you can play and transmit on the Frequency Transmitter which can help in improving, restoring, and regaining your power over your life.   BENEFITS: 5G Protection. Harmonizes Spaces: In Meditation, it transmits a certain frequency which allows you to stay in certain meditative states. Neutralizes Negative Energies in a Room or from a Person. Stress Relief (Relaxes and Provides Tranquility) Deep Sleep and Better Quality Rest Restores Health and Wellbeing (on a Celular/Molecular Level) For Professional Healing Therapies: Emitting certain frequencies help reach injuries on a deeper cellular and molecular level. -Increases a Therapist´s Healing Modalities, with Greater Improvements on patients.         3.- Bluetooth 300w Power Amplifier SUPERCHARGE YOUR FREQUENCIESBOOST YOUR FREQUENCIES TO GET THE BEST RESULTS! IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS IS A COMPLEMENT FOR YOUR FREQUENCY TRANSMITTER, NOT TO BE USED ALONE 4. Metayantra's Patrick Flanagan Cosmic Sensor Elevation Medallion: Unveiling the Symphony of Body, Mind, and Spirit   Introducing the Enhanced Metayantra SENSOR Medallion - Redefining Energy Jewelry Step into a world of enhanced well-being with our upgraded version of Patrick Flanagan's renowned Sensor. Inspired by the remarkable effects of biomagnetic fields and negative ions on both the physical and etheric bodies, our double-coiled biomagnetic design takes this technology to new heights.Crafted from a laser-engraved copper plate, the Metayantra SENSOR Medallion features an innovative copper and brass energetic coil boasting 16 vortexes. These vortexes synergize to create a complex multidimensional toroid field, elegantly bundled within the very geometry of the sensor itself.Drawing inspiration from ancient Egyptian practices, where jewelry was worn for sacred energy and empowerment, Dr. Flanagan's journey to Egypt paved the way for this remarkable creation. But what exactly does the Metayantra Sensor offer? Imagine a tool that orchestrates temporal and spatial coherence in fields, constructs multifractal dimensions, and infuses harmony into its surroundings. The intricacies of its geometry, meticulously laser-engraved, give rise to the manifestation of Phi, a transcendental number that dares decimal calculation.Contained within its design is a spiral vortex in perfect golden section proportions, harmoniously coordinated with every element. The result? A coherent, holographic, and multi-dimensional vortex, far surpassing the definition of mere jewelry.This is more than just an accessory; it's a "pyramid engine" - a catalyst for your bio-energy field, akin to an intricate energy blueprint. Drawing on the wisdom of Barbara Ann Brennan and others, it's believed that our physical bodies align with this blueprint, inviting positive changes and harmony.Enter the realm of Pyramid Engine Bio-technology (PEB) - a technology that registers shifts in your bio-energy field. Our Patrick Flanagan Sensor underwent rigorous testing, revealing fascinating insights:In addition to heightened cellular energy levels, the sensor taps into deep layers of your energy system. Substantial changes within the curves indicate profound effects on both the systemic and psychological fields. The tests showcase compensatory shifts, providing support and energetic influences on local, systemic, and global levels.Embrace the future of energy-enhancing accessories with the Metayantra SENSOR Medallion. Elevate your energy, synchronize your being, and radiate positive change. Welcome to a new era of wellness. 5.-  Harmonic Energy Spheres KIT - Chakra Symphony: Elevate Your Being How to use them?A Symphony of UseExperience the gentle ballet of these spheres in your hand. A clockwise dance in the right hand and a counterclockwise twirl in the left activate your acupuncture points, soothing your body.As they caress your palms, the spheres emit a biomagnetic field, coaxing your central nervous system into harmony. Mental tensions melt, fatigue disperses, and tranquility prevails.A Ritual of HarmonyEnhance your experience with soft music and essential oil fragrances. The synergy of spheres and motion synchronizes cerebral hemispheres, invoking serenity.For Reiki practitioners, the spheres keep your central chakra active during energy channeling. Use them to tend to contracted muscles or perform cranial massages.A Master's InsightA contemporary master shares: "This technique isn't just about self-care—it's about collective well-being. It's an open journey of sensation and discovery, driven by intuition and respect."Handcrafted with LoveEach sphere is a labor of love—handmade to infuse your journey with wellness.Diameter: 5.5 cmElevate your energy therapies with the Chakra Spheres—a symphony of healing, transformation, and love. 6. Aztec Calendar Astral Projector (Sun Stone) - Unleash Cosmic Harmony: Elevate your energy 🌌🔮 🔍 We care about details: Every centimeter counts in this masterpiece of sacred geometry. Our precision laser-engraved copper projector, with 0.001mm accuracy, offers a truly unique and powerful experience. 📐✨ 🪶 Amplify Your Energy: Imagine being able to holographically imprint energy directly into your environment. With our engraved copper piece, you can bring this vision to life. 🌌✨ 🌟 Key Features: 5D geometry within our 3D reality 🌐🔷 Polymer coating for perfect resonance 💎🌀 Acts as a projecting lens, infusing every holographic corner with energy 📽️🎆 💡 Unique Benefits: This design isn't just an artwork; it's also a shield against radical changes and a catalyst for new projects! And if you're celebrating your 52nd year, this projector becomes the perfect gift, aligning with the natural 52-year cycle of our existence. 🎁🌈 Don't miss the chance to elevate your space and energy with our Sacred Geometry Astral Projector! 🌌🔮  Bring sacred geometry to new heights and experience energy transformation today! ✨🚀 7. Cosmic Sensor Space MEGA Harmonizer and Resonator 20 x 20 cms Elevate your space into a harmonious energy oasis with our 20cm Sacred Geometry Astral Projector! 🔮🌟 Size 20cms X 20cms   🔍 We care about details: Every centimeter counts in this masterpiece of sacred geometry. Our precision laser-engraved copper projector, with 0.001mm accuracy, offers a truly unique and powerful experience. 📐✨ 🪶 Amplify Your Energy: Imagine being able to holographically imprint energy directly into your environment. With our engraved copper piece, you can bring this vision to life. 🌌✨ 🌟 Key Features: 5D geometry within our 3D reality 🌐🔷 Polymer coating for perfect resonance 💎🌀 Acts as a projecting lens, infusing every holographic corner with energy 📽️🎆 💡 Unique Benefits: This design isn't just an artwork; it's also a shield against radical changes and a catalyst for new projects! And if you're celebrating your 52nd year, this projector becomes the perfect gift, aligning with the natural 52-year cycle of our existence. 🎁🌈 Don't miss the chance to elevate your space and energy with our Sacred Geometry Astral Projector! 🌌🔮  Bring sacred geometry to new heights and experience energy transformation today! ✨🚀

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