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Necklace That Attracts Wealth | Abundance Energy Pendant | Metayantra Necklace That Attracts Wealth | Abundance Energy Pendant | Metayantra
Abundance Crop Circle 20 Vortex Resonator $88.88
Mental Reprogramming to Attract Abundance to YOUR Life Do you want to attract more wealth and money to your life? Our mental reprogramming tool, the Quantum Crop Circle Resonator programmed to attract prosperity, will help you generate positive thoughts and conceive the flow of money in a different way. Incorporating stones such as Pyrite and Citrine, as well as the protection of Black Tourmaline, our tool is designed to elevate your vibration and attract more abundance to your life. Contains: Quantum Crop Circle Resonator programmed to attract abundance. Crop Circle: Printed in color, using the principles of sacred geometry. Pyrite: ABUNDANCE CRYSTAL. Pyrite is a stone that brings well-being and peace to the home. Citrine: Has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, besides the power to amplify thoughts; it progressively improves your self-esteem, enhances individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears, and phobias. Incorporates the power of the Sun, never needs cleaning, absorbs, transmutes, dissipates, and grounds harmful energy, excellent environmental protector. Cleanses the chakras, raises self-esteem, enhances concentration, and revitalizes the mind by amplifying the power of thoughts and promoting vital joy. Black Tourmaline: is a powerful stone for protection against all kinds of negative energy, including psychic protection and electromagnetic field (EMF) protection. Copper Coil: an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, it has the capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power of amplifying thoughts. Brass Coil: Associated with music, energy resonance, and secrets. 20-Point Star: Symbolizes the search for a new path, a time of change, and renewal. Handmade (With much LOVE).
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Add a shard of Libyan Crystal to your device
Add a shard of Libyan Crystal to your device $59.99
Choose this option to add a Libyan Crystal fragment to your device. LIBYAN CRYSTAL ISN'T SOLD SEPARATEDLY Highly protective and beneficial crystals for strengthening the will. Beautiful golden yellow color, recognized as a powerful manifestation tool. Its name is related to where they are found in the Libyan desert in particular, in a region of the Great Erg or sand sea. This yellow glass has been dated by scientists and is said to be more than 28 million years old, it was discovered in 1930. It is very pure, rich in silica, and many stones contain particles of sand dunes inside, some pieces are also reported to contain iridium. Since the beginning of this century numerous researchers have staked their bets on the hypothesis that these 30 million year old crystals were formed by the impact of a large meteorite.The healing properties of Libyan Desert Glass relate to its effectiveness in all the lower chakras, where its golden light is known to be highly effective.Although it has a strong resonance within the solar plexus chakra, this stones energy is potent within all chakras.It enhances or enhances creativity and can stimulate those with the gift of clairvoyance to have stronger gifts. They have metaphysical properties to aid in the manifestation of abundance and prosperity. It instills a sense of happiness, joy and love of life.On a physical level it treats stomach problems, including irritable bowel syndrome.  
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Add an Amethyst fragment to your device Add an Amethyst fragment to your device
Add an Amethyst fragment to your device $8.88
Choose this option to add a Libyan Crystal fragment to your device. NOT SOLD SEPARATELY Amethyst quartz helps balance the energy in your home.It is a hexagonal crystal of silicon oxide. It is a purple variety of quartz one of the most prized quartz for its color and properties. Protection crystal. Associated with power and wealth. protects people from excesses helps the mind to maintain tranquility. Excellent companion for meditation. Improve concentration, understanding Opens the intuition. Reduces stress and negative feelings such as anger. Can be used to balance energy in the bedroom, living room, study or library.
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Add Black Sun Orgone Mix to your Metayantra Pranic Device.
Add Black Sun Orgone Mix to your Metayantra Pranic Device. $44.00
  Choose this option so that your device is made with Black Sun Orgone. It is important that you tell us which device you are acquiring that mix will be added to, otherwise, it will be added randomly. Our Black Sun orgone blend is a blend of crushed copper, steel, brass, and bronze, along with black iron oxide, black sand containing bionized gold, and a wide variety of clear quartz, rose, citrine, and amethyst among others. crushed very fine. In addition, we add finely crushed shungite to complete the mix, left in the sun with the Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 Hz.
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Add Elite Shungite Powder C60 to your Metayantra Pranic Device - Metayantra WorldWide Add Elite Shungite Powder C60 to your Metayantra Pranic Device - Metayantra WorldWide
Add Elite Shungite Powder C60 to your Metayantra Pranic Device $39.99
Pure Karelian Elite Shungite Powder C60 Fullerene Choose this option to include a layer of Elite Shungite powder in your MPD. It is important that you let us know which device is to include Shungite; otherwise, we will have to add it randomly. Please note that by adding the powder, the entire device will be darkened, so the view of some models may be affected.   What is Shungite? Is a rare black stone made of up to 99 percent carbon, it contains fullerenes, 3-D spherical molecules made of 60 carbon atoms  which are hollow Shungite also contains many micro and macrominerals. Some of these are quartz, mica, albite, pyrite, and nearly all the minerals on the periodic table. Is thought to be at least 2 billion years old.  Electromagnetic Artificial Radiation is linked to an increasing number of health problems including brain and heart tumors, DNA breakage, headaches, chronic fatigue, autoimmune conditions, and more. Whether you feel them or not, EMFs are modifying our DNA, and it’s getting even worse with 5G. Due to its unique molecular structure, shungite transmutes EMFs into a form that’s more biologically compatible with our bodies.   What are fullerenes? It is a globular hollow molecule consisting of several dozens of carbon atoms. The fullerene molecule cuts diamond as oil, slows down the growth of cancer cells, and can slow down the activity of viruses. Shungite water is known for its antioxidant effects. Fullerenes have the ability to reduce the concentration of free radicals as no other antioxidant can. Thanks to its soccer-ball shape, a molecule of natural fullerene attracts free radicals that end up stuck to it,Fullerenes are able to carry unstable atoms inside themselves. These could be useful as contrast agents for testing, as in magnetic resonance imaging and X-ray imaging.Fullerenes also have antiviral activity. You may hear one day that shungite fullerenes are helping to combat HIV and other viral diseases.Fullerenes may also be used to make chemotherapy drugs for cancer treatment.   Where is Shungite found? There is only one Shungite source in the world. It is the Zazhoginsky Shungite deposits in the western Republic of Karelia, near the eastern border of Finland. Where did it come from? The origin of shungite is a mystery. Some theories of shungite’s origins include: A large meteorite collided with Earth and deposited shungite into the ground Shungite was formed due to microorganisms in nearby water The composition of organic matter in sedimentary rocks changed over time Although scientists are unsure of how shungite was formed or where it came from, they attribute the stone’s potential benefits to its fullerene content.   What is Shungite good for?  SHUNGITE IS USED FOR: Water purification and water infusion with healing energies Enhancement of growth in vegetation and livestock EMF, microwave, and nuclear shielding materials Healing a variety of diseases Creation of healing rooms by Russian Military Medical clinics To balance the energy body that is the blueprint for the physical body promoting physical, emotional, and mental health Charging bath water & swimming pools and a Shungite pendant provides individual protection & balance against all types of EMF & microwave fields.  Shungite Proven chemical results of shungite and shungite water: Reduction of ions of heavy metals – manganese, iron, zinc etc; Fluorine; Ethanol and alcohol derivatives; Nitrites; Nitrates; Ammonia; Biological effects of shungite and shungite water: Anti-inflammatory; Antioxidant; Improving metabolism; Reduces oxidative stress       Traditionally, water infused with shungite has been used for: allergies sore throats asthma gastric issues arthritis kidney problems liver problems gallbladder issues autoimmune disease pancreatic dysfunction chronic fatigue  Shields electromagnetic field (EMF) emissions Shungite has the ability to shield you from EMF emissions. An old 2003 study by trusted Source, reports shungite protected rats against electromagnetic irradiation. How to determine if you have real Shungite Shungite will allow an electric signal to travel through it. Only Shungite from the Zazhoginsky deposits in the Russian Republic of Karelia with 35-60% carbon has this attribute. Two sources of so-called Shungite from Kazakhstan and Ukraine mines but they will not conduct an electric current because they have only 5% fullerenes. We test ALL our Shungite & guarantee it is authentic. How to Test Shungite for Authenticity Using a Multimeter (VIDEO)  
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Add Mixed Cobalt and Nano-Metal Particles to your device - Metayantra WorldWide Add Mixed Cobalt and Nano-Metal Particles to your device - Metayantra WorldWide
Add Mixed Cobalt and Nano-Metal Particles to your device $29.99
Choose this option to have your device made with Cobalt and Bronze and Brass Nano Particles.. It is important that you tell us which device you are acquiring that mix will be added to, otherwise, it will be added randomly. This special Blend has had excellent results in healing and cellular restoration processes, as well as for Personal evolution on a Physical and Spiritual Level. Please note that by adding the blend, the entire device will turn blue, so the view of some models may be affected.The blend contains the following elements:Cobalt Powder: Creates a cobalt-60 resistance effect, was used extensively in external beam radiotherapy machines, which produced a beam of rays that was directed into the patient's body to kill tumor tissue. Cobalt therapy was a revolutionary breakthrough in radiotherapy. Bronze Powder: Energy of the Projective Sun and is related to fire. It is used to attract money or healing. Protective properties are attributed to the pieces of jewelry made of bronze, to return the negative energy to the originator. It is closely related to the sound, so they are typical Tibetan bowls and bells, whose sound is cleansing. Brass powder: good electrical conductivity, 0.158 MegaSiemens/cm at 20ºC. It is associated with music, energetic resonance and secrets. This mixture of nanoparticles has demonstrated effects at the electromagnetic level, which increase the resonance power of any device as well as amplifying its coverage. Take advantage of this opportunity to amplify the power and reach of your device.
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Add Moldavite inside your Device - Metayantra WorldWide
Add Moldavite inside your Device $60.00
Add a piece of the most powerful crystal on the world inside your Device MOLDAVITE ISN'T SOLD SEPARATEDLY It is very important that you indicate us to wich pendant or device this Moldavite will be added, in other case we would be adding it randomly to any device you have purchased   Throughout history and even prehistory, Moldavite has been considered a spiritual talisman, has been used in jewelry and crowns of European royalty for hundreds of years. Tibetans venerated this stone placing it over their heads and attributed to it a heavenly origin. One of the most interesting examples is Egypt, where Moldavite has been found in the Great Pyramids and tombs. The connections between the Egyptians and the constellations Orion and Sirius are well known. This stone is related to the energy of fire and was also known as the "Stone of Ra". It is also linked to the Philosopher's Stone, Shantimani and Shambala. It is rumored that Muhammad brought 3 pieces and placed them in Mecca. King Solomon had some, and is also said it was present at the Excalibur Sword. We can find its name in Sanskrit: "Agni mani" meaning "pearl of fire." It has also been known as "The Emerald fallen from Heaven ", so it is speculated that ancient civilizations such as Atlantis already used it, and the Emerald Tablets of Hermes (Thoth) were actually Moldavite. Other legends say the Chalice Sacred or Holy Grail was not gold, but was made up of a green gem that fell from Lucifer's crown when he descended from heaven to hell, driven by the force of a blow of the sword of the Archangel Michael. Moldavite represents the angelic power that Lucifer had before falling into disfavor because of his ambitions. This also confirms that the Moldavite can not be used for purposes other than light. The purpose of the Moldavite is the "Transformation of Consciousness for the New Humanity". The most important period for this Planetary and the Human Being Ascension is between 2012 and 2021, so its effectiveness and value will be felt significantly in this period. Whoever possesses this gem, will be provided with the process of awakening and expansion of consciousness in order to assume the vibrational changes that are occurring in this area. The fears will dissolve and we will begin to handle new paradigms of life. Moldavite belongs to Storm element, which represents a profound transformation, cleaning and change at all levels and Moldavite completely fits that reputation. Besides using Moldavite in meditation and dream work, it can be used in jewelry. Wear it all day keeps its energies in our vibrational field and a number of beneficial power in our daily lives synchronicities. Moldavite also offers an energy of spiritual protection. When you are in resonance with its high frequency vibration, negative energies or entities can not connect or engage our field. Moldavite is used to facilitate the interdimensional communication, it connects you with the divine source and your essence of being. It is a catalyst that accelerates the processes of connection and reconnectionraises the levels of consciousness and their effects on the lives of each one of us should not be underestimated. Moldavite is one of the most important tools we have received to prepare ourselves for the transformational changes that are taking place towards a new humanity. 
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(FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME) Add the Powerful Anti 5G Blend. - Metayantra WorldWide (FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME) Add the Powerful Anti 5G Blend. - Metayantra WorldWide
Add the Powerful Anti 5G Blend. $99.99
5G Radiation Shielding Choose this option so that your device gets the COVFEFE mixture.It is important that you indicate to which of the devices you are purchasing the mix will be added, otherwise, it will be added randomly. IF YOU DO NOT PURCHASE A DEVICE TO WHICH THE MIXTURE WILL BE ADDED, YOUR ORDER WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY CANCELLED. Please note that by adding the blend, the entire device will be darkened, so the view of some models may be affected. COVFEFE is an alloy of 3 elements, COBALT (Co), IRON (Fe) and VANADUUM (V) hence the name of this technology COVEFE.CoVeFe is already used in TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES, and also in DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS and other MILITARY DEVICES that use electromagnetic radiation.Formula: Cobalt (Co-49%) Iron (Fe-49%) Vanadium (V-2%) They form a soft magnetic alloy with the highest flux density, making it ideal for use in magnetic cores. The magnets clean impurities from the 5G by working at the ionic level. This prevents oxygen depletion, rendering high-frequency radio waves harmless.  CovFeFe is to protect us from 5G.  
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Spiritual Protection Necklace | Cosmic Protection Orgonite| Metayantra Spiritual Protection Necklace | Cosmic Protection Orgonite| Metayantra
Aegishjalmur The Ultimate Spiritual Protector Necklace! Unleash Cosmi... $199.00
Spiritual Protection Tool & Holistic Well-being Enhancer 🌌✨ Embark on a cosmic and spiritual journey with our "Cosmic Protection Orgonite". This Aegishjalmur necklace is designed to be more than just a piece of jewelry. This amulet is a masterpiece of spiritual alchemy, filled with carefully chosen elements to boost your well-being and protection. 🌀🔮 Read more about this symbol. 📖 🛡️ "Wear your spiritual armor and become invincible against adversity." 🛡️ Key Features: Central Aegishjalmur: This ancient symbol of protection and power becomes the focal point around which all other energies revolve. 🌟 Black Sun Orgone: A synergy of iron oxide, mica powder, copper, brass, shungite, gold, nickel, amethyst, and a variety of quartz. This powerful blend is designed to neutralize negative energies. 🌚✨ Vanadium Powder: Enhances your willpower and promotes a positive outlook on life. 💪🌟 Pyrite: Attracts prosperity, abundance, and serves as a shield against negative energies. 💰🛡️ Gold and Silver: Precious metals that offer spiritual protection, attract good fortune, and promote inner harmony and peace. 🌞🌛 Aluminum: Amplifies positive energies due to its high conductivity. ⚡ Confetti Quartz: A vibrant mix of gemstones that provide a multisensory experience, from the tranquility of amethyst to the strength of tiger's eye. 🌈🔮 16 and 8 Pointed Energetic Stars: Symbols of cosmic connection, spiritual evolution, and protection. ⭐ Tartessian Star: Symbolizes the sun's energy and the rejuvenation of souls. ☀️ Active Elements: Biomagnetic coils made of brass and nickel to fortify your energetic aura. 🌀🔋 Important Note: Brass, one of the metals used, is a substitutional solid solution of copper and zinc. Its properties are not exclusively derived from its constituent elements, but are determined by its specific molecular structure and configuration, making it a potent element for energy amplification. 🧬⚛️ 💪 "You're stronger than you think, braver than you feel." 💪 Who is This Necklace For? For those seeking a deeper dive into spiritual consciousness, spiritual warriors, and anyone in need of additional protection in their daily lives. 🙏🏽🌍 This isn't just a necklace; it's a beacon of positive energy, a shield against dark influences, and a tool to connect with the divine. 🌠🔗 Are you ready to harness its benefits? 🌟🤲🏼
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-36% sale
Ajna Crop Circle Resonator | 6th Chakra Activation | Metayantra Ajna Crop Circle Resonator 6th Chakra - Metayantra WorldWide
Ajna Crop Circle Resonator 6th Chakra $44.44 $69.33
Development of the Pineal Gland (Third Eye) Eyes, ears, nose, cerebellum, central nervous system, pituitary gland.When there is an inharmonious operation, it causes the person to not be centered. It is usually very scattered, the individual is unable to make decisions and when they do, they are often not the correct ones. There is a certain "heaviness in the head", a feeling of dullness and lethargy, the person lives in a perpetual state of confusion that can manifest itself in neurosis and uncomfortable dreams at night with many nightmares.Contains: Amethyst: Increases paranormal ability and the power of meditation, Calms passions, violent emotions and anger, reduces fears and neutralizes negativity. Copper Wire: an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and many believe in its ability to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Biomagnetic Brass Coil: Excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and many believe in its ability to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Quantum Resonator of the Third Eye. 24-pointed Energy Star: this number is related to emotional maturity, deep understanding of the emotional side of life. 4.3 cm. Handmade (With lots of LOVE).
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Ajna Sixth Chakra Activator - Metayantra WorldWide Ajna Sixth Chakra Activator - Metayantra WorldWide
Ajna Sixth Chakra Activator $59.00
Development of the Pineal Gland (Third Eye) Eyes, ears, nose, cerebellum, central nervous system, pituitary gland.When there is an inharmonious operation, it causes the person to not be centered. It is usually very dispersed, the individual is incapable of making decisions and whendoes, often, are not correct. There is a certain "heaviness in the head", a feeling of dullness and lethargy, the person lives in a perpetual state of confusion that can manifest itself in neurosis and uncomfortable dreams at night with many nightmares.Contains: Amethyst: Increases paranormal capacity and the ability to meditate, Calms passions, violent emotions and anger, reduces fears and neutralizes negativity 6 Pointed Energy Star: (Star of David) is the union of God with the human being. The number 6 symbolizes responsibility and perfection. It means the evolutionary process of the mind when it begins to seek, internally, the reason for being. The 6 looks for the relationship of things and the reason why they are related. This search usually ends with a commitment on the part of the individual to humanity itself. Biomiagnetic Brass Coil: Music, energy resonance and secrets are associated. 4.3 cm. Handmade (With lots of LOVE).
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-50% sale
Amulets for Love and Infinite Quantum Connection - Orgonite Metayantra Amulets for Love and Infinite Quantum Connection - Orgonite Metayantra
Amulets for Love and Infinite Quantum Connection - Orgonite Metayantra $222.00 $444.00
Discover the magic of SPIRITUAL LOVE Generates a Specific Quantum Entanglement between the two Necklaces The Love Equation(∂ + m) ψ = 0.Creates an infinite connection between two beingsThese two devices were created in unison, at the same time with a special connection, a Rose Quartz, carefully split in two, was placed in the 2 devices, creating an Infinite quantum connection. Both Devices and their wearers will be connected forever, no matter how far apart they are from each other.Why love equation?Quantum entanglement details that, if two particles were joined together, once separated (even on opposite sides of the universe) they will always share a bond. The connection between the two is instantaneous, just like love.If you alter one of them, the other is instantly modified in the same way.Their Instantaneous and Permanent Connection is Irrefutable.So is LOVE, it UNITS everything, it is Instantaneous and Permanent.Even if it is on the other side of the UniverseABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING IS MADE OF PARTICLESContains Half a Rose Quartz in each Necklace: Carefully separated physically, but being one entity forever, fed by the coil they create a special vortex of connection. Rose Quartz symbolizes LOVE, whether romantic, universal or self. Because of its connection to the heart chakra, it promotes forgiveness towards oneself and others. Its balsamic effect allows you to feel calm, balanced and centered, bringing peace and tranquility. Complementary Copper Plate: We have divided into 2 parts an Agrogram, Crop Circle, a figure that appears in the fields of England with great connection to the source, Together they create Unity. #weareone Copper Biomagnetic Coil: Copper, a further element of protection, is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great ability to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Brass Biomagnetic Coil: It is associated with music, energetic resonance and secrets. COVFEFE: It is an alloy of 3 elements, COBALT (Co), IRON (Fe) and VANADUUM (V) hence the name of this technology COVEFE. They form a soft magnetic alloy with the highest flux density, which makes it ideal for use in magnetic cores. The magnets clean impurities from the 5G by working at the ionic level. This prevents oxygen depletion, rendering high-frequency radio waves harmless. Shungite: Used for: Water purification and infusing water with healing energies. Enhancement of vegetation and livestock growth. EMF, microwave and nuclear shielding materials Healing of various diseases Establishment of healing rooms by Russian military medical clinics Balancing the energetic body which is the plane of the physical body promoting physical, emotional and mental health. physical, emotional and mental health Charging bath water and swimming pools and a Shungit pendant provides individual protection and balancing against all types of EMF and microwave fields 22-Pointed Energetic Star: This number is able to express the evolution of man, being an old soul that has passed through the first nine vibrations of the numerical scale. People who possess it lead a life marked by great lessons of responsibility, effort and work. Energetic Star of 11 Points: The 11 is a very special number for those on the path of love. This number represents the power of manifestation and is the number of the ascended masters. 11 is a number of enlightenment and represents unconditional love. It is one of the most powerful numbers in the universe and those who vibrate it can achieve great things.
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Anahatta Fourth Chakra Activator - Metayantra Consciencia Anahatta Fourth Chakra Activator - Metayantra Consciencia
Anahatta Fourth Chakra Activator $59.00
Brings joy and heals emotions Heart, Emotional Center When the fourth chakra, Anahata is unbalanced, feelings of loneliness, sadness and melancholy are produced. Self-esteem also suffers and the person can become unstable. On a physical level the immune system suffers and alcoholism problems, circulatory disorders, cholesterol, can appear. lumbar pain, heart attacks, angina pectoris, leukemia, impotence, rheumatism, etc. Contains: Green Aventurine: Induces relaxation, stability and inner peace, calming the mind, spirit and body. Helps to visualize problems calmly, makes our hearts open to love and we become more receptive to it, helps us to be more open-minded. Biomagnetic Copper Coil: Copper, another element of protection, is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. 6 Pointed Energy Star: (Star of David) is the union of God with the human being. The number 6 symbolizes responsibility and perfection. It means the evolutionary process of the mind when it begins to seek, internally, the reason for being. The 6 looks for the relationship of things and the reason why they are related. This search usually ends with a commitment on the part of the individual to humanity itself. 4.3 cm. Handmade (With lots of LOVE).
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Anahatta Quantic Resonator 4th Chakra Enhancer - Metayantra WorldWide Anahatta Quantic Resonator 4th Chakra Enhancer - Metayantra WorldWide
Anahatta Quantic Resonator 4th Chakra Enhancer $69.33
Heart, Emotional Center Provides joy and heals emotions When the fourth chakra, Anahata is unbalanced, feelings of loneliness, sadness and melancholy are produced. Self-esteem also suffers and the person may become unstable. On a physical level the immune system suffers and alcoholism problems, circulatory disorders, cholesterol, may appear. lumbar pain, heart attacks, angina pectoris, leukemia, impotence, rheumatism, etc.Contains: Green Venturine (Aventurine): Induces relaxation, stability and inner peace, calming the mind, spirit and body. Helps to visualize problems in a calm way. It makes our heart open to love and we are more receptive to it, It helps us to be more open-minded. Biomagnetic Copper Coil: An excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and many believe in its ability to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. 12-pointed energy star: (Reflection of Bethlehem) is the one that represents time lived in harmony. Therefore it is one of the most complete stars, since it attracts abundance, favors spiritual well-being, attracts love and strengthens health. Quantum Resonance Copper Plate. 4.3 cm. Handmade (With lot of LOVE).
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Angel Caller Necklace | Angel Caller for Archangel Zadkiel| Metayantra Angel Caller for Archangel Zadkiel - Metayantra Consciencia
Angel Caller for Archangel Zadkiel $33.00
Summons the protection power of Archangel Zadkiel In the Mayan culture, it was known as the “Llamador de Angeles” (in English: the Angel Caller). A legend recalls how the soft tinkling sound of the ball, which is unique to each pendant, has the magical ability to summon the guardian angel of its wearer, protecting him or her and accompanying the wearer throughout his or her life. The harnony bell, or angel caller as it is called in Mexico, jingles with a soft, soothing chime as the expecting mother moves throughout her day. His name means ‘Justice of God’: it represents transmutation, forgiveness and mercy. Zadquiel is believed to be like a kind of keeper of Karma. Due to this it is believed that he keeps the archives and records of the past lives of people, both of each individual and of each human group and each community. He tries to resolve people's karmic burdens through his spiritual influence aimed at developing and accepting the law of Forgiveness. You can invoke him to have happiness, joy, justice, mercy, dissolution of painful memories and negative traits. It also brings tolerance and diplomacy.
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Archangel Chamuel Pendant | Attract Soulmates | Metayantra
Archangel Chamuell 22 Vortex Gold Plated $89.00
Opens the Heart and Attracts the Soulmates Archangel Chamuel is known as "The Archangel of Love." His name means "He who sees God" or "He who seeks God." His job is to promote in human beings gratitude to God and unconditional and selfless love. As the archangel of love, you can ask for his help and presence if you wish to integrate his gifts and services into your life. When you need money ask for help and do not forget to bless what you have.Archangel Chamuel is the angel of unconditional love, compassion, mercy, creativity, forgiveness, sincerity, dedication or service to others, are all virtues related to this archangel. It also represents self-love, since it is from the being that the help of Archangel Chamuel is invoked. Contains: Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit the spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify the thoughts; to improve your self-esteem progressively, power the individuality and the self-esteem, you will surpass states of depression, fears and phobias. It cleans the chakras, it elevates the self-esteem, it promotes the concentration and it revitalizes the mind amplifying the power of the thoughts and it foments the vital joy. Brass coil: music, energy resonance and secrets are associated. 22-pointed star: This number is capable of expressing the evolution of man, being an old soul that has gone through the first nine vibrations of the numerical scale Archangel Chamuel Gold Plated.   Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 4.3 cm. For better results you can use this Subliminal with a Metayantra resonator  
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Archangel Gabriel Necklace | Protection from Darkness | Metayantra Archangel Gabriel 21 Vortex Gold Plated - Metayantra Consciencia
Archangel Gabriel 21 Vortex Gold Plated $89.00
Clarifies Everything That Seems Dark It is considered the main of the 7 archangels its colors are all, it is represented with a ray of white light. This angel was the one sent by God to the Virgin Mary to announce the incarnation of her son. That is why it is called The Messenger of God. Her image reflects purity, her dress is white and in her hands she has a flower, it means love and humility. He is the Archangel of the Aspirations, of Love, hope, revelations, nature, arts, emotions and creativity. He is the Prince of angels.We can invoke it in moments of great dejection, for spiritual elevation, purity, to ascend any negative condition of limitation to harmony, of affliction to peace, of wealth to poverty, in depressive states. Contains: Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit the spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify the thoughts; to improve your self-esteem progressively, power the individuality and the self-esteem, you will surpass states of depression, fears and phobias. It cleans the chakras, it elevates the self-esteem, it promotes the concentration and it revitalizes the mind amplifying the power of the thoughts and it foments the vital joy. Nickel coil: It is a lightweight metal associated with willpower and intellectual humility. Copper coil: Protective element, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts. 21-pointed star: The number 21 is associated with changes in our lives, causing positive stimuli. Archangel Gabriel gold plated.   Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 4.3 cm. For better results you can use this Binaural Frequency with a Metayantra resonator
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Archangel Jophiel Pendant |Gold Plated Spiritual Protector| Metayantra Archangel Jophiel 10 Vortex Gold Plated - Metayantra Consciencia
Archangel Jophiel 10 Vortex Gold Plated $89.00
Divine Wisdom, Illumination, Intelligence, Understanding and Peace You can ask him for knowledge, wisdom, enlightenment, to free ourselves from possible addictions, dissolve pride, ignorance, upon awakening, it helps us to focus and solve problems. It also helps us in projects and businesses. Jofiel helps us to get in touch with our Higher Soul, which is why it comes from many of our wonderful ideas and thoughts, puts us in touch with God's thoughts, with the Source of Creativity, without forgetting that we are all really " Creators ”, that we create our life.   Contains: Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit the spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify the thoughts; to improve your self-esteem progressively, power the individuality and the self-esteem, you will surpass states of depression, fears and phobias. It cleans the chakras, it elevates the self-esteem, it promotes the concentration and it revitalizes the mind amplifying the power of the thoughts and it foments the vital joy. Brass coil: Music, energy resonance and secrets are associated 10 points star: The ten-pointed star is a star formed by two of 5 points. The first represents spirituality, the second means the material, the physical, what we can see, the earth. So, if we join both pentacles we have the ten-pointed star that tells us about the complete and total balance. It is the spiritual that descends to the material and the material that ascends to the spiritual. Gold Plated Jophiel Archangel.   Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 4.3 cm.  For better results you can use this Binaural Frequency with a Metayantra resonator
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Healing Pendant Necklace | Archangel Metatron | Metayantra Archangel Metatron 22 Vortex Gold Plated - Metayantra Consciencia
Archangel Metatron 22 Vortex Gold Plated $89.00
Connection with the Divine Spirit Metatronic Healing is the marriage of mind and heart to set the attunements and transmissions on energy bodies, clearing out what needed to be released, such as old thought-forms, imprints and stories, and allowing the space for a more refined vibration to enter. It helps in opening up to the angelic realm, raising vibration and embracing a new and powerful light in their energy fields. The magical and loving benefits of Metatron’s requencies connect you with Metatron’s divine source, where are life force and the love-power-wisdom, it connects you with a higher and deeper aspect of your own consciousness. In the most real sense, they re-forge your personal connections both with heaven and with earth.   Contains: Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit the spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify the thoughts; to improve your self-esteem progressively, power the individuality and the self-esteem, you will surpass states of depression, fears and phobias. It cleans the chakras, it elevates the self-esteem, it promotes the concentration and it revitalizes the mind amplifying the power of the thoughts and it foments the vital joy. Brass coil: Music, energy resonance and secrets are associated Copper coil: Good luck, physical-Astral connection, alignment of subtle bodies. Nickel coil: It is a lightweight metal associated with willpower and intellectual humility. 22 points star: This number is capable of expressing the evolution of man, being an old soul that has gone through the first nine vibrations of the numerical scale. The people who own it lead a life marked by great lessons of responsibility, effort and work. Gold Plated Metatron Archangel.   Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 4.3 cm.   For better results you can use this Binaural Frequency with a Metayantra resonator
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Negative Energy Protector | Defense From Forces Of Evil | Metayantra Archangel Michael 12 Vortex Gold Plated - Metayantra Consciencia
Archangel Michael 12 Vortex Gold Plated $99.00
Defense Against The Forces of Evil He is the greatest archangel of all angels, prince of the heavenly militias. Its color is blue, it is the most invoked archangel at the time of danger, it is the symbol of spirituality, it is the protector of the innocent. Keep the keys of heaven and represent justice. . Its virtue is power, strength, balance, courage and invisibility. The shield represents the universe. It is the protection that tells his adversary that he cannot defeat love.It defends us from the forces of evil and darkness that lurk the human being, such as psychic attacks, dense energies, ignorance, unconsciousness, slavery to material, emotional attachments. Also of physical hazards, robberies, accidents, robberies. It helps us and gives courage to overcome ourselves, strengthening our faith and will.It gives us the willpower to face the challenges of life. It also represents faith, security, the light that gives spiritual strength. With this force, peace and divine justice are established. Contains: Malachite: The Malachite is a "stone of transformation", its adventurous spirit helps you in times of change, drives you to take risks and gives you the sacred information that takes you to your spiritual evolution. Brass coil: It is associated with music, energy resonance and secrets. Nickel coil: It is a lightweight metal associated with willpower and intellectual humility. The 12-pointed Star (Belen's Reflection) is the one that represents time lived in harmony. Therefore it is one of the most complete stars, since it attracts abundance, favors spiritual well-being, attracts love and strengthens health. Archangel Michael gold plated.   Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 4.3 cm.   For better results you can use this Binaural Frequency with a Metayantra resonator  

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