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Booster Subliminal Gratuit : Débloquez un Hack de Manifestation Rapide (FRANÇAIS)
Booster Subliminal Gratuit : Débloquez un Hack de Manifestation Rapid... $88.00 $99.00
Rêvez-vous d'un changement radical ? Vous imaginez-vous vous réveiller dans une nouvelle réalité où vos plus grands rêves sont déjà réalisés ? En remerciement pour votre confiance et en tant que fervents croyants que l'abondance est accessible à tous, nous souhaitons vous inviter au Défi de Transformation de 21 Jours. Ce n'est pas seulement un cadeau, c'est votre billet pour une vie d'abondance illimitée. Grâce à notre audio subliminal spécialement conçu, des clients comme vous ont manifesté des changements extraordinaires en un temps record : Ventes Impressionnantes : Imaginez enfin vendre cette propriété que vous avez mise sur le marché depuis des mois, voire des années, en seulement trois semaines ! Abondance Financière : Les utilisateurs signalent des augmentations exponentielles de revenus, allant de l'héritage inattendu à la conclusion d'accords qui semblaient impossibles. Acquisitions de Luxe : Une nouvelle voiture ? Un voyage de rêve ? Nos utilisateurs raturent des choses sur leur liste de souhaits plus rapidement qu'ils ne l'auraient jamais imaginé. Comment ça fonctionne ? Vous devez simplement écouter l'audio subliminal chaque jour, laissant ses fréquences travailler pour déverrouiller votre potentiel de manifestation. Ce défi est conçu pour vous propulser à : Éliminer les Croyances Limitées : Brisez les barrières qui vous empêchent d'atteindre la prospérité et le succès. S'Aligner avec Vos Plus Grands Rêves : Accordez votre énergie à la fréquence de vos plus grandes aspirations. Engagement de Réussite Garantie : Nous vous mettons au défi d'utiliser cet audio et de voir les résultats par vous-même. Si vous participez activement et partagez vos histoires de succès, préparez-vous à être une inspiration vivante pour notre communauté. Votre Témoignage Compte ! Nous sommes impatients d'entendre chaque souhait et témoignage de nos clients. Partagez vos réalisations, qu'il s'agisse de grandes ventes, de nouveaux achats ou de tout autre succès spectaculaire. Votre parcours motivera les autres et démontrera le pouvoir de la transformation positive. Êtes-vous prêt à voir votre vie se transformer de manière que vous n'avez jamais rêvée ? Rejoignez le défi dès aujourd'hui et commencez à vivre la vie que vous méritez.
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Free Subliminal Booster: Unlock Fast Manifestation Hack
Free Subliminal Booster: Unlock Fast Manifestation Hack $88.00 $99.00
Do you dream of a radical change? Do you imagine waking up in a new reality where your biggest dreams are already true? In gratitude for trusting us and as firm believers that abundance is available to all, we want to invite you to the 21 Day Transformation Challenge. This is not just a gift, it's your ticket to a life of limitless abundance. With our subliminal audio specially designed, clients just like you have manifested extraordinary changes in record time: Impressive Sales: Imagine finally selling that property you've had on the market for months, or even years, in just three weeks! Financial Abundance: Users report exponential increases in income, from receiving unexpected inheritances to closing deals that seemed impossible. Luxury Acquisitions: A new car? A dream trip? Our users are crossing things off their wish lists faster than they ever imagined. How does it work? You just need to listen to the subliminal audio every day, letting its frequencies work to unlock your manifestation potential. This challenge is designed to propel you to: Eliminate Limiting Beliefs: Break down the barriers that have kept you from achieving prosperity and success. Align with Your Greatest Dreams: Tune your energy to the frequency of your greatest aspirations. Guaranteed Success Commitment: We challenge you to use this audio and see the results for yourself. If you actively participate and share your success stories, be prepared to be a living inspiration to our community. Your Testimonial Matters! We are excited to hear every wish and testimonial from our clients. Share your accomplishments, whether they are big sales, new purchases, or any other spectacular success. Your journey will motivate others and demonstrate the power of positive transformation. Are you ready to see your life transform in ways you've only dreamed of? Join the challenge today and start living the life you deserve.
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-34% sale
Orgone Frequency Transmitter | Manifestation Powers | Metayantra FREQUENCY TRANSMITTER - Metayantra Consciencia
FREQUENCY TRANSMITTER $1,999.00 $2,999.00
ACCELERATE YOUR MANIFESTATION POWERS AND CREATE THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS!    WHAT IS A FREQUENCY TRANSMITTER?  An orgone device that transmits electromagnetic frequencies to your brain and also to your environment.   HOW DOES IT WORK?  Common electrical devices such as the radio, cellphones, wireless devices (Walkie-Talkies, Bluetooth and Garage Door Remotes) are electrical transmitters.  The Frequency Transmitter functions in a similar way as the devices mentioned above. Harmful frequencies that are emitted from a cellphone (for example) vibrate at approximately between 800,000,000Hz-1,990,000,000Hz. A healthy human being vibrates at around 7.5Hz.  Simply connect the Frequency Transmitter to a cellphone, tablet, android or computer which will transmit through the wire connection the frequency that you’re playing. You may not be able to hear it but you’ll most probably feel it.  Play for at least 15-45 minutes for optimal effect, but you can always play it all day if you prefer.  You will feel a difference in the change in the room you’re in and also in your brain.  174Hz Eliminates Pain. 285Hz Influences your Electromagnetic Field 396Hz Liberates your Fear and Guilt. 528Hz the Frequency Scientifically proven to Repair DNA (which assists in healing and cleansing of toxins). 741Hz Awakens your Intuition.  These are only a few examples of uses you can play and transmit on the Frequency Transmitter which can help in improving, restoring and regaining your power over your life.  BENEFITS: 5G Protection. Harmonizes Spaces:         -In Meditation it transmits a certain frequency which allows you          to stay in certain meditative states. -Neutralizes Negative Energies in a Room or from a Person. Stress Relief (Relaxes and Provides Tranquility) Deep Sleep and Better Quality Rest Restores Health and Wellbeing (on a Celular/Molecular Level) For Professional Healing Therapies:         -Emitting certain frequencies help reach injuries on a deeper celular and molecular level.          -Increases a Therapist´s Healing Modalities, with Greater Improvements on patients.          **A Super Valuable Healing Tool to add to your Healing Practice.** Program Your Subconscious Mind easily with Subliminal Messages:         -Slow down Premature Aging.          -Generate Prosperity.          -Increase Concentration and Focus in your Studies.          -Help You Focus Your Intentions and Affirmations.          -Assist in Sleeping and Improve Quality of Rest.          -Clearer Visualizations in Creating Your Dream Life.          -Quieting the Mind and Eliminating Fears.          -Etc… Tap Into Your Inner Creativity:         -New ideas          -Help Find Solutions to Problems. Reach Certain States of Mind:         -Beta (13Hz-40Hz): Awake, Conscious Alertness, Thinking.             -Alpha (7.5Hz-13Hz): Physically and Mentally Relaxed. -Theta (4Hz-7.5Hz): Deep Meditative state, Dream REM state.             -Delta (0.5Hz-4Hz): Deep sleep (Dreamless). Assists in Astral Projecting. And So Much More!  WHAT KIND OF FREQUENCIES CAN YOU USE?: Solfeggio Tones Rife Frequencies Binaural Beats Mantras General Subliminals Personalized Subliminals (CLICK HERE) Any Frequency of Your Choice. ***(Frequencies, Subliminals & Amplifier Are Sold Separately)***  IDEAL FOR: Holistic Healing Centers Holistic & Homeopathy Practitioners Meditation & Yoga Centers Meditation and Yogi Practitioners Organic Agriculture Your Home and Sacred Spaces   WHICH CHAKRAS DOES IT WORK ON? As the Frequency Transmitter can transmit any frequency that you decide to play it can help with all the chakras. MATERIAL: BLACK SUN ORGONE: -Iron Oxide -Mica Powder -Copper -Brass -Shungite -Gold -Nickel -Amethyst -Citrine -Black Tourmaline- COIL: 100% Copper (Magnetic Coiling) RESIN   SIZE: 40 cm in Diameter Approximately 3cm-5cm in Width   FREQUENCY COVERAGE: It covers up to 150 meters circumference.  With the help of an Amplifier the coverage increases immensely covering up to 500 meters circumference!  For more details on the Amplifier click on the following link: Providing Peace, Tranquility, Love, Joy, Success, Wealth and Health to all Humanity.  IMAGINE ALL THE POSSIBILITIES! WHAT DOES IT INCLUDE? Orgone Transmitter Cable with Headphone Jack Extension (0.5m/1m/2m) (Choose which one best fits your needs) List of Rife Healing Frequencies (The actual Rife Frequencies are not included-This is ONLY a List of frequencies) RIFE FREQUENCIES FOR YOU HERE   8 REASONS THAT MAKE US BETTER THAN THE REST:  1.) Accelerates Your Manifestation Power (Toroidal Field) The best things are felt through the heart. Our heart emits a super strong electromagnetic field (a toroidal field), making it more powerful energetically than any other organ in our bodies. This toroidal field is the key to everything because our whole lives are created in this field. An energetic exchange through our heart occurs when we’re in close proximity of someone or when we touch someone physically.  The Frequency Transmitter connects our whole body to this donut-shaped field of energy which is ideal for every living thing in the universe.  Being in resonance with Creation means we can more easily manifest our desires and intentions in our life!  2.) Includes Coil Protection (Encapsulation) If the coil is external (outside), this makes it more vulnerable to damage or accidents to the surface of the coil.  This can affect it from functioning optimally.  Our coils are encapsulated in resin making it not only beneficial as an orgonite but also as great protection to the coils itself.  It works in complete harmony with every element included inside the resin.  Our competitors have no encapsulation of their coils making it prone to any kind of accidental damage.  Encapsulation Benefits Check out: Piezoelectric Effect. Positive Orgone. 3.) Generates a Positive Energetic Charge (Piezoelectric Effect) When the resin of an orgonite sets in and dries it shrinks in size, this shrinking causes permanent pressure upon the crystals inside.  This creates what is known as the Piezoelectric Effect.  Piezo in Greek means push.   This pressure causes the quartz crystals inside to generate an electrical charge.  4.) Optimal Design Used (The Golden Ratio) The Golden Ratio is included in the design of this device.  The ratio is approximately 1.618 which appears in geometry, art, architecture as well as in nature.  This specific design transmits important information and creates an aesthetically pleasing appearance.  It’s design is very eye-catching, which is why only the best artists follow this design.  5.) Offers Harmonization / 5G Protection (Positive Orgone Energy) Orgone energy is similar to Prana, Chi and Vital Life Energy.  An orgonite is created by layers of organic and inorganic materials.  The organic resin absorbs negative ambient energy from your surrounding environment.  When this energy touches the metal coiling (inorganic), it causes the energy to reflect. This reflection causes a chaotic energetic movement of attraction, expansion, and repulsion at a high level.  This chaotic energy reaches the quartz crystals which help smooth out this chaotic energy and transform it creating balance and harmony (Positive Orgone Energy).  The center of the quartz crystals produce a health enhancing biomagnetic energy.  This positive orgone energy improves all Living things.  Our unique and one-of-kind Black Sun Orgone creates a perfect combination of Super Protection against even the Most Life Threatening electromagnetic fields, like 5G.  Everything just works better, you: Sleep better. Eat better. Digest better. Much Happier. It helps Balance the body Promoting Wellbeing. 6.) Resonate at Your Natural State of Health (Schumann Resonance) The only one on the Market, the Black Sun Orgone is left in the sun which resonates it to 7.83Hz, the Schumann Resonance.  This same frequency is what the Earth pulses at and is also a similar vibration to your brainwaves in an Alpha/Theta state.  Alpha/Theta brainwaves are what create a relaxed state of restfulness.  Being in this brainwave state is when cells begin to regenerate promoting healing to the body.  We are bombarded by so much technology now a days, which interrupts our natural rhythmic connection to the earth.  Wireless electrical devices in general vibrate anywhere from 2,500,000,000Hz(4G) and 28,000,000,000Hz(5G).  In comparison to the natural vibrations of 7.83Hz, it’s no wonder that we are insanely disconnected from nature’s frequency!  7.) High Quality Guarantee (Carefully Handcrafted with Love) All our orgonite devices are made by hand, which ensures a high quality product. All Frequency Transmitters pass quality testing before shipment.  ***Ensuring that You Receive the Best Quality Product & Trust in Our Company***  8.) Most Competitive Pricing on the Market! (Pay Less, Get More) Apart from a high quality product and design, our prices are the lowest in the market of Energy Transmitters.  Our competition offer prices that begin any from $2000USD to $4000USD.  You are receiving a better deal for your dollar and an amazing product! It doesn’t get any better than this.  With Savings up to $2630USD!  ***Get The Most Powerful Tool you will ever own Right Now!*** GUARANTEED: We test every Frequency Transmitter before shipping. Our guarantee covers manufacturing defects only.  It does not cover accidents or intentional damages.
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Kostenloser subliminaler Booster: Schneller Manifestations-Hack freischalten (GERMAN)
Kostenloser subliminaler Booster: Schneller Manifestations-Hack freis... $88.00 $99.00
Träumst du von einer radikalen Veränderung? Stell dir vor, du wachst in einer neuen Realität auf, in der deine größten Träume bereits wahr sind. In Dankbarkeit für dein Vertrauen und als überzeugte Glaubende daran, dass Fülle für alle verfügbar ist, möchten wir dich zur 21-tägigen Transformationsherausforderung einladen. Dies ist nicht nur ein Geschenk, es ist dein Ticket zu einem Leben voller unbegrenzter Fülle. Mit unserem speziell gestalteten subliminalen Audio haben Kunden wie du außergewöhnliche Veränderungen in Rekordzeit manifestiert: Impressive Sales: Stell dir vor, du verkaufst endlich die Immobilie, die du seit Monaten oder sogar Jahren auf dem Markt hast, in nur drei Wochen! Finanzielle Fülle: Nutzer berichten von exponentiellen Einkommenssteigerungen, von unerwarteten Erbschaften bis hin zu Geschäften, die unmöglich schienen. Luxusanschaffungen: Ein neues Auto? Eine Traumreise? Unsere Nutzer streichen Dinge von ihren Wunschlisten schneller ab, als sie je gedacht hätten. Wie funktioniert es? Du musst nur jeden Tag das subliminale Audio anhören und seine Frequenzen wirken lassen, um dein Manifestationspotenzial freizuschalten. Diese Herausforderung ist darauf ausgelegt, dich zu unterstützen, um: Einschränkende Überzeugungen abzubauen: Zerbrich die Barrieren, die dich davon abgehalten haben, Wohlstand und Erfolg zu erreichen. Mit deinen größten Träumen in Einklang zu kommen: Stimme deine Energie auf die Frequenz deiner größten Bestrebungen ein. Garantierte Erfolgsgarantie: Wir fordern dich heraus, dieses Audio zu nutzen und die Ergebnisse selbst zu sehen. Wenn du aktiv teilnimmst und deine Erfolgsgeschichten teilst, bereite dich darauf vor, eine lebendige Inspiration für unsere Gemeinschaft zu sein. Dein Erfahrungsbericht zählt! Wir freuen uns über jeden Wunsch und Erfahrungsbericht unserer Kunden. Teile deine Erfolge, sei es ein großer Verkauf, neue Anschaffungen oder ein anderer spektakulärer Erfolg. Deine Reise wird andere motivieren und die Kraft positiver Transformation demonstrieren. Bist du bereit, dein Leben auf eine Weise zu transformieren, von der du nur geträumt hast? Nimm noch heute an der Herausforderung teil und beginne, das Leben zu leben, das du verdienst.
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Protection From EMF | Enhance Manifestation Powers | Metayantra FREQUENCY TRANSMITTER CLEY HILL - Metayantra Consciencia
Metayantra Frequency Transmitter - Tachyon Vortex - PEMF Therapy tool $1,222.00 $2,500.00
CCELERATE YOUR MANIFESTATION POWERS AND CREATE THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS!   WHAT IS A FREQUENCY TRANSMITTER?  This is not just a standard PEMF Transmiter, this STATE-OF-THE-ART harmonizes your entire home and create real-time 5G protection, it produces a 100 meters diameter (10,000 square meters) Tachyon Shield that really does transform harmful EMF while producing time-reversal pulsed tachyon vortex bioelectric-magnetic therapy. Includes 100w Amplifier, 1cm Neodymium Test Magnet, Travel Hard Case. This can also named as an orgone device that transmits electromagnetic frequencies to your brain and also to your environment.    HOW DOES IT WORK? Common electrical devices such as the radio, cell phones, and wireless devices (Walkie-Talkies, Bluetooth, and Garage Door Remotes) are electrical transmitters. The Frequency Transmitter functions in a similar way as the devices mentioned above. Harmful frequencies that are emitted from a cellphone (for example) vibrate at approximately between 800,000,000Hz-1,990,000,000Hz. A healthy human being vibrates at around 7.5Hz. Simply connect the Frequency Transmitter to a cellphone, tablet, android or computer which will transmit through the wire connection the frequency that you’re playing. You may not be able to hear it but you’ll most probably feel it. Play for at least 15-45 minutes for optimal effect, but you can always play it all day if you prefer. You will feel a difference in the change in the room you’re in and also in your brain.   174Hz Eliminates Pain. 285Hz Influences your Electromagnetic Field 396Hz Liberates your Fear and Guilt. 528Hz the Frequency Scientifically proven to Repair DNA (which assists in healing and cleansing of toxins). 741Hz Awakens your Intuition.   These are only a few examples of uses you can play and transmit on the Frequency Transmitter which can help in improving, restoring, and regaining your power over your life.   BENEFITS: 5G Protection. Harmonizes Spaces: In Meditation, it transmits a certain frequency which allows you to stay in certain meditative states. Neutralizes Negative Energies in a Room or from a Person. Stress Relief (Relaxes and Provides Tranquility) Deep Sleep and Better Quality Rest Restores Health and Wellbeing (on a Celular/Molecular Level) For Professional Healing Therapies: Emitting certain frequencies help reach injuries on a deeper cellular and molecular level. -Increases a Therapist´s Healing Modalities, with Greater Improvements on patients.          **A Super Valuable Healing Tool to add to your Healing Practice.** Program Your Subconscious Mind easily with Subliminal Messages: Slow down Premature Aging. Generate Prosperity. Increase Concentration and Focus in your Studies. Help You Focus Your Intentions and Affirmations. Assist in Sleeping and Improve Quality of Rest. Clearer Visualizations in Creating Your Dream Life. Quieting the Mind and Eliminating Fears. Etc… Tap Into Your Inner Creativity: New ideas Help Find Solutions to Problems. Reach Certain States of Mind: Beta (13Hz-40Hz): Awake, Conscious Alertness, Thinking. Alpha (7.5Hz-13Hz): Physically and Mentally Relaxed. Theta (4Hz-7.5Hz): Deep Meditative state, Dream REM state. Delta (0.5Hz-4Hz): Deep sleep (Dreamless). Assists in Astral Projecting. And So Much More!     WHAT KIND OF FREQUENCIES CAN YOU USE: Solfeggio Tones Rife Frequencies Binaural Beats Mantras General Subliminals Personalized Subliminals (CLICK HERE) Any Frequency of Your Choice. ***(Frequencies, Subliminals & Amplifier Are Sold Separately)***   IDEAL FOR: Holistic Healing Centers. Holistic & Homeopathy Practitioners. Meditation & Yoga Centers. Meditation and Yogi Practitioners. Organic Agriculture. Your Home and Sacred Spaces.   WHICH CHAKRAS DOES IT WORK ON? As the Frequency Transmitter can transmit any frequency that you decide to play it can help with all the chakras.   MATERIAL: BLACK SUN ORGONE: Iron Oxide -Mica Powder -Copper -Brass -Shungite -Gold -Nickel Amethyst -Citrine -Black Tourmaline- COIL: 100% Copper (Magnetic Coiling) RESIN   SIZE: 14 cm in Diameter Approximately 4cm-6cm in Width   FREQUENCY COVERAGE: It covers up to 50 meters in circumference.   With the help of an Amplifier, the coverage increases immensely covering up to 100 meters circumference!  For more details on the Amplifier click on the following image: Providing Peace, Tranquility, Love, Joy, Success, Wealth and Health to all Humanity.   IMAGINE ALL THE POSSIBILITIES!   WHAT DOES IT INCLUDE? Orgone Transmitter Cable with Headphone Jack Extension (0.5m/1m/2m) (Choose which one best fits your needs) List of Rife Healing Frequencies (The actual Rife Frequencies are not included-This is ONLY a List of frequencies) You can purchase RIFE Frequencies HERE     8 REASONS THAT MAKE US BETTER THAN THE REST:   1.) Accelerates Your Manifestation Power (Toroidal Field) The best things are felt through the heart. Our heart emits a super strong electromagnetic field (a toroidal field), making it more powerful energetically than any other organ in our bodies. This toroidal field is the key to everything because our whole lives are created in this field. An energetic exchange through our heart occurs when we’re in close proximity to someone or when we touch someone physically.   The Frequency Transmitter connects our whole body to this donut-shaped field of energy which is ideal for every living thing in the universe.  Being in resonance with Creation means we can more easily manifest our desires and intentions in our life!   2.) Includes Coil Protection (Encapsulation) If the coil is external (outside), this makes it more vulnerable to damage or accidents to the surface of the coil.  This can affect it from functioning optimally.   Our coils are encapsulated in resin making it not only beneficial as an orgonite but also as great protection to the coils itself.  It works in complete harmony with every element included inside the resin.   Our competitors have no encapsulation of their coils making it prone to any kind of accidental damage.   Encapsulation Benefits Check out: Piezoelectric Effect. Positive Orgone. 3.) Generates a Positive Energetic Charge (Piezoelectric Effect) When the resin of an orgonite sets in and dries it shrinks in size, this shrinking causes permanent pressure upon the crystals inside.  This creates what is known as the Piezoelectric Effect.  Piezo in Greek means push.    This pressure causes the quartz crystals inside to generate an electrical charge.     4.) Optimal Design Used (The Golden Ratio) The Golden Ratio is included in the design of this device.  The ratio is approximately 1.618 which appears in geometry, art, architecture as well as in nature.   This specific design transmits important information and creates an aesthetically pleasing appearance.  It’s design is very eye-catching, which is why only the best artists follow this design.   5.) Offers Harmonization / 5G Protection (Positive Orgone Energy) Orgone energy is similar to Prana, Chi, and Vital Life Energy.  An orgonite is created by layers of organic and inorganic materials.  The organic resin absorbs negative ambient energy from your surrounding environment.   When this energy touches the metal coiling (inorganic), it causes the energy to reflect. This reflection causes a chaotic energetic movement of attraction, expansion, and repulsion at a high level.  This chaotic energy reaches the quartz crystals which help smooth out this chaotic energy and transform it creating balance and harmony (Positive Orgone Energy).   The center of the quartz crystals produces health-enhancing biomagnetic energy.  This positive orgone energy improves all Living things.  Our unique and one-of-kind Black Sun Orgone creates a perfect combination of Super Protection against even the Most Life Threatening electromagnetic fields, like 5G.   Everything just works better, you: Sleep better. Eat better. Digest better. Much Happier. It helps Balance the body Promoting Wellbeing. 6.) Resonate at Your Natural State of Health (Schumann Resonance) The only one on the Market, the Black Sun Orgone is left in the sun which resonates it to 7.83Hz, the Schumann Resonance.   This same frequency is what the Earth pulses at and is also a similar vibration to your brainwaves in an Alpha/Theta state.  Alpha/Theta brainwaves are what create a relaxed state of restfulness.  Being in this brainwave state is when cells begin to regenerate promoting healing to the body.   We are bombarded by so much technology nowadays, which interrupts our natural rhythmic connection to the earth.  Wireless electrical devices in general vibrate anywhere from 2,500,000,000Hz(4G) and 28,000,000,000Hz(5G).  In comparison to the natural vibrations of 7.83Hz, it’s no wonder that we are insanely disconnected from nature’s frequency!   7.) High-Quality Guarantee (Carefully Handcrafted with Love) All our orgonite devices are made by hand, which ensures a high-quality product. All Frequency Transmitters pass quality testing before shipment.   ***Ensuring that You Receive the Best Quality Product & Trust in Our Company***   8.) Most Competitive Pricing on the Market! (Pay Less, Get More) Apart from a high-quality product and design, our prices are the lowest in the market of Energy Transmitters.   Our competition offers prices that begin from $2000 USD to $4000 USD.  You are receiving a better deal for your dollar and an amazing product! It doesn’t get any better than this.   With Savings up to $2630 USD!   ***Get The Most Powerful Tool you will ever own Right Now!*** 
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Personalized Subliminal and Binaural Beats Designed by Úrsula Mendoza
Personalized Subliminal and Binaural Beats Designed by Úrsula Mendoza $55.00 $99.00
🌟 Custom Subliminal Messages - Transform Your Mind While You Sleep 🌙 Discover the power of personalization with our Custom Subliminal Messages! We understand that everyone is unique, which is why we offer subliminal audios tailored perfectly to your personal goals and desires. What Will You Get? Fully Personalized: Choose your own messages and goals. Whether you're looking to boost your confidence, lose weight, or enhance your focus, our experts will design the perfect audio for you. Easy to Use: Simply play the audio while you relax or even while you sleep. Our subliminal messages are designed to be effortlessly absorbed by your subconscious. Cutting-Edge Technology: We use the latest technology in binaural sound and masking techniques to ensure that the subliminal messages are effective and safe. Guaranteed Privacy: Your privacy is our top priority. All information and personalized messages are treated with the utmost confidentiality. Key Benefits Improved Mental Wellbeing: Our customers report feeling more positive, motivated, and at peace after using our products. Lasting Results: By repeating the personalized messages, your subconscious will begin to adopt these affirmations as its own, creating lasting changes. Dedicated Support: Our support team is here to help you every step of the way. You are not alone on this journey to personal change. Real Testimonials See What Our Customers Are Saying! Visit our YouTube channel to watch real testimonials from people who have experienced incredible transformations thanks to our Custom Subliminal Messages. Why Choose Us? High Quality: Committed to excellence, all our audios are created by professionals. Verified Safety: We comply with all safety and ethical standards. Satisfaction Guaranteed: We offer a money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied. Transform your life today with Custom Subliminal Messages from Ursula Mendoza. Take the first step towards a more powerful mind and a fuller life now! 🔥🔥🔥 Once your purchase is completed, send us the intention of the audio to: 📬 ⌛️CREATE THE CHANGES YOU WANT ON YOUR LIFE NOW!⌛️ 💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟

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