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8 Fractal Vortex Star - Metayantra WorldWide 8 Fractal Vortex Star - Metayantra WorldWide
8 Fractal Vortex Star $35.00 $59.00
Restore Faith in the Harmony of Creation Everything, absolutely everything, happens for a reason, there is always a GREATER good waiting for you behind the tragedy. The roots of the eight-point star symbol are in early astronomy.The eight pointed star as a symbol marks early human understanding of the intelligent order that underlies our universe, interconnectedness, and faith in the ultimate harmony of Creation.Because a fractal means infinite compression, it is what widens the gap between the symmetries of the very small and the very large. Fractals exhibit self-similarity, that is, their inner structure has the same pattern as their outer structure - like a pine cone or a fern.In the same way that fractality describes the geometry of waves of energy or charge, fractals manifest as wave patterns that evolve to infinity - like a coded thread that links the largest spirals to the smallest ones infinitely.Contains: Tiger's Eye: It is a protective stone, It shows the correct use of power and makes us take out our integrity. Combine the energy of the Earth with the energies of the Sun to create a high vibratory state 8-Pointed Energy Star: Represents rebirth, renewal and spiritual regeneration The octagon, which is the geometric figure that we obtain from the eight-pointed Star, represents the union between the Earth and the sphere, that is, the spiritual, the sacred world and the supreme order. Biomagnetic Copper Coil: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Handmade (With lots of LOVE).
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Healing Pendant Necklace | Archangel Metatron | Metayantra Archangel Metatron 22 Vortex Gold Plated - Metayantra Consciencia
Archangel Metatron 22 Vortex Gold Plated $89.00
Connection with the Divine Spirit Metatronic Healing is the marriage of mind and heart to set the attunements and transmissions on energy bodies, clearing out what needed to be released, such as old thought-forms, imprints and stories, and allowing the space for a more refined vibration to enter. It helps in opening up to the angelic realm, raising vibration and embracing a new and powerful light in their energy fields. The magical and loving benefits of Metatron’s requencies connect you with Metatron’s divine source, where are life force and the love-power-wisdom, it connects you with a higher and deeper aspect of your own consciousness. In the most real sense, they re-forge your personal connections both with heaven and with earth.   Contains: Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit the spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify the thoughts; to improve your self-esteem progressively, power the individuality and the self-esteem, you will surpass states of depression, fears and phobias. It cleans the chakras, it elevates the self-esteem, it promotes the concentration and it revitalizes the mind amplifying the power of the thoughts and it foments the vital joy. Brass coil: Music, energy resonance and secrets are associated Copper coil: Good luck, physical-Astral connection, alignment of subtle bodies. Nickel coil: It is a lightweight metal associated with willpower and intellectual humility. 22 points star: This number is capable of expressing the evolution of man, being an old soul that has gone through the first nine vibrations of the numerical scale. The people who own it lead a life marked by great lessons of responsibility, effort and work. Gold Plated Metatron Archangel.   Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 4.3 cm.   For better results you can use this Binaural Frequency with a Metayantra resonator
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Binaural Beats for Hypnosis |Unlock Subconscious & Healing| Metayantra
Binaural Beats for Accessing Subconscious Information $11.11
💥MIRACULOUS💥🧠 ACCESSES INFORMATION FROM THE UNCONSCIOUS 🎧 💊 Astonishing Results! 🎧🔛 ContainsBinaural Frequency Ascending from 0.1Hz to 3HzDelta Binaural Frequency, induces deep sleep, lucid dreaming, increased immune functions, hypnosis; diminished awareness of the physical world.Access to unconscious information. Dominant brain frequency in children under one year of age. This Brainwave normally decreases when we focus our attention..108Hz Carrier FrequencyTotal knowledge IMPORTANT:🎧Indispensable to Use Headphones with the Binaural Tones.📍 The minimum time to listen to the audios is one hour a day (preferably when sleeping and waking up).It is recommended to listen for a minimum of 90 days, 180 days is optimal to see the strong and tangible positive effects (since in only 21 days you make a new brain synapse).How Do They Work? Learn More? How Do I Use Them?Click Here🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 are extremely POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE.⌛ GENERATE THE CHANGES YOU WANT NOW⌛.
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Binaural Beats for Anxiety & PTSD | Overcome Stress | Metayantra
Binaural Beats for Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) $11.11
💥MIRACULOUS💥🧠 Overcoming Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD)🎧 💊 Amazing 🎧🔛 ContainsBinaural Frequency Ascending from 0.2Hz to 10HzActivates Unconscious Memories of Post Traumatic Events for Assimilation, Acceptance and Understanding1052Hz Carrier FrequencyFrequency Associated with the highest point of the head brings feelings of Release, connects with your Spirit, and helps to Transcend Negative memories.IMPORTANT:🎧Indispensable to Use Headphones with the Binaural Tones.📍 The minimum time to listen to the audios is one hour a day (preferably when sleeping and waking up).It is recommended to listen for a minimum of 90 days, 180 days is optimal to see the strong and tangible positive effects (since in only 21 days you make a new brain synapse).How Do They Work? Learn More? How Do I Use Them?Click Here🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 are extremely POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE.⌛ GENERATE THE CHANGES YOU WANT NOW⌛.
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Booster Subliminal Gratuit : Débloquez un Hack de Manifestation Rapide (FRANÇAIS)
Booster Subliminal Gratuit : Débloquez un Hack de Manifestation Rapid... $88.00 $99.00
Rêvez-vous d'un changement radical ? Vous imaginez-vous vous réveiller dans une nouvelle réalité où vos plus grands rêves sont déjà réalisés ? En remerciement pour votre confiance et en tant que fervents croyants que l'abondance est accessible à tous, nous souhaitons vous inviter au Défi de Transformation de 21 Jours. Ce n'est pas seulement un cadeau, c'est votre billet pour une vie d'abondance illimitée. Grâce à notre audio subliminal spécialement conçu, des clients comme vous ont manifesté des changements extraordinaires en un temps record : Ventes Impressionnantes : Imaginez enfin vendre cette propriété que vous avez mise sur le marché depuis des mois, voire des années, en seulement trois semaines ! Abondance Financière : Les utilisateurs signalent des augmentations exponentielles de revenus, allant de l'héritage inattendu à la conclusion d'accords qui semblaient impossibles. Acquisitions de Luxe : Une nouvelle voiture ? Un voyage de rêve ? Nos utilisateurs raturent des choses sur leur liste de souhaits plus rapidement qu'ils ne l'auraient jamais imaginé. Comment ça fonctionne ? Vous devez simplement écouter l'audio subliminal chaque jour, laissant ses fréquences travailler pour déverrouiller votre potentiel de manifestation. Ce défi est conçu pour vous propulser à : Éliminer les Croyances Limitées : Brisez les barrières qui vous empêchent d'atteindre la prospérité et le succès. S'Aligner avec Vos Plus Grands Rêves : Accordez votre énergie à la fréquence de vos plus grandes aspirations. Engagement de Réussite Garantie : Nous vous mettons au défi d'utiliser cet audio et de voir les résultats par vous-même. Si vous participez activement et partagez vos histoires de succès, préparez-vous à être une inspiration vivante pour notre communauté. Votre Témoignage Compte ! Nous sommes impatients d'entendre chaque souhait et témoignage de nos clients. Partagez vos réalisations, qu'il s'agisse de grandes ventes, de nouveaux achats ou de tout autre succès spectaculaire. Votre parcours motivera les autres et démontrera le pouvoir de la transformation positive. Êtes-vous prêt à voir votre vie se transformer de manière que vous n'avez jamais rêvée ? Rejoignez le défi dès aujourd'hui et commencez à vivre la vie que vous méritez.
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-56% sale
Consciousness and Healing TOP KIT - Enhance your inner potential Consciousness and Healing TOP KIT - Enhance your inner potential
Consciousness and Healing TOP KIT - Enhance your inner potential $1,999.00 $4,480.00
This is a Special Sale of our top Products on Consciousness Developing Everything summing up a USD 4430 Value  Pay only USD 1999 Save USD 2431 - 54% OFF Take this unique opportunity    What is Included? 1 x Cley Hill Moldavite Frequency Transmitter - USD 2550 Value 1 x 300W Audio Amplifier to increase Frequencies Transmission power - USD 200 Value 1 x Patrick Flanagan Neurophone - 999 USD Value 1 x Cosmic Sensor Pendant by Patrick Flanagan 16 Vortex Quantic Resonator - USD 95 Value 1 x Chakra Massage Spheres Kit - USD 399 Value 1 x Astral Proyector Business and Life Protector Mexica Solarium (Aztec Calendar) - $99 USD Value 1 x Cosmic Sensor Space MEGA Harmonizer and Resonator 20 x 20 cms -$88 USD Value   About each Item 1. What is the Neurophone? Hear it from the voice of its creator It is a device that allows any audio information to travel through the nervous system in the form of electrical impulses and be recorded in the brain directly, bypassing the normal mechanisms of hearing. The Neurophone allows you to listen with your ancestral ears. Promoting rapid learning and allowing you to listen to music on another level of consciousness. Turns your brain into that of an Expert and Disciplined Meditator. While its gentle ultrasonic waves soothe and regenerate your tired brain. Creates coherence between the right and left hemispheres of the brain Increases your IQ Strengthening and balancing the physical energy level, simply through a permanent background noise (possibly not consciously perceived). Harmonization within oneself with a considerable impact on the aura. Harmonization between people in a closed circuit, starting with the contact of the signal transducers and the closing of the circuit by holding hands. Decrease the time needed to store knowledge and/or access it. Improvement of coordinative movement. General relaxation in case of stressful experiences. Acquisition of desired attitudes and habits of life, as well as of coordination processes in a much shorter time than without the Neurophone. Emits gentle ultrasonic waves into the brain. The ultrasonic waves relax the blood vessels in the brain and help the right and left hemispheres to have greater phase coherence. Generates deep relaxation ideal for meditation. It can give an IQ boost. Dr. Flanagan™ says this is due to increased blood flow to the brain resulting from ultrasonic relaxation of the blood vessels. A similar effect to the IQ boost can be experienced when exercising. May help improve concentration for school and work. Allows the user to listen to music and audio learning by activating an ancient ear called the saccule. This allows the user to achieve some learning while sleeping. Note that the sound is quite faint and may not be perceptible to some people. Effects and benefits will vary from user to user. 2. Metayantra Frequency Transmitter - Tachyon Vortex - PEMF Therapy tool ? This is not just a standard PEMF Transmiter, this STATE-OF-THE-ART harmonizes your entire home and create real-time 5G protection, it produces a 100 meters diameter (10,000 square meters) Tachyon Shield that really does transform harmful EMF while producing time-reversal pulsed tachyon vortex bioelectric-magnetic therapy. Includes 100w Amplifier, 1cm Neodymium Test Magnet, Travel Hard Case. This can also named as an orgone device that transmits electromagnetic frequencies to your brain and also to your environment.   HOW DOES IT WORK? Common electrical devices such as the radio, cell phones, and wireless devices (Walkie-Talkies, Bluetooth, and Garage Door Remotes) are electrical transmitters. The Frequency Transmitter functions in a similar way as the devices mentioned above. Harmful frequencies that are emitted from a cellphone (for example) vibrate at approximately between 800,000,000Hz-1,990,000,000Hz. A healthy human being vibrates at around 7.5Hz. Simply connect the Frequency Transmitter to a cellphone, tablet, android or computer which will transmit through the wire connection the frequency that you’re playing. You may not be able to hear it but you’ll most probably feel it. Play for at least 15-45 minutes for optimal effect, but you can always play it all day if you prefer. You will feel a difference in the change in the room you’re in and also in your brain.   174Hz Eliminates Pain. 285Hz Influences your Electromagnetic Field 396Hz Liberates your Fear and Guilt. 528Hz the Frequency Scientifically proven to Repair DNA (which assists in healing and cleansing of toxins). 741Hz Awakens your Intuition.   These are only a few examples of uses you can play and transmit on the Frequency Transmitter which can help in improving, restoring, and regaining your power over your life.   BENEFITS: 5G Protection. Harmonizes Spaces: In Meditation, it transmits a certain frequency which allows you to stay in certain meditative states. Neutralizes Negative Energies in a Room or from a Person. Stress Relief (Relaxes and Provides Tranquility) Deep Sleep and Better Quality Rest Restores Health and Wellbeing (on a Celular/Molecular Level) For Professional Healing Therapies: Emitting certain frequencies help reach injuries on a deeper cellular and molecular level. -Increases a Therapist´s Healing Modalities, with Greater Improvements on patients.         3.- Bluetooth 300w Power Amplifier SUPERCHARGE YOUR FREQUENCIESBOOST YOUR FREQUENCIES TO GET THE BEST RESULTS! IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS IS A COMPLEMENT FOR YOUR FREQUENCY TRANSMITTER, NOT TO BE USED ALONE 4. Metayantra's Patrick Flanagan Cosmic Sensor Elevation Medallion: Unveiling the Symphony of Body, Mind, and Spirit   Introducing the Enhanced Metayantra SENSOR Medallion - Redefining Energy Jewelry Step into a world of enhanced well-being with our upgraded version of Patrick Flanagan's renowned Sensor. Inspired by the remarkable effects of biomagnetic fields and negative ions on both the physical and etheric bodies, our double-coiled biomagnetic design takes this technology to new heights.Crafted from a laser-engraved copper plate, the Metayantra SENSOR Medallion features an innovative copper and brass energetic coil boasting 16 vortexes. These vortexes synergize to create a complex multidimensional toroid field, elegantly bundled within the very geometry of the sensor itself.Drawing inspiration from ancient Egyptian practices, where jewelry was worn for sacred energy and empowerment, Dr. Flanagan's journey to Egypt paved the way for this remarkable creation. But what exactly does the Metayantra Sensor offer? Imagine a tool that orchestrates temporal and spatial coherence in fields, constructs multifractal dimensions, and infuses harmony into its surroundings. The intricacies of its geometry, meticulously laser-engraved, give rise to the manifestation of Phi, a transcendental number that dares decimal calculation.Contained within its design is a spiral vortex in perfect golden section proportions, harmoniously coordinated with every element. The result? A coherent, holographic, and multi-dimensional vortex, far surpassing the definition of mere jewelry.This is more than just an accessory; it's a "pyramid engine" - a catalyst for your bio-energy field, akin to an intricate energy blueprint. Drawing on the wisdom of Barbara Ann Brennan and others, it's believed that our physical bodies align with this blueprint, inviting positive changes and harmony.Enter the realm of Pyramid Engine Bio-technology (PEB) - a technology that registers shifts in your bio-energy field. Our Patrick Flanagan Sensor underwent rigorous testing, revealing fascinating insights:In addition to heightened cellular energy levels, the sensor taps into deep layers of your energy system. Substantial changes within the curves indicate profound effects on both the systemic and psychological fields. The tests showcase compensatory shifts, providing support and energetic influences on local, systemic, and global levels.Embrace the future of energy-enhancing accessories with the Metayantra SENSOR Medallion. Elevate your energy, synchronize your being, and radiate positive change. Welcome to a new era of wellness. 5.-  Harmonic Energy Spheres KIT - Chakra Symphony: Elevate Your Being How to use them?A Symphony of UseExperience the gentle ballet of these spheres in your hand. A clockwise dance in the right hand and a counterclockwise twirl in the left activate your acupuncture points, soothing your body.As they caress your palms, the spheres emit a biomagnetic field, coaxing your central nervous system into harmony. Mental tensions melt, fatigue disperses, and tranquility prevails.A Ritual of HarmonyEnhance your experience with soft music and essential oil fragrances. The synergy of spheres and motion synchronizes cerebral hemispheres, invoking serenity.For Reiki practitioners, the spheres keep your central chakra active during energy channeling. Use them to tend to contracted muscles or perform cranial massages.A Master's InsightA contemporary master shares: "This technique isn't just about self-care—it's about collective well-being. It's an open journey of sensation and discovery, driven by intuition and respect."Handcrafted with LoveEach sphere is a labor of love—handmade to infuse your journey with wellness.Diameter: 5.5 cmElevate your energy therapies with the Chakra Spheres—a symphony of healing, transformation, and love. 6. Aztec Calendar Astral Projector (Sun Stone) - Unleash Cosmic Harmony: Elevate your energy 🌌🔮 🔍 We care about details: Every centimeter counts in this masterpiece of sacred geometry. Our precision laser-engraved copper projector, with 0.001mm accuracy, offers a truly unique and powerful experience. 📐✨ 🪶 Amplify Your Energy: Imagine being able to holographically imprint energy directly into your environment. With our engraved copper piece, you can bring this vision to life. 🌌✨ 🌟 Key Features: 5D geometry within our 3D reality 🌐🔷 Polymer coating for perfect resonance 💎🌀 Acts as a projecting lens, infusing every holographic corner with energy 📽️🎆 💡 Unique Benefits: This design isn't just an artwork; it's also a shield against radical changes and a catalyst for new projects! And if you're celebrating your 52nd year, this projector becomes the perfect gift, aligning with the natural 52-year cycle of our existence. 🎁🌈 Don't miss the chance to elevate your space and energy with our Sacred Geometry Astral Projector! 🌌🔮  Bring sacred geometry to new heights and experience energy transformation today! ✨🚀 7. Cosmic Sensor Space MEGA Harmonizer and Resonator 20 x 20 cms Elevate your space into a harmonious energy oasis with our 20cm Sacred Geometry Astral Projector! 🔮🌟 Size 20cms X 20cms   🔍 We care about details: Every centimeter counts in this masterpiece of sacred geometry. Our precision laser-engraved copper projector, with 0.001mm accuracy, offers a truly unique and powerful experience. 📐✨ 🪶 Amplify Your Energy: Imagine being able to holographically imprint energy directly into your environment. With our engraved copper piece, you can bring this vision to life. 🌌✨ 🌟 Key Features: 5D geometry within our 3D reality 🌐🔷 Polymer coating for perfect resonance 💎🌀 Acts as a projecting lens, infusing every holographic corner with energy 📽️🎆 💡 Unique Benefits: This design isn't just an artwork; it's also a shield against radical changes and a catalyst for new projects! And if you're celebrating your 52nd year, this projector becomes the perfect gift, aligning with the natural 52-year cycle of our existence. 🎁🌈 Don't miss the chance to elevate your space and energy with our Sacred Geometry Astral Projector! 🌌🔮  Bring sacred geometry to new heights and experience energy transformation today! ✨🚀
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Energy Booster Pendant Auric Spiral Healer
Energy Booster Pendant Auric Spiral Healer $111.00 $222.00
   Creates a Harmonious Reality and Promotes Connection with The Universe and Divine Energy This necklace is a tool to promote harmony and balance in the body and mind. This device, composed of resin, metals, and quartz, balances electromagnetic energy and promotes healing. Quartz has been used for centuries in meditation and healing practices due to its healing properties and its ability to amplify energy.The golden ratio is a mathematical proportion that has been found in nature, art, and architecture. It is known as the divine proportion, the golden ratio, or the golden section. The golden ratio can be found in many forms in nature, such as in the arrangement of leaves on a plant, in the shape of a shell, in the spiral of a snail, among others. It is also found in many works of art and architecture, such as in the construction of the pyramid at Giza. The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two previous numbers. This sequence begins with 0 and 1, and continues with 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, etc. The number 8 is present in this sequence, in resonance with the Universe and Creation. The 8-pointed star was constructed using the golden ratio and the golden ratio spiral and can be used in meditation practices and expansion of consciousness. . In general, the golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence have been associated with beauty, harmony and perfection in nature and art, and have been used in spiritual practices and alternative therapies to promote healing, meditation and expansion of consciousness.   Contains: Biomagnetic Copper Coil: It is used in alternative therapies to balance the body's electromagnetic fields and promote healing. It generates a magnetic field that can restore balance to the body's magnetic fields and promote the circulation of vital energy. It is associated with divine connection and has been used in spiritual practices to amplify energy and promote connection with the universe. Golden Ratio Quantum Resonance Plate: It is used in alternative therapies to balance the body and mind. It promotes harmony and balance in the body and mind. The quantum resonance plate is constructed using this ratio and is used to balance the body's energy and promote healing. Divine Auric Rose of 8 Tips (petals): It is used in spiritual practices to foster connection with the universe and divine energy. The 8 petals of the rose represent harmony and balance in nature and are used in spiritual practices to promote harmony and balance in the body and mind. Moldavite: Moldavite is a transparent green stone that was formed over 15 million years ago when a meteorite struck the Earth. Due to its extraterrestrial origin, Moldavite has mystical and esoteric properties and is used in spiritual practices to foster connection with the universe and expansion of consciousness. Moldavite amplifies energy and encourages manifestation and materialization. Due to its rarity and high cost, Moldavite is considered a valuable stone in the world of alternative therapies and spirituality.Tibetans venerated this stone by placing it on their heads and attributed a celestial origin to it. One of the most interesting examples is Egypt, where Moldavite has been found in the Great Pyramids and tombs. The connections between the Egyptians and the constellations Orion and Syrian are well known. This stone is related to the energy of fire and was also known as the "Stone of Ra". It is also linked to the Philosopher's Stone, Shantimani and the Shamballah. It is rumored that Muhammad brought 3 pieces and placed them in Mecca. King Solomon possessed some, and it is also said to be present in the Excalibur Sword. We can find its name in Sanskrit: "Agni mani" which means "pearl of fire". It has also been known as "The Emerald fallen from Heaven", so it is speculated that ancient civilizations such as the Atlanteans already used it, and that the Emerald Tablets of Hermes (Thot) were actually from Moldavite. Other legends say that the Holy Chalice or Holy Grail was not made of gold, but was formed from a green gem that fell from Lucifer's crown when he descended from heaven to hell, driven by the force of a blow from the sword of the Archangel Michael. The Moldavite represents the angelic power that Lucifer possessed before falling into disgrace due to his ambitions. This also confirms, that the Moldavite cannot be used for purposes other than light.The purpose of the Moldavite is the "Transformation of Consciousness for the New Humanity".
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Free Subliminal Booster: Unlock Fast Manifestation Hack
Free Subliminal Booster: Unlock Fast Manifestation Hack $88.00 $99.00
Do you dream of a radical change? Do you imagine waking up in a new reality where your biggest dreams are already true? In gratitude for trusting us and as firm believers that abundance is available to all, we want to invite you to the 21 Day Transformation Challenge. This is not just a gift, it's your ticket to a life of limitless abundance. With our subliminal audio specially designed, clients just like you have manifested extraordinary changes in record time: Impressive Sales: Imagine finally selling that property you've had on the market for months, or even years, in just three weeks! Financial Abundance: Users report exponential increases in income, from receiving unexpected inheritances to closing deals that seemed impossible. Luxury Acquisitions: A new car? A dream trip? Our users are crossing things off their wish lists faster than they ever imagined. How does it work? You just need to listen to the subliminal audio every day, letting its frequencies work to unlock your manifestation potential. This challenge is designed to propel you to: Eliminate Limiting Beliefs: Break down the barriers that have kept you from achieving prosperity and success. Align with Your Greatest Dreams: Tune your energy to the frequency of your greatest aspirations. Guaranteed Success Commitment: We challenge you to use this audio and see the results for yourself. If you actively participate and share your success stories, be prepared to be a living inspiration to our community. Your Testimonial Matters! We are excited to hear every wish and testimonial from our clients. Share your accomplishments, whether they are big sales, new purchases, or any other spectacular success. Your journey will motivate others and demonstrate the power of positive transformation. Are you ready to see your life transform in ways you've only dreamed of? Join the challenge today and start living the life you deserve.
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Kostenloser subliminaler Booster: Schneller Manifestations-Hack freischalten (GERMAN)
Kostenloser subliminaler Booster: Schneller Manifestations-Hack freis... $88.00 $99.00
Träumst du von einer radikalen Veränderung? Stell dir vor, du wachst in einer neuen Realität auf, in der deine größten Träume bereits wahr sind. In Dankbarkeit für dein Vertrauen und als überzeugte Glaubende daran, dass Fülle für alle verfügbar ist, möchten wir dich zur 21-tägigen Transformationsherausforderung einladen. Dies ist nicht nur ein Geschenk, es ist dein Ticket zu einem Leben voller unbegrenzter Fülle. Mit unserem speziell gestalteten subliminalen Audio haben Kunden wie du außergewöhnliche Veränderungen in Rekordzeit manifestiert: Impressive Sales: Stell dir vor, du verkaufst endlich die Immobilie, die du seit Monaten oder sogar Jahren auf dem Markt hast, in nur drei Wochen! Finanzielle Fülle: Nutzer berichten von exponentiellen Einkommenssteigerungen, von unerwarteten Erbschaften bis hin zu Geschäften, die unmöglich schienen. Luxusanschaffungen: Ein neues Auto? Eine Traumreise? Unsere Nutzer streichen Dinge von ihren Wunschlisten schneller ab, als sie je gedacht hätten. Wie funktioniert es? Du musst nur jeden Tag das subliminale Audio anhören und seine Frequenzen wirken lassen, um dein Manifestationspotenzial freizuschalten. Diese Herausforderung ist darauf ausgelegt, dich zu unterstützen, um: Einschränkende Überzeugungen abzubauen: Zerbrich die Barrieren, die dich davon abgehalten haben, Wohlstand und Erfolg zu erreichen. Mit deinen größten Träumen in Einklang zu kommen: Stimme deine Energie auf die Frequenz deiner größten Bestrebungen ein. Garantierte Erfolgsgarantie: Wir fordern dich heraus, dieses Audio zu nutzen und die Ergebnisse selbst zu sehen. Wenn du aktiv teilnimmst und deine Erfolgsgeschichten teilst, bereite dich darauf vor, eine lebendige Inspiration für unsere Gemeinschaft zu sein. Dein Erfahrungsbericht zählt! Wir freuen uns über jeden Wunsch und Erfahrungsbericht unserer Kunden. Teile deine Erfolge, sei es ein großer Verkauf, neue Anschaffungen oder ein anderer spektakulärer Erfolg. Deine Reise wird andere motivieren und die Kraft positiver Transformation demonstrieren. Bist du bereit, dein Leben auf eine Weise zu transformieren, von der du nur geträumt hast? Nimm noch heute an der Herausforderung teil und beginne, das Leben zu leben, das du verdienst.
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Quantum Resonator Necklace | 7th Chakra Sahasrara | Metayantra Sahasrara 7th Chakra Quantic Resonator - Metayantra Consciencia
Metayantra Quantum Resonator Necklace 7th Chakra Sahasrara for spirit... $88.00
Brain and Auric field Development of higher Consciousness Connect with the divine through the Metayantra Quantum Resonator Necklace, featuring white quartz, copper, and sacred geometry. This necklace is perfect for spiritual seekers, yoga practitioners, and alternative medicine enthusiasts. Its focus on the 7th Chakra Sahasrara helps to develop higher consciousness, dissolve the individual consciousness with universal consciousness, and purifying energies. It also includes a Quantum Resonance Plate, brass wire, copper wire, nickel wire, and three energetic stars of 12 points. Handmade with love, this necklace is ideal for those trying sacred plants like salvia divinorum or ayahuasca. Its name in Sanskrit is Sahasrara chakra, meaning "thousands of facets", referring to the infinite nature of this force that opens us to the divine. Its symbol is a thousand-petalled lotus that symbolizes spirituality and that comes from the that produced when it opens. It is located in the center of the top of the head and opens upward. Is no coincidence that there are images of Buddha, Christ, or Saints with a light emanating from their head, because this light represents spiritual openness. The element of the Sahasrara chakra is thought and is related to the higher functions of the mind. Our consciousness dissolves with the universal consciousness.When it has not yet been developed, the individual feels that his life is not full at all, that there is something that does not let him feel plenary. Anguish seizes with some periodicity and individual energies do not flow correctly. Contains: White Quartz: It helps us to purify our energies, which means that it can undo old patterns of more dense or negative energy that may be in us. Therefore, this crystal is very suitable for cleansing meditations. Quantum Resonance Plate with sacred geometry. Brass Wire: Music, energy resonance and secrets are associated Copper Wire: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Nickel Wire: It is a light metal associated with willpower and intellectual humility. 3 Energetic Stars of 12 Points: (Reflection of Belen) is the one that represents the time lived in harmony. Therefore it is one of the most complete stars, since it attracts abundance, favors spiritual well-being, attracts love and strengthens health. Size: 4.3 cm   Handmade (With lot of LOVE).
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-67% sale
Crystal For Spiritual Awakening | Moldavite Pyramid | Metayantra Pirámide con Moldavita para la Conexión con Planos Superiores – Activa tu ADN y Expande tu Conciencia - Metayantra México
Moldavite Pyramid: Activate Your Cosmic DNA and Ascend to Higher Dime... $333.00 $999.00
🌟 Activate Your Cosmic DNA: Moldavite Pyramid for Connection and Ascension 🌟 This Moldavite Pyramid is far more than just an energetic tool—it's a multidimensional bridge designed to help you connect with your higher self, activate your psychic abilities, and expand your consciousness. Created in harmony with both cosmic and earthly energies, its power is aligned with sacred geometry and crop circle formations like the Cley Hill Crop Circle of 2017, encoding fractal light formulas for spiritual activation and expansion. Moldavite: A Stone of Extraterrestrial Origin Moldavite is a tectite, a rare stone formed from the fusion of Earth and space energies when a meteorite impacted the planet over 15 million years ago. This cosmic fusion has given Moldavite unique properties that make it a perfect channel for spiritual evolution. For centuries, Moldavite has been used to connect with the higher self and unlock elevated psychic and spiritual abilities. Key Properties of Moldavite: Psychic Protection Shield: Moldavite creates an energetic field that allows only positive, light-filled energies to enter while blocking negative influences. Connection with the Higher Self: This stone acts as a catalyst to activate higher capacities, enabling direct communication with spiritual guides. Stone of the Starseeds: Moldavite is said to have a particularly powerful effect on those whose souls originate beyond Earth, here to assist humanity’s ascension into higher dimensions. Metayantra Quantum Resonator and the Power of the Hexagon Metayantra’s Quantum Resonator doesn’t just incorporate Moldavite—it’s also designed on the foundation of the hexagon, a key shape in the Flower of Life and the geometric structure that upholds all existence. This design resonates deeply with the energy of Archangel Metatron, the guardian of cosmic wisdom and sacred geometry. Through this connection with Metatron, the pyramid provides an energetic shield that not only protects you from negative influences but also opens the channels to communicate with higher intelligences and your own internal guides. Crop Circle Influence and the Active Merkabah The design of this pyramid is also inspired by a crop circle formation, embedding an active Merkabah field. The Merkabah, a light body formed by two interlocking tetrahedrons, is a spiritual vehicle that allows for dimensional travel and ascension. By activating this light field, the pyramid helps you resonate with your higher self, enhancing mental and emotional well-being. Electromagnetic Copper Vortex As with all Metayantra devices, this pyramid features a copper electromagnetic coil that generates an energy vortex. This vortex functions as a dimensional gateway, filtering out negative energies and ensuring that only positive, uplifting forces enter your auric field. The energetic flow not only balances your aura but also connects you with higher dimensions, enabling the integration of cosmic knowledge into your everyday life. Conclusion: Elevate Your Energy and Ascend The Moldavite Pyramid for Higher Dimensional Connection is a sacred tool designed to raise your vibration, activate both your cosmic and physical DNA, and support your spiritual ascension. With its powerful blend of sacred geometry, electromagnetic vortices, and the ancient energy of Moldavite, this pyramid is your guide to new realms of consciousness and personal evolution. Connect with your higher self, release old limiting beliefs, and expand your awareness into new frontiers with this unique creation from Metayantra. Unlock the secrets of the universe, awaken your true potential, and ascend to new heights!
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Namgyalma Mantra Necklace | Purify Karma | Metayantra Namgyalma Mantra Necklace: Purify Karma and Protect Against Disasters
Namgyalma Mantra Necklace: Purify Karma and Protect Against Disasters $111.00 $199.00
Ready to Free Yourself from Past Karmas and Avoid the Disasters Coming Your Way? Discover the Power of the Most Potent Mantra. Approximate diameter: 5.5 cm. The Namgyalma mantra, precisely laser-engraved on this powerful necklace, is one of the most ancient and revered mantras in Tibetan Buddhism. For centuries, this mantra has been celebrated for its unique ability to purify negative karma, prolong life, and liberate sentient beings from the lower realms, including animals and those burdened with extreme negative karma. According to Buddhist scriptures, Namgyalma is a female bodhisattva of infinite compassion and protection, often depicted with three faces and eight arms, each representing the elimination of disasters, longevity, and the defeat of demons. This necklace, with an approximate diameter of 5.5 cm, is not just a spiritual accessory but a quantum resonator charged with the power of the Namgyalma mantra. Wearing this mantra is believed to be equivalent to being wrapped in a shield of blessings, purification, and divine protection. The mantra not only protects you but also purifies every being that comes into contact with the necklace, freeing them from lower-realm rebirths and protecting them from misfortune and disease. Benefits of the Namgyalma Mantra: Purification of negative karma: The mantra releases accumulated karma and facilitates entry into higher realms after death. Life extension: It shields against illnesses and mortal dangers, extending the lifespan of the wearer. Total protection: Anyone or any being who comes into contact with the necklace will experience karma purification. Spiritual liberation: It assists those near death or recently deceased in avoiding reincarnation in the lower realms, ensuring a peaceful transition to the next life. Blessing of spaces: Hanging the mantra in your home or even in a vehicle purifies the environment, freeing everyone near it from negative karma. This powerful mantra has proven, according to Buddhist teachings, that even insects, animals, and beings with extremely negative karma are freed from the lower realms upon contact with its energy. Legend has it that any being who hears this mantra will never again be reborn in realms of suffering. Imagine carrying this protection with you daily, always ready to free you and shield you from the invisible disasters that may loom! Features of the Namgyalma Necklace: Quantum Resonator Plate with Namgyalma Mantra: Amplifies the mantra’s vibration and energy, allowing the necklace’s purifying power to transcend the physical. Citrine: A powerful crystal that boosts self-esteem, transmutes negative energy, and enhances vital joy. It never requires cleaning, making it an excellent energetic protector for your surroundings. Copper Biomagnetic Coil: A conductor of energy that enhances spiritual vibrations and the protective energies of the mantra. 21-Point Energy Star: Symbolizes the power of transformation in your life, helping you manifest new beginnings and positive changes. This necklace is more than just a piece of jewelry; it’s a profound spiritual transformation tool. Place it in your home, wear it, or use it during meditation to connect with Namgyalma’s protective blessings and avoid the disasters that negative karma may bring. To fully harness its power, you can recite the mantra or listen to it in the following video
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Personalized Subliminal and Binaural Beats Designed by Úrsula Mendoza
Personalized Subliminal and Binaural Beats Designed by Úrsula Mendoza $55.00 $99.00
🌟 Custom Subliminal Messages - Transform Your Mind While You Sleep 🌙 Discover the power of personalization with our Custom Subliminal Messages! We understand that everyone is unique, which is why we offer subliminal audios tailored perfectly to your personal goals and desires. What Will You Get? Fully Personalized: Choose your own messages and goals. Whether you're looking to boost your confidence, lose weight, or enhance your focus, our experts will design the perfect audio for you. Easy to Use: Simply play the audio while you relax or even while you sleep. Our subliminal messages are designed to be effortlessly absorbed by your subconscious. Cutting-Edge Technology: We use the latest technology in binaural sound and masking techniques to ensure that the subliminal messages are effective and safe. Guaranteed Privacy: Your privacy is our top priority. All information and personalized messages are treated with the utmost confidentiality. Key Benefits Improved Mental Wellbeing: Our customers report feeling more positive, motivated, and at peace after using our products. Lasting Results: By repeating the personalized messages, your subconscious will begin to adopt these affirmations as its own, creating lasting changes. Dedicated Support: Our support team is here to help you every step of the way. You are not alone on this journey to personal change. Real Testimonials See What Our Customers Are Saying! Visit our YouTube channel to watch real testimonials from people who have experienced incredible transformations thanks to our Custom Subliminal Messages. Why Choose Us? High Quality: Committed to excellence, all our audios are created by professionals. Verified Safety: We comply with all safety and ethical standards. Satisfaction Guaranteed: We offer a money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied. Transform your life today with Custom Subliminal Messages from Ursula Mendoza. Take the first step towards a more powerful mind and a fuller life now! 🔥🔥🔥 Once your purchase is completed, send us the intention of the audio to: 📬 ⌛️CREATE THE CHANGES YOU WANT ON YOUR LIFE NOW!⌛️ 💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟
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Oracle For Protection | Projective Oracle + Necklace | Metayantra Presale: Projective Oracle + Supraconscious Channeling Necklace by Miguel García
Presale: Projective Oracle + Supraconscious Channeling Necklace by Mi... $199.00 $245.00
Official Launch: February 23, 2025 Get ready for a deep journey into the expansion of your consciousness with the Projective Oracle, a tool designed to unlock your mind's full potential and transform your life experience. This oracle is not a divination tarot; it is a gateway to understanding your superconscious through the subconscious, offering you the keys to reframe past events and empower yourself with a new perspective of freedom. What Makes This Oracle Unique? Not a Traditional Tarot: The Projective Oracle is based on years of deep study of the mind, emotions, and consciousness. It blends neuroscience with advanced spiritual experiences, including the use of sacred plants such as Salvia Divinorum and Ayahuasca—powerful tools that guide you to a higher understanding of your mind and vibration. The Universe Is Mental: Throughout your experience with this oracle, you'll learn to see how everything around you is a manifestation of your consciousness. Nothing is outside of you; your reality is a direct reflection of your vibration. This oracle helps you reprogram your subconscious and align your vibration with your true purpose. A Guide to Freedom and Responsibility: The oracle’s focus is to free your mind from imposed limitations and take responsibility for your experiences. There is nothing stagnant or negative—only experiences to reframe so you can take control of your destiny. Superconscious Channeling Necklace: This set includes an exclusive necklace, a powerful channeling tool that strengthens your connection with the superconscious during readings. This necklace will not be sold separately and is unique to this edition of the oracle. It amplifies your ability to understand and decode energies, enabling clearer and more precise readings. Experience Transformation: This oracle invites you to explore your true self, discover how your subconscious is linked to your physical reality, and, through taking responsibility and reframing your past, transcend any situation you are facing. The Projective Oracle is designed to help you connect with your deepest freedom and fullest expression of power. Free Trial on YouTube: To experience the power of this oracle before its release, I invite you to follow my free readings on YouTube. There, you'll see how liberating and transformative this tool can be, and how it can help you redesign your life with clarity and purpose. Now Available for Pre-Sale: This is a limited-edition product. If you’re seeking a path toward a conscious, free life connected to your superconscious, this is the oracle you’ve been waiting for. Reserve your Projective Oracle along with the superconscious channeling necklace before the official launch. Launch Date: February 23, 2025. Start your journey today and prepare to discover your true potential.
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-40% sale
Unleash Your Inner Power: 3-Month Mental Reprogramming Program with Personalized Subliminals.
Unleash Your Inner Power: 3-Month Mental Reprogramming Program with P... $532.80 $888.00
Unlock Your True Potential: 3-Month Mental Reprogramming with Personalized Subliminals Transform your life today! Discover how you can effectively and discreetly program your mind through our selection of powerful subliminals. Subliminal Messages are an incredibly effective tool that can influence your mind in a profound and positive way.Imagine the impact this technology has had even on trained soldiers, making them surrender without a fight. Now think about what it can do for you, helping you create a winning mindset and achieve your goals.Here are some advantages of our mind programming program:🔮 You can use it at any time of the day, adapting it to your routine.🔮 The subliminals are virtually inaudible, allowing you to listen to them for long periods without getting bored or overwhelmed.🔮 You can use it anywhere, even at home to benefit your family.🔮 Take it with you everywhere and use it to positively influence other people.Most importantly, you don't need to believe in this technology for it to work. You just need to use it, and in a few weeks, you will start seeing amazing results in your life.It's time to reprogram yourself! As perfect and complete beings, you have the power to train your brain to achieve and accomplish all your goals.Here are some tips to get the most out of the program:📍 Dedicate at least one hour a day to listen to the audios, preferably when you go to sleep and when you wake up.📍 It is recommended to listen to the subliminals for a minimum of 90 days, but the optimum is 180 days to experience strong and tangible positive effects.📍 Listen to one or two subliminals every day, with a maximum of 3 different themes, to avoid saturating your mind. Remember not to listen to subliminals while driving.📍 Stay well hydrated during the times you listen to subliminals.Our personalized mind programming program allows you to harness the power of your subconscious to transform your beliefs and, consequently, your decisions, behaviors and reality. As Dr. Bruce Lipton stated, "beliefs can manipulate genes and DNA".For personalized mental reprogramming, contact us at in mind the following:🛑‼️ IMPORTANT NOTE ‼️🛑 During the first few days of listening to subliminals, you may experience the effects of brain reprogramming and neurostimulation. Neuroplasticity will be in full action and you might experience slight headaches, dizziness, nausea or tinnitus. Don't worry, this is completely normal and similar to the aches and pains after working out at the gym. Go ahead and don't be intimidated by these temporary effects. Open the doors to abundance and fulfillment. Turn your dreams into reality and start your journey of mental transformation today!OUR CHANNELS
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Vishnu Deity Channeler Vishnu Deity Channeler - Metayantra Consciencia
Vishnu Deity Channeler $77.00
Promotes Perseverance and Goodness Vaisnavism's main deity. Is considered as the most important figure of the "Trimurti" the divine triad. According to Padma Puraná, this god is the main figure of the divine trine, creator and destroyer of the universe, he is also known as the god of a thousand names. Contains: Brass Wire: Music, resonance and secrets are associated Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; progressively improve your self-esteem, enhance individuality and self-esteem, you will overcome states of depression, media and phobias. It incorporates the power of the Sun, never needs cleaning, absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and leads to earth the harmful energy, excellent protector of the environment. It cleanses the chakras, increases self-esteem, enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind, amplifying the power of thoughts and promoting vital joy. 12-Pointed Star: is the one that represents the time lived in harmony. Therefore it is one of the most complete stars, since it attracts abundance, favors spiritual well-being, attracts love and strengthens health.   Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 4.3 cm.
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✨ New Orgonite Necklace with Gold Triskel ✨ for Balance and Protection : New Generation Energy. ✨ New Orgonite Necklace with Gold Triskel ✨ for Balance and Protection : New Generation Energy.
✨ New Orgonite Necklace with Gold Triskel ✨ for Balance and Protectio... $99.99 $280.00
Energetic Balance and Personal Protection Discover the Hidden Power of the Triskel: The Metayantra Orgonite Necklace This orgonite necklace by Metayantra is an energetic device designed to balance, heal and protect the wearer. Composed of a combination of metals and crystals, the orgonite necklace generates a healing biomagnetic field, promoting physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Benefits of Owning an Orgonite Necklace The orgonite necklace helps neutralize negative energies, improve vitality, increase mental clarity and protect against harmful environmental influences. It is ideal for those seeking to maintain a constant energetic balance and strengthen their spiritual connection. Meaning and Properties of the Triskel Symbol The triskel, also known as a triskel, is a Celtic symbol composed of three spirals that meet at a central point. It represents eternal evolution and the balance between body, mind and spirit. This ancient symbol also symbolizes the connection of past, present and future, reflecting the interconnectedness of all things and the cyclical nature of time. In Celtic culture, the triskel was considered a powerful amulet with healing properties. It was used to heal wounds, relieve fevers and as protection against negative energies. In addition, this symbol promoted love and self-knowledge, helping its wearers to achieve a harmonious balance in all aspects of their lives. Description of the Elements Contained Geometric Stars: 36-pointed star: Spiritual significance: It represents perfection and completeness, symbolizing the unity of the cosmos and universal balance. Numerology: The number 36 is associated with creativity, divine inspiration and connection to the spiritual. 24-pointed star: Spiritual significance: Symbolizes harmony, balance and integrity. It is a symbol of cooperation and peace. Numerology: The number 24 is related to responsibility, stability and diplomacy. 12-pointed star: Spiritual significance: It represents wholeness and integrity, reflecting the 12 signs of the zodiac and the 12 months of the year. Numerology: The number 12 symbolizes perfection, completeness and the cycle of life. Wires: Hand-built biomagnetic coil: The wires are not touched to generate a healing biomagnetic toroidal field. Brass Wire: Amplifies energy and protects against negative influences. Copper Wire: Known for its conductive and healing properties, it brings emotional balance and protection. Nickel Wire: Neutralizes negative energies and promotes stability and protection. Metals: Gold: Brings prosperity, success and an elevated spiritual connection. Steel: Offers strength, durability and protection against negative energies. Brass Powder: Improves energy and offers additional protection. Crystals: Malachite: Promotes emotional and physical healing and protects against negativity. Iron Oxide: Provides strength, stability and protection. Mica Powder: Facilitates intuition and psychic vision, improves mental clarity. Triskel Medal: Made in gold plate on nickel, it symbolizes the eternal evolution and balance between body, mind and spirit, amplifying the properties of the necklace and offering protection and healing.

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