🔮 How can I harness the energy of the vernal equinox?

🌞 What is the spiritual meaning of the Spring Equinox? It has an intense spiritual energy that improves the energetic vibrations of people.
🔮 How can I harness the energy of the vernal equinox?

Take advantage of the Energy of the Equinox and Spring! Program a New Reality, Start the Cycle on the Right Foot!

🌍 What is the Spring Equinox?

It is the moment when the sun crosses the plane of the equator towards the corresponding hemisphere, causing day and night to have the same duration.


🌞 What is the spiritual meaning of the Spring Equinox?

It has an intense spiritual energy that improves the energetic vibrations of people and aligns them with the spiritual world. It is also a time for various spiritual rituals and practices.

💀 Why is the Spring Equinox considered the time of the dead?

Because of the equal duration of day and night, this day is seen as the only day of the year when the dead walk among the living.
Protector contra Magia Negra Kalachakra Oro 14k Cristales Protectores Ship Coil - Metayantra México

🔮 How can you take advantage of the energy of the Spring Equinox?

Allow the energy of the equinox to bring you peace and emotional balance. Keep moving forward and growing, accept the duality of light and darkness within you, open your heart to spiritual connection, embrace the renewed energy of spring, prepare for change, and allow the equinox to be a day of emotional healing.
Crop Circle Con Malaquita y Amatista - Metayantra México
Receive these powerful and positive messages that can be a great source of inspiration and motivation for all of us on this special day of the Spring Equinox. Each of them invites us to reflect on important aspects of our life and to connect with the energy of change and personal growth that this day offers us. By applying these messages in our lives, we can transform into wiser, stronger, and happier individuals.
  • 🌸🌺🌼Take advantage of the Energy: The energy of the Spring Equinox balances our emotions."Allow the energy of the Spring Equinox to bring you peace and emotional balance."

Vector de Equilibrio Dorado con Shungite - Metayantra México

  • 🚶‍♂️🏃‍♀️ You are not Stuck: The Equinox is a signal of progress and advancement in life. "Do not stop, keep moving forward and growing with the energy of the Spring Equinox."

Sensor Cósmico del Dr Patrick Flanagan CON MOLDAVITA - Metayantra México


  • 😔😊 There is a Struggle within You: The Equinox invites us to observe our shadow and conflicting emotions."Accept the duality of light and darkness within you, and allow the energy of the Spring Equinox to help you reconcile with yourself."

 ENVÍO INMEDIATO Dispositivo de Luz sobre Oscuridad Espiral Triple, Wind Mill Hill Crop Circle Resonador Cuántico - Metayantra México


  • 🙏💫 Spiritual Connection: The spirit of a lost loved one can communicate with us on this day. "Open your heart and pay attention to the signs, there may be an important message for you from the lost loved one on the Spring Equinox."

Dispositivo OM para la Conexión con la Fuente y los Planos Superiores - Metayantra México


  • 🌱🌿🌳 Renewal: The arrival of spring means that we are entering a new stage of our life. "Embrace the renewed energy of spring and allow yourself to explore new experiences and opportunities in this new stage of your life."

Dispositivo de iluminación del renacimiento - Metayantra México


  • 🌅🌄 Prepare for Change: Change is inevitable and we must be prepared for it. "Accept and embrace change with the energy of the Spring Equinox, because only then can you grow and evolve."

Calendario Azteca o Solario Mexica Ciclo de 52 años - Metayantra México


  • 💆‍♀️💆‍♂️ It's Time to Heal: The Equinox is a day of emotional healing and release from the past. "Leave the past behind and allow yourself to heal with the energy of the Spring Equinox."

Sanador Metatron con Cobalto - Metayantra México


  • .🌻🌞Reap what you have sown: The equinox marks the arrival of the harvest, which means we will see the positive results of our previous work."Prepare to receive the blessings and positive results of your previous work with the energy of the spring equinox."

Semilla de la Vida Tegdown Hill Crop Circle Vortex - Metayantra México


  • 🌾💰 Plant what you want to harvest: Spring is a season of planting and harvesting, and we must pay the cost to obtain the desired results. "Focus on your work and you will reap the fruits of your efforts with the energy of the spring equinox."

 Pirámide Mantra Tara Blanca Longevidad y Protección - Metayantra México


Now you will be ready to welcome spring!

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