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Add Moldavite inside your Device - Metayantra WorldWide
Add Moldavite inside your Device $60.00
Add a piece of the most powerful crystal on the world inside your Device MOLDAVITE ISN'T SOLD SEPARATEDLY It is very important that you indicate us to wich pendant or device this Moldavite will be added, in other case we would be adding it randomly to any device you have purchased   Throughout history and even prehistory, Moldavite has been considered a spiritual talisman, has been used in jewelry and crowns of European royalty for hundreds of years. Tibetans venerated this stone placing it over their heads and attributed to it a heavenly origin. One of the most interesting examples is Egypt, where Moldavite has been found in the Great Pyramids and tombs. The connections between the Egyptians and the constellations Orion and Sirius are well known. This stone is related to the energy of fire and was also known as the "Stone of Ra". It is also linked to the Philosopher's Stone, Shantimani and Shambala. It is rumored that Muhammad brought 3 pieces and placed them in Mecca. King Solomon had some, and is also said it was present at the Excalibur Sword. We can find its name in Sanskrit: "Agni mani" meaning "pearl of fire." It has also been known as "The Emerald fallen from Heaven ", so it is speculated that ancient civilizations such as Atlantis already used it, and the Emerald Tablets of Hermes (Thoth) were actually Moldavite. Other legends say the Chalice Sacred or Holy Grail was not gold, but was made up of a green gem that fell from Lucifer's crown when he descended from heaven to hell, driven by the force of a blow of the sword of the Archangel Michael. Moldavite represents the angelic power that Lucifer had before falling into disfavor because of his ambitions. This also confirms that the Moldavite can not be used for purposes other than light. The purpose of the Moldavite is the "Transformation of Consciousness for the New Humanity". The most important period for this Planetary and the Human Being Ascension is between 2012 and 2021, so its effectiveness and value will be felt significantly in this period. Whoever possesses this gem, will be provided with the process of awakening and expansion of consciousness in order to assume the vibrational changes that are occurring in this area. The fears will dissolve and we will begin to handle new paradigms of life. Moldavite belongs to Storm element, which represents a profound transformation, cleaning and change at all levels and Moldavite completely fits that reputation. Besides using Moldavite in meditation and dream work, it can be used in jewelry. Wear it all day keeps its energies in our vibrational field and a number of beneficial power in our daily lives synchronicities. Moldavite also offers an energy of spiritual protection. When you are in resonance with its high frequency vibration, negative energies or entities can not connect or engage our field. Moldavite is used to facilitate the interdimensional communication, it connects you with the divine source and your essence of being. It is a catalyst that accelerates the processes of connection and reconnectionraises the levels of consciousness and their effects on the lives of each one of us should not be underestimated. Moldavite is one of the most important tools we have received to prepare ourselves for the transformational changes that are taking place towards a new humanity. 
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Stainless steel chain - Metayantra Consciencia Stainless steel chain - Metayantra Consciencia
Stainless steel chain from $8.88
Brand new Stainless steel chain to complete your order. 60 cms large
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18K Gold Plated Snake Chain 24 inches - Metayantra WorldWide 18K Gold Plated Snake Chain 24 inches - Metayantra Consciencia
18K Gold Plated Snake Chain 24 inches $33.00
Elevate Your Style: 18K Gold Plated Snake Chain – 24 Inches of Luxury Brand new 18K Gold Plated Snake Chain 24 inches long x 3mm (0.12 in) wide to complete your order.
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Add Black Sun Orgone Mix to your Metayantra Pranic Device.
Add Black Sun Orgone Mix to your Metayantra Pranic Device. $44.00
  Choose this option so that your device is made with Black Sun Orgone. It is important that you tell us which device you are acquiring that mix will be added to, otherwise, it will be added randomly. Our Black Sun orgone blend is a blend of crushed copper, steel, brass, and bronze, along with black iron oxide, black sand containing bionized gold, and a wide variety of clear quartz, rose, citrine, and amethyst among others. crushed very fine. In addition, we add finely crushed shungite to complete the mix, left in the sun with the Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 Hz.
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-45% sale
Healing Copper Bracelet Healing Copper Bracelet - Metayantra Consciencia
Healing Copper Bracelet $44.00 $80.00
Give the gift of health with this bracelet. By wearing it you'll be helping yourself and looking fashionable. Easy to believe it's not just a jewelry item. Fashionable Healing Copper Bracelet with 2 amethysts on the ends.Copper is given the properties of activating blood circulation and relieving pain by its electromagnetic effect.Amethyst Quartz provides protection, tranquility. It is a Quartz that transmutes the negative to positive, purifies the environment and increases our vibrations. It is excellent for meditation.Adjustable.Diameter: 6 cm approximately.Copper contains several vitamins and minerals, some of them are: A, B, C, D, E, K, Thiamine, Magnesium, Sodium, Calcium, Potassium.When copper comes in contact with our body, it sometimes leaves a green mark on the skin. This is because our body is absorbing the vitamins and minerals.WARRANTY:We check performance quality before shipping to make sure you are receiving the best product. We guarantee your purchase against any manufacturing defect.We do not cover damage caused by accidents.Handling time is approximately 1 week, shipping time will depend on the chosen method and may take 10-30 business days depending on customs and airport traffic.
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925 silver chain Snake Type - Metayantra WorldWide 925 silver chain Snake Type - Metayantra WorldWide
925 silver chain Snake Type $69.33
925 silver snake chain 55 cm long (21.65 in) x 0.7 mm wide (0.02 in) Taxco Silver Jewelry Taxco's silver jewelry is the greatest tradition of one of the most picturesque towns in Mexico. Silver jewelry makes Taxco a world renowned center for artisans, manufacturers and wholesalers of jewelry.
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Add a shard of Libyan Crystal to your device
Add a shard of Libyan Crystal to your device $59.99
Choose this option to add a Libyan Crystal fragment to your device. LIBYAN CRYSTAL ISN'T SOLD SEPARATEDLY Highly protective and beneficial crystals for strengthening the will. Beautiful golden yellow color, recognized as a powerful manifestation tool. Its name is related to where they are found in the Libyan desert in particular, in a region of the Great Erg or sand sea. This yellow glass has been dated by scientists and is said to be more than 28 million years old, it was discovered in 1930. It is very pure, rich in silica, and many stones contain particles of sand dunes inside, some pieces are also reported to contain iridium. Since the beginning of this century numerous researchers have staked their bets on the hypothesis that these 30 million year old crystals were formed by the impact of a large meteorite.The healing properties of Libyan Desert Glass relate to its effectiveness in all the lower chakras, where its golden light is known to be highly effective.Although it has a strong resonance within the solar plexus chakra, this stones energy is potent within all chakras.It enhances or enhances creativity and can stimulate those with the gift of clairvoyance to have stronger gifts. They have metaphysical properties to aid in the manifestation of abundance and prosperity. It instills a sense of happiness, joy and love of life.On a physical level it treats stomach problems, including irritable bowel syndrome.  
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Handcrafted Mexican Copal Wands for Spiritual Healing | Metayantra Magik Intented Mexican Handcrafted Copal Wands - Metayantra WorldWide
Magic Intended Mexican Handcrafted Copal Wands $44.00
Guide for your soul, Elevate your prayers to the divine realm. Mediator between heaven and earth, matter and spirit.Bond of union of the human being with the creative energy. Content: 10 Incense Sticks   Copal is the Mexican incense par excellence and is full of medicinal and spiritual properties. It is an aromatic resin of peculiar odor, produced by trees belonging to the genus Burseraceae, endemic to Mexico and considered by our ancestors as "sacred".It is burned to cure the "airs" and in energetic cleansings.The copal tree is called copalquáhuitl, the odorous resin copalli, which means incense. It is highly valued for its therapeutic properties and religious use. It is also known as iztacteteo which means "white god". Medicinal properties of copal• Relieve headaches.- Linked to fertility and water.- Relief of respiratory diseases.- Stress relief- general analgesic- helps in the treatment of bone pains- uterine discomfort- toothache- stomach ailments- burns- Used in temazcales to alleviate various diseases or illnesses.- It has analgesic, expectorant, antispasmodic and disinfectant potentials.- When rubbed it gives relief to bone pains.- As an infusion, when aspirated, it relieves respiratory diseases and colds.- Rubbed firmly on the head, it relieves migraine.- Smeared on scorpion bites, burns, and skin fungus helps cure them.- Relieves stomach and toothaches- Cures strangulation of the uterus- Poultices are applied on fractures.- It is used for the elaboration of oils in aromatherapy for its relaxing effect.- As incense, it helps inner peace, improves mood, and increases concentration, inspiration, and relaxation. However, its main use is as a purifier and as medicine for spiritual illnesses, which, according to the indigenous cosmovision, can manifest themselves in physical illnesses. HWe have received from our pre-Hispanic ancestors a very important legacy that lasts until today, the use of "Copal". The smoke of the copal represents the: mediator between heaven and earth, between matter and spirit, between the living and the dead, the bond of union of the human being with the father-mother creator, the element that transports prayers to the divine realm, is the function of the copal.Copal grows in warm and dry regions, such as the Alto Balsas of Guerrero and the Mixteca of Oaxaca and Puebla; entire families of copal growers migrate to the mountains at harvest time to select the trees suitable for harvesting. Other Important RitualsFestivities of the twentiesThe festivals held in each of the twenty of the Mesoamerican solar calendar are dedicated to the gods of rain, war and everything created. The aquatic gods are worshipped: Tlaloc, the tlaloque (water gods), Chicomecóatl, Chalchiuhtlicue, in certain rituals of the agricultural almanac with precious offerings of sacrifices, copal, rubber, paper, food, drink, prayers, songs and dances.Colonial offerings in the hillsThe findings of remains of copal, flowers, candles and cotton threads and small cloths on the tops of the hills, in piles of stone (teolocholli) and in the springs, show the places of worship, where offerings were made to the divinity, for long life, maintenance and children.Other colonial rituals: hunting, fishing, and extraction of natural resources.For successful hunting, hunters used copal to smoke their work tools and cast incantations.In the region of Oaxaca, it is said that the day of the god of the dead was propitious to hunt deer; then they smoked with copal the head and nostrils of the prey or put a piece of copal in its snout and on the mountain they offered candles, copal, and turkey to the god of death, thus assuring the deer hunt in the following days.Likewise, fishermen and people from the neighborhoods gathered candles and copal, and before starting their activity, they used copal to smoke the Lady of the River for the good success of their work.Colonial healing ritualsAccording to Nahua thought, health affections (spiritual and some physical illnesses) derived from the anger of the gods of the clouds (angels), mountains, rivers, fire, earth, or winds.Social and civil eventsAny episode of the development of life in society (birth, marriage, death) was celebrated with rituals, offering of copal, and other materials to the deities.Purchase your Copal WandsRitualized and Intentionalized through ancestral techniques for your best energetic performance. You can use it to Meditation:Light a copal wand, You will prevent lack of concentration, and the contamination of foreign energies to your inner work allowing your soul a deeper introspection. Therapies:If you are a therapist burn a copal wand every 3 days to neutralize and clean residual energies of therapies performed that are suspended in the environment, morbid energies. If you give therapies with your patients lying down, light it before your session so that the copal cleanses and harmonizes the energies. In Your Home:If you wish to use them to cleanse your home of harmful energies burn some copal before going to sleep to facilitate your rest. Light a wand whenever you feel the environment is energetically charged.. Work Space:Copal cleanses the environment so that you can build everything you desire without blockages. You should leave a wand of copal every 3 days in the center of your workplace, to cleanse the energetic structure of it. Study;For students it is advisable to leave a wand burning while studying, as it will facilitate concentration.Finally, if you have an altar, it is advisable to use it on it.
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Add Elite Shungite Powder C60 to your Metayantra Pranic Device - Metayantra WorldWide Add Elite Shungite Powder C60 to your Metayantra Pranic Device - Metayantra WorldWide
Add Elite Shungite Powder C60 to your Metayantra Pranic Device $39.99
Pure Karelian Elite Shungite Powder C60 Fullerene Choose this option to include a layer of Elite Shungite powder in your MPD. It is important that you let us know which device is to include Shungite; otherwise, we will have to add it randomly. Please note that by adding the powder, the entire device will be darkened, so the view of some models may be affected.   What is Shungite? Is a rare black stone made of up to 99 percent carbon, it contains fullerenes, 3-D spherical molecules made of 60 carbon atoms  which are hollow Shungite also contains many micro and macrominerals. Some of these are quartz, mica, albite, pyrite, and nearly all the minerals on the periodic table. Is thought to be at least 2 billion years old.  Electromagnetic Artificial Radiation is linked to an increasing number of health problems including brain and heart tumors, DNA breakage, headaches, chronic fatigue, autoimmune conditions, and more. Whether you feel them or not, EMFs are modifying our DNA, and it’s getting even worse with 5G. Due to its unique molecular structure, shungite transmutes EMFs into a form that’s more biologically compatible with our bodies.   What are fullerenes? It is a globular hollow molecule consisting of several dozens of carbon atoms. The fullerene molecule cuts diamond as oil, slows down the growth of cancer cells, and can slow down the activity of viruses. Shungite water is known for its antioxidant effects. Fullerenes have the ability to reduce the concentration of free radicals as no other antioxidant can. Thanks to its soccer-ball shape, a molecule of natural fullerene attracts free radicals that end up stuck to it,Fullerenes are able to carry unstable atoms inside themselves. These could be useful as contrast agents for testing, as in magnetic resonance imaging and X-ray imaging.Fullerenes also have antiviral activity. You may hear one day that shungite fullerenes are helping to combat HIV and other viral diseases.Fullerenes may also be used to make chemotherapy drugs for cancer treatment.   Where is Shungite found? There is only one Shungite source in the world. It is the Zazhoginsky Shungite deposits in the western Republic of Karelia, near the eastern border of Finland. Where did it come from? The origin of shungite is a mystery. Some theories of shungite’s origins include: A large meteorite collided with Earth and deposited shungite into the ground Shungite was formed due to microorganisms in nearby water The composition of organic matter in sedimentary rocks changed over time Although scientists are unsure of how shungite was formed or where it came from, they attribute the stone’s potential benefits to its fullerene content.   What is Shungite good for?  SHUNGITE IS USED FOR: Water purification and water infusion with healing energies Enhancement of growth in vegetation and livestock EMF, microwave, and nuclear shielding materials Healing a variety of diseases Creation of healing rooms by Russian Military Medical clinics To balance the energy body that is the blueprint for the physical body promoting physical, emotional, and mental health Charging bath water & swimming pools and a Shungite pendant provides individual protection & balance against all types of EMF & microwave fields.  Shungite Proven chemical results of shungite and shungite water: Reduction of ions of heavy metals – manganese, iron, zinc etc; Fluorine; Ethanol and alcohol derivatives; Nitrites; Nitrates; Ammonia; Biological effects of shungite and shungite water: Anti-inflammatory; Antioxidant; Improving metabolism; Reduces oxidative stress       Traditionally, water infused with shungite has been used for: allergies sore throats asthma gastric issues arthritis kidney problems liver problems gallbladder issues autoimmune disease pancreatic dysfunction chronic fatigue  Shields electromagnetic field (EMF) emissions Shungite has the ability to shield you from EMF emissions. An old 2003 study by trusted Source, reports shungite protected rats against electromagnetic irradiation. How to determine if you have real Shungite Shungite will allow an electric signal to travel through it. Only Shungite from the Zazhoginsky deposits in the Russian Republic of Karelia with 35-60% carbon has this attribute. Two sources of so-called Shungite from Kazakhstan and Ukraine mines but they will not conduct an electric current because they have only 5% fullerenes. We test ALL our Shungite & guarantee it is authentic. How to Test Shungite for Authenticity Using a Multimeter (VIDEO)  
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Add Mixed Cobalt and Nano-Metal Particles to your device - Metayantra WorldWide Add Mixed Cobalt and Nano-Metal Particles to your device - Metayantra WorldWide
Add Mixed Cobalt and Nano-Metal Particles to your device $29.99
Choose this option to have your device made with Cobalt and Bronze and Brass Nano Particles.. It is important that you tell us which device you are acquiring that mix will be added to, otherwise, it will be added randomly. This special Blend has had excellent results in healing and cellular restoration processes, as well as for Personal evolution on a Physical and Spiritual Level. Please note that by adding the blend, the entire device will turn blue, so the view of some models may be affected.The blend contains the following elements:Cobalt Powder: Creates a cobalt-60 resistance effect, was used extensively in external beam radiotherapy machines, which produced a beam of rays that was directed into the patient's body to kill tumor tissue. Cobalt therapy was a revolutionary breakthrough in radiotherapy. Bronze Powder: Energy of the Projective Sun and is related to fire. It is used to attract money or healing. Protective properties are attributed to the pieces of jewelry made of bronze, to return the negative energy to the originator. It is closely related to the sound, so they are typical Tibetan bowls and bells, whose sound is cleansing. Brass powder: good electrical conductivity, 0.158 MegaSiemens/cm at 20ºC. It is associated with music, energetic resonance and secrets. This mixture of nanoparticles has demonstrated effects at the electromagnetic level, which increase the resonance power of any device as well as amplifying its coverage. Take advantage of this opportunity to amplify the power and reach of your device.
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Quetzalcoatl 925 Silver Bracelet - Metayantra WorldWide Quetzalcoatl 925 Silver Bracelet - Metayantra WorldWide
Quetzalcoatl 925 Silver Bracelet $399.00
Quetzalcoatl 925 silver bracelet 20 cm long (0.39 in) x 1 cm wide (0.39 in) Also known as "The Feathered Serpent", Quetzalcoatl was one of the most important gods of Mesoamerican cultures. A mixture of bird and snake, whose name is a combination of the Nahuatl words "quetzal" meaning emerald feathered bird, and "coatl" meaning snake.   Taxco Silver Jewelry   Taxco silver jewelry is the greatest tradition of one of Mexico's most picturesque towns. Silver jewelry makes Taxco a world-renowned center for artisans, manufacturers and wholesalers of jewelry.
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-51% sale
925 silver chain Torzal Italian type - Metayantra WorldWide 925 silver chain Torzal Italian type - Metayantra WorldWide
925 silver chain Torzal Italian type $99.99 $199.99
925 silver chain Torzal Italian type 70 cm long (27.55 in) x 3 mm wide (0.12 in) Taxco Silver Jewelry Taxco's silver jewelry is the greatest tradition of one of the most picturesque towns in Mexico. Silver jewelry makes Taxco a world renowned center for artisans, manufacturers and wholesalers of jewelry.
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Metayantra Gift Certificate
Metayantra Gift Certificate from $29.99 $150.00
Let your loved one choose the Intention of your gift. Give this Gift Balance to buy on our Web Site Redeem your Gift Card to purchase any of the hundreds of products available at Accepted only at You can redeem the balance of the Gift Card to pay for any available product or service. Card available for use immediately upon activation. Gift Cards are not subject to exchange or return. Gift Cards can be used only for the purchase of products or services on and are valid worldwide, for shipments to any country. There are no service charges. The Gift Card balance is valid for 5 years from the time of activation.
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Onix Pyramid - Metayantra Consciencia Onix Pyramid - Metayantra Consciencia
Onix Pyramid $77.77
Onyx favors Meditation, Concentration and our powers of analysis Onyx pyramid from Tecali de Herrera, Puebla, Mexico. 14.5 cm high, base 6cm x 6 cm100% Mexican Onyx, from the renowned Tecali Puebla area.Tecali, founded in the 12th century by Nahuatl and Chichimeca indigenous groups. The name Tecali has a Nahuatl origin, derived from the words tétl and calli that mean stone and house, that is to say that it is translated as "House of Stones". It is located in the center of the state of Puebla, 36 km from the capital of Puebla. On the way to Tecali there is a detour to visit Africam Safari, a worldwide example for protecting wildlife and endangered species. -Tecali is known for the quality of its onyx work. In fact, the Altar of the Kings of the Cathedral of Puebla and the pulpit of the Church of Soledad de Puebla were carved with alabaster from this site.In the 12th century it was inhabited by groups from Totimehuacán and Cuautinchán and served as a religious and political center.Among the tourist attractions is the former Convent of Santiago de Tecali, located in front of the main square and under the protection of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH).With the conquest of Mexico, Tecali pays tribute to Tepeyacac with onyx stone, an ancestrally valuable material. Appearing in the registration of tributes to Moctezuma with the name of Tecalco which means "the house of stone". Tourist attractions: Historical monuments:There is the ex-convent of Tecali from the XVI century located in front of the main square as a religious monument; also the ex-convent of Santiago Apostle from the XVIII century.Festivities:The religious feast of Santiago Apostle is celebrated from July 22 to 25, Analco fair, August 25 anniversary of Heroic Deed, June 13 San Antonio de Padua.Music:Wind band. Handicrafts:Marble is artistically carved, standing out worldwide for its cquality in handicrafts made of onyx.Gastronomy:Typical of the region in food is mole poblano, chilate largo, tlanipa tamales, pork carnitas, barbacoa, handmade corn tortillas cooked in clay comal and frijoles de olla.Tourist centers:The main tourist attraction of the place is the Franciscan ex-convent, built in the XVI century, in it you can admire one of the most beautiful religious ruins for its great color and originality. This architectural ensemble has the most beautiful Renaissance style façades. One of its main attractions is the interior of the ex-convent itself; this is due to the fact that it is almost completely uncovered, leaving in view what centuries ago was the temple of prayer of that locality. Since it has no concrete floor, the greenish colors stand out and its naves are delimited by two rows of seven tall Tuscan columns, which support the most beautiful semicircular arches of flat molding. Another attraction of Tecali de Herrera is the Temple of Santiago Apostle, its construction date dates from the eighteenth century. It has an atrial patio whose wall of inverted arches are shown with thick reliefs. The choral window is crowned with a broken pediment and a shield finely carved in quarry stone. There are also oculi, niches, pinnacles and roleado finials. The bell tower is composed of three bodies with arched openings, Solomonic columns, smooth pilasters and a cupola and lantern finial.At 20 minutes from the head of the town there is a river and natural beauties suitable for a day in the country, the Saturdays of glory is when more people concentrate to enjoy this place.The onyx stone, also known as onyx, is a semiprecious stone of volcanic origin that is also very important in esotericism, for its multiple benefits and powers.This calcareous rock is composed of multiple bands that can vary in texture and color, from white to almost any color except some shades of blue and purple. The most common are onyx stones in white, red, yellow but mostly black. If the bands of the calcareous rock are parallel to each other, the stone is called onyx. If the bands are disordered, it is called agate, which is another stone with multiple esoteric uses.The onyx will absorb as in a black hole any negative energy that is within us or that comes to us from outside, in the form of attacks of negativity, bad vibes or in moments that cause us stress, pain or physical and mental confusion.It is good to use an onyx once a week to cleanse our aura and it is also recommended when we know we are going to meet negative people or situations; also when we visit hospitals or funeral homes, where the energy is heavy and the atmosphere is one of sorrow and sadness.It is also said that some onyx object or amulet in our house helps to purify the energy. After the visit of negative people at home, you can put an onyx in the corners or where that person was and the stone will clean the energy of the place.When we carry an onyx, especially black onyx, with us, as in a jewel, it is important to emphasize that it has great powers of protection and self-control, and it is said to create a balance with emotion and passion, while regulating negative feelings and stress in general. Onyx also has a peculiar vibratory power. Onyx favors meditation, concentration and our powers of analysis. Also, when meditating and even for sleeping, it may provide visions and guidance through meditation and dreams, to advise us on what to change in our lives.It is also very important to communicate to you that an onyx must be constantly cleaned. It is recommended that every time you use it, wash it with running water and let it recharge.  WARRANTY:We check performance quality before shipping to make sure you are receiving the best product. We guarantee your purchase against any manufacturing defect.We do not cover damage caused by accidents.Handling time is approximately 1 week, shipping time will depend on the chosen method and may take 10-30 business days depending on customs and airport traffic.
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Personalized Programming with your Intention - Metayantra WorldWide
Personalized Programming with your Intention $55.55
I program your Intention in your Device 💥My Intention Force at your Service💥😃.Choose this option to personally program your device with your Intention, whatever it is.It is important that you purchase a New Device to Program it and tell us which device you want to add this Intention to, otherwise it will be added randomly.   The Power of Intention: The Force of Intention If you imagine squeezing a lemon in your mouth, your mouth will start to salivate, this means that your brain does not differentiate between what you imagine and what is real, likewise, neuroscientists have shown that the brain is ahead of time. So imagining, thinking, or saying something enough Imagination, will cause your brain to prepare your body for the experience it is about to live. The basis of our being, and our experience is the Nervous system which operates with Electrical Pulses that create a Biomagnetic field around our body (aura).   Everything is Energy, in fact, Matter is only a manifestation of Energy.Thought is also Energy interacting with All, in this and all Dimensions and Universes.All Thought materializes in this Multiverse. So why can't we sometimes materialize what we want? Remember that we live in a Multiverse, and MultiDimensional, in another Universe there is another You that is experiencing another life completely different from yours, and in this same physical space, thousands of experiences in different dimensions can be happening, therefore if intention is not correctly aligned, or tuned with your experience and what you are, it will dissipate to another dimension or to another Universe, that is, it will be lived by another YOU, or another Dimensional being. What is the Solution? As we go through this experience we learn more and more and become more in tune with who we are, what we vibrate with. If you surround yourself with people who like your success, your happiness and fulfillment, the frequency and vibration around you is in tune with this intention, and therefore is more likely to manifest for you in this Universe. YOUR vibration, Energy and Frequency of Thought and Being must be completely in tune with your Experience, and aligned with any new Intention, otherwise it will require more energy.  What's the point of programming a Device for me? The power is in each one of us, there are no Gurus, no superior beings, we are all Gods, so it is not that I have a power that you do not have. However, when you program your device, 2 phenomena happen that will help you to live the experiences you desire. Quantum Entanglement: When two electrons interact with each other, they are bound together no matter how far apart they are. Our devices to contain a coil have a constant flow of electrons, however, quartz has the ability to absorb and contain some of them and keep them within the same molecular structure for many years, so my thought at the time of programming the device will be intertwined with your intention for a long time, regardless of the distance, that is, in short, if I do well, you will do well too... Vibrational Reinforcement: The quartz containing my intention, will vibrate according to the form that I gave to this idea, to this thought, when it reaches you, it will join your intention, which being the same, will have another idea aligned with this thought, so in the end, will be 2 strong frequencies vibrating with high energy aligned to your Purpose, it will be stronger than the intention of only 1. Thought Impression in Tune: My intention and Thought will align with yours, my only focus at the time of programming your device will be that your Intention manifests in a harmonious and expeditious manner. This vibration is stored in your device in a vibrational signature regulated by the quartz and maintained by the coil, your entire environment will begin to vibrate in tune with your intention, and mine as well. It is like surrounding yourself with people who want your situation to be the way you want it to be, it will give strength to your intention, added to mine. Give yourself the opportunity to turn your reality around with our support, trust and gratitude. Miguel García I found my Mission helping you to be healthy. I believe that our mind can be modified to modify and improve our life experience in every aspect, experimenting and using my knowledge as an Electronics Engineer, has led me to understand that our mind operates Electromagnetically, just like the devices we manufacture.Since I was a child, the only medicine I knew was alternative medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, diamagnetism, etc. I realized the power of ancestral knowledge, this wisdom covers many more topics, like the one I want to share with you today.    
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925 sterling silver chain Cartier Slim Type - Metayantra WorldWide 925 sterling silver chain Cartier Slim Type - Metayantra WorldWide
925 sterling silver chain Cartier Slim Type $99.99
925 sterling silver chain Cartier Slim Type 65 cm long (25.59 in) x 0.7 mm wide (0.02 in) Taxco Silver Jewelry Taxco's silver jewelry is the greatest tradition of one of the most picturesque towns in Mexico. Silver jewelry makes Taxco a world renowned center for artisans, manufacturers and wholesalers of jewelry.
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Add an Amethyst fragment to your device Add an Amethyst fragment to your device
Add an Amethyst fragment to your device $8.88
Choose this option to add a Libyan Crystal fragment to your device. NOT SOLD SEPARATELY Amethyst quartz helps balance the energy in your home.It is a hexagonal crystal of silicon oxide. It is a purple variety of quartz one of the most prized quartz for its color and properties. Protection crystal. Associated with power and wealth. protects people from excesses helps the mind to maintain tranquility. Excellent companion for meditation. Improve concentration, understanding Opens the intuition. Reduces stress and negative feelings such as anger. Can be used to balance energy in the bedroom, living room, study or library.
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Tibetan Bell for Energetic Cleansing and Meditation - Metayantra WorldWide Tibetan Bell for Energetic Cleansing and Meditation - Metayantra WorldWide
Tibetan Bell for Energetic Cleansing and Meditation $77.77
Magic Weapon of Protection Tibetan Bell of Protection in the 3 Realms The Tibetan Bell is a tool used for thousands of years by Tibetan monks and composed like the bowls by the alloy of seven metals.It is a magical weapon of esoteric Buddhism and has a special function.It has been used for a long time, to protect the Dharma. It can calm the Sanctuary and represent the God Vajra.The bell can stop disasters, love, increase profits, underdue, etc.It symbolizes victory over the three realms. It also symbolizes the most important senses: three rooms, three poisons, three realms, three seasons and the tip of the flame in the center of the three veins symbolizes the inner fire of wisdom that penetrates from the middle vein. In religious ceremonies of Buddhist character, the Dalai Lama or Buddhist master holds in his right hand this Dorje and in his left hand the Tibetan Bell thus creating the "duality of being." Representing the feminine principle as the 'perfection of wisdom', it is always accompanied by its partner, the Dorje, the masculine or compassion.   WHEN TO USE IT? Before starting prayer and concentration to attract positive energies during your meditations.To harmonize and balance the Yin and Yang energies of your spaces before your daily work.On your work equipment: laptop, phones and computers.   HOW TO USE IT? Passing an incense over the Bell drawing three times the figure of infinity or eight.With the wooden stick, gently tapping and sliding the wooden stick along the outer edge of the Bell in one direction only. You will obtain a continuous vibration, which you will pass through the whole space. You can do it every day, preferably with the energy of the Sun, avoid using it at night.   WHERE TO HAVE IT? The Tibetan Bell can be placed on your altar, sacred table or prayer corner. Preferably outside the room and to the NORTHWEST of your living room, dining room or study, as the energy of this space is metal. You can accompany it with other sacred symbols. This instrument is personal so avoid lending it or having children play with it. Ringing or "singing" a Tibetan bell in a room transmits energetic tonalities that purify and harmonize it, giving a sense of peace and harmony. The size of the bell is not determinant, use it with intention. Create a space of balance, harmony and peace!

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